anti scab nov9aLiberals table anti-scab labour legislation, fulfilling a key NDP demand


While the federal government is tabling new labor legislation today as we’ve been discussing the bill would ban employers from bringing in replacement workers during a strike in federally regulated workplaces among other things this legislation is a key NDP demand in their deal to support the minority liberals the cbc’s Janice McGregor is

Ottawa for us with more on this okay tell us more about what this bill is designed to do it was remarkable earlier uh today as this was introduced in the House of Commons and then people came out in the foyer to talk about it not just uh the minister but also the leader

Of the NDP and a number of very senior uh members of Canada’s uh labor movement uh the very biggest of The Bigs actually uh alongside a lot of MPS all out to sort of take credit for the way that working together they said they were able to come up with legislation that

Significantly uh increases uh the power of workers at the bargaining table um in the face of threats by employers uh to replace them uh and thereby undermine uh their negotiating power uh this legislation is going to uh apply to uh workplaces under Federal jurisdiction ferally regulated Industries so we’re

Talking here Financial Services banking telecoms uh interesting because there are a number of uh strikes lockouts happening in that right now Rogers video TR for example have workers who are out right now uh also the transportation sector if you look at kind of recent uh disputes uh with Railways with Airlines

Um the key kind of disruptions to supply chains that we have seen um this all becomes very important for the economic stability of this country labor Minister Sheamus oan has been working hard to try to get deals at the negotiating table that he says will last that that is a

Better approach than legislating away uh these labor disputes and he said this bill he’s now introducing and this ban on replacement workers there scabs is another important part of of giving uh some economic certainty and stability uh for the days ahead I’m copying and pasting every labor dispute and tweeting out focus on

The table focus on the table there’s a reason for that it’s where the deals get done and I need them focusing on that I don’t need them focusing on hiring people to appear on TV shows to tell me to get ahead with Right to Work leg Back To Work

Legislation at that I think I proved in BC I’m I’m not going to listen to that you’re all paid good money to sit around that table and find a deal and if you find a deal it will last so you know this is about the stability and certainty that comes with not being

Distracted by anything other than finding a solution at the table these new rules will take effect uh 18 months after the bill receives Royal Ascent now there is some suggestion that there might be some amendments coming so it’s ly how long it’ll take for this bill to

Become law I is is an open question and we’ll see how the Parliamentary process goes I should also say though not everyone uh Keen to see this uh happen uh the Canadian Federation of Independent Business already out with a release uh saying that they believe this is going to prolong the duration

Increase the frequency of strikes they said provincial jurisdictions that have similar rules in place for uh workplaces under their jurisdiction Quebec and BC have experienced more strikes than other jurisdictions it puts too much hands in the power of large unions they say and they say that this is something Liberals

Are doing for political reasons not because it’s necessary uh so we will see uh as the day goes on uh what the opposition says uh about that and now Janice the NDP of course have been asking for this type of legislation for years you know you you can’t help but

Think hm confidence and Supply agreement why is it happening now exactly I as you say uh when they put to paper their conditions for continuing to support the Liberals in this minority Parliament this was very important for new Democrats now liberals put this in their election campaign platform it’s not that

They weren’t looking uh to do this of course they do have allies in the labor movement as well and I think a testament of that was the way that labor leaders were Keen to stand alongside not just new Democrats but liberals today really playing kind of both sides of the

Progressive Spectrum nevertheless NDP leader Doug meet Singh I really suggest that the Liberals were not prepared to do this until the NDP put pressure on them here’s jug me Singh I want to make thing one thing really clear the Liberals would never have done this they would have never tabled this legislation

But for the fact that new Democrats and labor together fought to make this happen one thing to watch though because the conservatives too have been trying to increase their appeal for unionized blue color workers especially trying to work on relationship with private sector unions uh how are conservatives going to

To play this uh everybody is kind of fighting to be the champion of the populous working man right now uh that is kind of where the action is in terms of Canadian electoral politics I so this bill uh you know smart policy reasons to do this economically uh but also a Keen

Eye on on the partisan entrance to play as as well for this Janice that is the cbc’s Janice McGregor reporting for us in Ottawa

The federal government is tabling the long-anticipated anti-scab legislation on Thursday, fulfilling a key demand from the NDP. Bill C-58 would ban employers from using replacement workers to perform the work of unionized employees who are on strike or locked out of their jobs.

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  1. What's with the titles? C'mon… Kinda looked like gibberish at first, wtf CBC? You're better than this, I hope? Don't you review sh*t before putting it live? It's pretty basic.. Ya know?


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