Health Canada scrutinized for lack of COVID-19 vaccine risk-benefit analysis


Health Canada continues to tout the safety and efficacy of Novel mRNA shots for everyone aged 6 months of age and up including the novel boosters that are allegedly built on the safety of the shots before them yet they cannot provide the basic risk versus benefit calculation used to justify that the

Supposed or purported benefits outweigh the Apparently deadly risks tamary ugolini here with Rebel news to show you that well Public Health Ontario has reported a CO 19 vaccine Adverse Events incident rate of 0.06% as reported by the globe in mail that is being cited as affirmative evidence that the co 19 vaccines are

Overwhelmingly safe even though they refer to this as fresh evidence it’s not fresh at all uh since most Adverse Events have substantially fizzled out by January of 2023 surprisingly around the same time that that booster uptake dropped substantially and we know that Adverse Events are massively underreported as confirmed by senior

Health Canada official Dr Celia Loreno she was responsible for authorizing these novel injections and according to the United States Agency for healthcare research and quality an official website of the Department of Health and Human Services less than one% of vaccine Adverse Events are ever reported so surely Health Canada conducted did a

Risk versus benefit analysis to back up the claim that these vaccines are safe and effective right well I have been searching for that basic risk versus benefit analysis since the early spring of 2021 when Health Canada first moved to authorize the novel mRNA injections for adolescents aged 17 and under before

I show you the email communication I had with health Canada let’s run through some of the historical context around some of this see in May of 2021 I first interviewed emergency room physician Dr Mark benois who at the time had been requesting the quantitative risk versus benefit analysis from Health Canada’s

Radio pharmaceutical division that was used to justify the authorization of this novel product for youth they claimed at the time that it was necessary to expedite the authorization of drugs and vaccines for coid but based on what surely there was an assessment conducted after all that is quite literally the Cornerstone of informed

Consent to adequately and accurately weigh the risk versus the benefit to make an informed choice in response to Dr benoa the BRD that’s the biologic and radiopharmaceutical Drug directorate division of Health Canada told him that feelings not facts were driving this decision look at this health Canada’s

Review of Co 19 vaccines and therapeutic products is based on a qualitative risk benefit calculation they say that it would not be sufficiently accurate to quantitatively calculate risk benefit on our limited understanding of the virus and disease but at that same time the CDC knew that the risk of complications

For children was higher for the flu than for Co 19 that messaging coincidentally changed in June of 2021 just as the push to vaccinate children aged five and up was coming down the pike through superhero social media ads and fearmongering video Campaigns Mom can I go outside and play with my friends no honey there’s still something going around okay when can we see her we would love to see her squeeze those cheeks look over here look over here oh cutie that same time I also filed an access to information request asking Health Canada

For the risk analysis calculation that calculation that was used to justify this decision but after going back and forth for weeks on what exactly the ask was Health Canada tried to bury me with 200,000 pages of documents and then in September of 2021 Health Canada took a

300 65 day extension that’s a year for that basic ask and they’ve been silent ever since in this report I once again reached out to the media contact for health Canada with the following inquiry as more information comes to light about the sv40 promoter and impurities being

Present in both fiser and moderna’s Co 19 vaccine vials I would like to clarify Health Canada’s continued risk analysis assertion number one what benefit do the MRNA vaccines offer Canadians two two what risk comes with the MRNA vaccines and three what is the quantitative risk benefit calculation that justifies

Continued Market authorization either in totality and or specifically for those under the age of 18 Health Canada responded at length about how the novel injections continue to meet stringent regulatory safety efficacy and quality requirements but is very specifically in response to the recently discovered presence of that s sp40 promoter

Something that was not the basis of my questions at all before of course they confirmed that Health Canada continues to monitor the coid 19 vaccines to ensure that they continue to meet the highest standards for safety Effectiveness and quality and that their benefits continue to outweigh any

Potential risks but what is the benefit and what are the potential risks and do those benefits outweigh the potential risk I responded to Anna Madison that’s the senior media relations advisor asking just that I reiterated that this should be a calculation using numbers not words and that the data used to

