Does Trudeau’s sudden carbon tax reversal indicate his caucus is fracturing? | TREND LINE


Welcome to CTV News trend line with Michael SLE and Nick Nanos so Nick you you said they’re facing a lot of pressure from Atlantic uh MPS so what does this say about caucus Unity well you know under the Trudeau leadership the liberal caucus has been pretty disciplined maybe the best way to

Describe it uh you know there hasn’t really been uh very much you know breaking of the ranks to have something like this happen for a government that has generally been consistent in their support for reconciliation their support for diversity equity and inclusion all those types of issues they’ve been very

Consistent over the course of the last number of years to see them reverse themselves or step back or step down on a key plank the carbon tax um speaks to probably the pressure that they were under within uh when I say they I mean Justin trudo the pressure that he was

Under uh coming out of caucus and specifically members in in Atlantic Canada who probably believe that their writings are at risk and you know what the writings are at risk um so you know this is kind of like the survival Instinct kicking in for some members of parliament and it’s going to be

Interesting to see what happens in from caucus members in other parts of the Country

CTV News’ Michael Stittle and Nanos Research’s Nik Nanos discuss if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax loophole for home heating oil in Atlantic Canada is an indication that he’s losing control of caucus…. and if it will get worse.

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