Abortion rights shaping US politics ahead of 2024 presidential election


[Applause] conservative Kentucky reelected a Democrat as Governor a choice not to move to the right or to the left but to move forward for every single family Republican dominated Ohio voted overwhelmingly to protect abortion access and in Virginia where the Republican governor campaigned on an abortion ban the legislature flipped for

Democrats this was a big night for Democrats they could hardly have done better it’s abortion it’s abortion rights the Republicans have taken the unpopular side of the abortion rights controversy it’s the second election in a row where the issue dominated the voters said look the government should

Not be telling a woman what to do with her body one year out from the next presidential election it’s not clear Republicans can overcome that anger when people see that they have lost something they’re more likely to translate that into political action despite their wins Democrats are hardly feeling confident

In a likely rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump polls show Trump is well ahead in almost every single Battleground State the polls showing that Biden is losing to Trump in all those key states are a useful warning to the White House something they have to worry about and correct over the next

Year that’s where abortion access May once again become a central campaign issue one pro it to Trump voters views of two unpopular presidential candidates Jackson prco Global News Washington

With the U.S. being just one year away from its next presidential election, abortion rights are proving to be a key issue among voters.

It led to the Democrats scoring big victories in a series of state-level elections, and revealed frustration at Republican attempts to criminalize abortion.

Jackson Proskow looks at how that could affect next year’s potential rematch between President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump.

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  1. I think we need a more vigorous and thorough sex education curriculum that should be taught all the way through grad school, which should include how to use the dozen plus contraceptives available.


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