Justify the risk versus benefit calculation must be publicly available and verifiable before I politely asked them to please send this information Anna sent me some links where Health Canada continually repeats the Mantra that the benefits must also outweigh any risks and the same for madera’s authorization that the benefits must

Outweigh the risks but what are the risks and what are the benefits so in my third email I asked Anna to confirm that Health Canada has not conducted a risk versus benefit analysis she at that point stopped responding to me altogether and that access to information request the a tip remains

Outstanding over two years later so if these shots are so safe and effective then what’s the hold up on releasing the risk benefit analysis that was used to ensure their benefits do in fact outweigh their risks Health Canada’s inability to provide this basic risk versus benefit calculation the same one

That should have been used to justify and authorize the novel mRNA shots coupled with their admission that feelings rather than facts drove their original decision highlights a glaring lack of transparency and competence in ensuring the safety of Canadians for Rebel news I’m Tamar ugolini these kinds of discrepancies are

Exactly why we have launched an email blast campaign and petition at no Mor shot.cvs injections revoked from the market to have their emergency use authorization pulled please head over to that website no more

Canada’s health agency is facing criticism for failing to provide a clear risk-versus-benefit analysis for the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, including boosters, administered to individuals aged six months and older.

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  1. Please sign our petition to demand that Canada’s Minister of Health, Mark Holland, take the mRNA COVID-19 shots off of the market immediately, following the revelation that Health Canada has confirmed the presence of at least one previously undisclosed plasmid, a residual DNA sequence:

  2. I applaud your efforts and your candor.

    But there’s something Westerners don’t seem to grasp. When the establishment is “changing your mind for you” campaigns and the legal system appears to function (because it is forced to).

    But after the establishment gained momentum, the only method of change is when enough people actively resist and do not concede.

    I thought we all understood how the “risk assessments” were conducted; just like all these assessments are conducted – into the bank accounts of the shills who you keep in their bogus positions with your taxes.

    That’s the beauty of this; do you think this is the first time or even the first society “they” do this to?! These “lizard-people” have been perfecting this since Sodom and Gomorrah…

  3. I applaud your efforts and your candor.

    But there’s something Westerners don’t seem to grasp. When the establishment is “changing your mind for you” campaigns and the legal system appears to function (because it is forced to).

    But after the establishment gained momentum, the only method of change is when enough people actively resist and do not concede.

    I thought we all understood how the “risk assessments” were conducted; just like all these assessments are conducted – into the bank accounts of the shills who you keep in their bogus positions with your taxes.

    That’s the beauty of this; do you think this is the first time or even the first society “they” do this to?! These “lizard-people” have been perfecting this since Sodom and Gomorrah…

  4. I applaud your efforts and your candor.

    But there’s something Westerners don’t seem to grasp. When the establishment is “changing your mind for you” campaigns and the legal system appears to function (because it is forced to).

    But after the establishment gained momentum, the only method of change is when enough people actively resist and do not concede.

    I thought we all understood how the “risk assessments” were conducted; just like all these assessments are conducted – into the bank accounts of the shills who you keep in their bogus positions with your taxes.

    That’s the beauty of this; do you think this is the first time or even the first society “they” do this to?! These “lizard-people” have been perfecting this since Sodom and Gomorrah…

  5. I applaud your efforts and your candor.

    But there’s something Westerners don’t seem to grasp. When the establishment is “changing your mind for you” campaigns and the legal system appears to function (because it is forced to).

    But after the establishment gained momentum, the only method of change is when enough people actively resist and do not concede.

    I thought we all understood how the “risk assessments” were conducted; just like all these assessments are conducted – into the bank accounts of the shills who you keep in their bogus positions with your taxes.

    That’s the beauty of this; do you think this is the first time or even the first society “they” do this to?! These “lizard-people” have been perfecting this since Sodom and Gomorrah…

  6. I applaud your efforts and your candor.

    But there’s something Westerners don’t seem to grasp. When the establishment is “changing your mind for you” campaigns and the legal system appears to function (because it is forced to).

