Jewish man dies after altercation at pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian protests in California


Police in California are investigating the death of a Jewish man after he attended dueling pro-israel and pro Palestine protests 69-year-old Paul Kessler was involved in an altercation on Sunday with counter protesters in Thousand Oaks just north of Los Angeles police say Kesler fell backwards and hit

His head on the ground he was rushed to hospital he died on Monday journalist Steve fman is tracking that story for us he’s in Thousand Oaks just outside of Los Angeles Steve police held a news conference earlier today what did they say Well they’re urging calm and obviously this

Is shaken up this entire Community this is a a relatively upscale area residential area outside of Los Angeles they’re they’re pretty much shocked by all this let me step aside as I can show you this Memorial this makeshift Memorial that has been set up you can see some flowers candles some Israeli

Flags people have put a star of David a Jewish star of David on the sidewalk here but again the big question is what happened how did it happen the sheriff spoke with members of the media earlier today we are committed to investigating this matter to the fullest and finding

Out what exactly occurred we’re working tirelessly to gather all the facts and evidence related to this incident and we will do everything in our power using every resource we have at our disposal to make sense of this incident and if criminal wrongdoing is discovered to bring the person or persons responsible to Justice

And the gentleman who’s the suspect a 50-year-old man who they are not identifying except to say he was part of the pro Palestinian demonstrators he has been Cooperative with authorities in fact we were told that he was one of those who placed a 911 emergency call after the incident took place police are

Asking people to to give them any security video or video that they’ve taken with their phone there was some video taken at this service station from the security camera here but it doesn’t show the actual incident so police still say they don’t know what happened except that Kesler fell backwards hit his head

And now is unfortunately dead so they they need more witnesses obviously where does the investigation go from here well they want to talk to anyone who was at the demonstration they say they’ve gotten conflicting views from different people I’m sure different sides have different views about what happened they

Want to know if there was anything physical that led to him falling backwards was he hit in the face was there something that led to him falling backwards he maybe just lose some balance and there could be a variety of charges brought again no charges have been brought they’re only calling the

50-year-old man a suspect right now but eventual charges could range from assault to a hate crime to some involuntary murder charge but right now authorities are are stepping back they’re urging calm they say they want to find out exactly what happened and again we should point out that the

50-year-old suspect is cooperating with authorities right now thanks steeve journalist Steve yeah journalist Steve fman in Thousand Oaks California

Police in California are investigating the death of Paul Kessler, a 69-year-old Jewish man who died following an altercation during pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli demonstrations in Thousand Oaks, Calif., on Sunday.

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