    But after the establishment gained momentum, the only method of change is when enough people actively resist and do not concede.

    I thought we all understood how the “risk assessments” were conducted; just like all these assessments are conducted – into the bank accounts of the shills who you keep in their bogus positions with your taxes.

    That’s the beauty of this; do you think this is the first time or even the first society “they” do this to?! These “lizard-people” have been perfecting this since Sodom and Gomorrah…

  7. I applaud your efforts and your candor.

    But there’s something Westerners don’t seem to grasp. When the establishment is “changing your mind for you” campaigns and the legal system appears to function (because it is forced to).

    But after the establishment gained momentum, the only method of change is when enough people actively resist and do not concede.

    I thought we all understood how the “risk assessments” were conducted; just like all these assessments are conducted – into the bank accounts of the shills who you keep in their bogus positions with your taxes.

    That’s the beauty of this; do you think this is the first time or even the first society “they” do this to?! These “lizard-people” have been perfecting this since Sodom and Gomorrah…

  8. I applaud your efforts and your candor.

    But there’s something Westerners don’t seem to grasp. When the establishment is “changing your mind for you” campaigns and the legal system appears to function (because it is forced to).

    But after the establishment gained momentum, the only method of change is when enough people actively resist and do not concede.

    I thought we all understood how the “risk assessments” were conducted; just like all these assessments are conducted – into the bank accounts of the shills who you keep in their bogus positions with your taxes.

    That’s the beauty of this; do you think this is the first time or even the first society “they” do this to?! These “lizard-people” have been perfecting this since Sodom and Gomorrah…

  9. I applaud your efforts and your candor.

    But there’s something Westerners don’t seem to grasp. When the establishment is “changing your mind for you” campaigns and the legal system appears to function (because it is forced to).

    But after the establishment gained momentum, the only method of change is when enough people actively resist and do not concede.

    I thought we all understood how the “risk assessments” were conducted; just like all these assessments are conducted – into the bank accounts of the shills who you keep in their bogus positions with your taxes.

    That’s the beauty of this; do you think this is the first time or even the first society “they” do this to?! These “lizard-people” have been perfecting this since Sodom and Gomorrah…

  10. I applaud your efforts and your candor.

    But there’s something Westerners don’t seem to grasp. When the establishment is “changing your mind for you” campaigns and the legal system appears to function (because it is forced to).

    But after the establishment gained momentum, the only method of change is when enough people actively resist and do not concede.

    I thought we all understood how the “risk assessments” were conducted; just like all these assessments are conducted – into the bank accounts of the shills who you keep in their bogus positions with your taxes.

    That’s the beauty of this; do you think this is the first time or even the first society “they” do this to?! These “lizard-people” have been perfecting this since Sodom and Gomorrah…

  11. I applaud your efforts and your candor.

    But there’s something Westerners don’t seem to grasp. When the establishment is “changing your mind for you” campaigns and the legal system appears to function (because it is forced to).

    But after the establishment gained momentum, the only method of change is when enough people actively resist and do not concede.

    I thought we all understood how the “risk assessments” were conducted; just like all these assessments are conducted – into the bank accounts of the shills who you keep in their bogus positions with your taxes.

    That’s the beauty of this; do you think this is the first time or even the first society “they” do this to?! These “lizard-people” have been perfecting this since Sodom and Gomorrah…

  12. I applaud your efforts and your candor.

    But there’s something Westerners don’t seem to grasp. When the establishment is “changing your mind for you” campaigns and the legal system appears to function (because it is forced to).

    But after the establishment gained momentum, the only method of change is when enough people actively resist and do not concede.

    I thought we all understood how the “risk assessments” were conducted; just like all these assessments are conducted – into the bank accounts of the shills who you keep in their bogus positions with your taxes.

    That’s the beauty of this; do you think this is the first time or even the first society “they” do this to?! These “lizard-people” have been perfecting this since Sodom and Gomorrah…


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