Both sides of the war between ‘a rock and a hard place’: former Canadian ambassador to Israel


Us now for more on this is John Allen former Canadian ambassador to Israel in Spain thank you so much John for taking the time today uh I want to first begin with those who are able to leave we’ve heard of one person who was able to

Leave uh who has family in Canada that individual is not Canadian though uh but there are hundreds of others Canadians who are stuck in Gaza who are still waiting what do you think is holding up that process I think the numbers is holding it up and um the negotiators that have

Uh made this happen um have priorize uh certain the Internationals uh went out yesterday the wounded went out U and I think it’s just taking time they they’re not letting thousands leave uh or or more so it’s seems to be four or 500 a day and uh

We’re all hopeful that uh that the Canadians U that are registered will be getting out over the next few days so you believe this is a matter of numbers do you think that there’s more diplomatically that Canada could be doing I’m sure that the minister uh and

Uh perhaps the Prime Minister are on the phone uh talking to the qataris they’re talking to the Americans they’re talking uh to the israelies and the Egyptians of course who control that border um and I I’m sure that they know that we have Canadians there and that they’re waiting

To get out uh you can imagine there are 27 European countries and the Brits and many other countries that have dual Nationals u in Gaza and are they’re all trying to get outright now and only a limited number are coming out each day I want to ask you about the

Situation at the in Gaza um there is growing concern uh diplomatic efforts are ramping up uh from the us and Arab countries for a humanitarian pause uh because the situation is being described as so dire uh I want to ask we are seeing live shots over Gaza at the

Moment for our viewers at home I want to ask about those efforts and whether or not you believe a humanitarian pause at this point will happen yes I believe it will happen Tony blinkin the secretary of state from the US is heading to Israel now as we know

I’m sure that is his message uh the president indicated that that’s what he wanted and thought should happen prime minister of Canada of course Justin Trudeau has said the same thing the world is united in um in asking uh for humanitarian pauses to get food medicine

Um hopefully fuel in and to allow uh those dual Nationals out and hopefully the hostages out um if those negotiations are proceeding as we hope they are Israeli air strikes have struck gaz’s largest refugee camp twice now and the UN Human Rights office is now saying

That it saided this on um X the platform X that it has serious concerns this is a quote that these are disproportionate attacks that could amount to war crimes uh we know that there are uh reports that the count the death toll in Gaza is as high as 9,000 reportedly more than

3,700 children are included in that death toll uh what are your thoughts on what we’re hearing from the UN on this well this is a question of proportionality it is a uh incredibly difficult question there’s no doubt that those number of deaths whether it’s uh innocent women or older people or men or

Children as you said is is is dire uh it is a humanitarian crisis and um and I am simply hopeful that U that this first of all uh can end as quickly obviously not just a humanitarian pause but an end secondly that the Israelis are more strategic in the pinpointing their uh

Their targets uh and um and uh it is a just a horrible situation where um both sides are between IR rock and a hard place the Palestinians are suffering innocent people suffering terribly um and um Hamas unfortunately using these people as Shields as they have done in the past five times in the

Past and they’re doing it again and they are uh forcing the Israelis if they want to get at the leaders and the military um leaders uh they’re forcing them uh to use tactics that uh the world sees is completely unacceptable um it’s a uh it’s a tragedy and uh it should end as

Soon as possible do you think that we could see repercussions from this well um repercussions uh there are repercussions already the bahrainis have uh have uh sent their Ambassador home their jordanians have um their repercussions around the world in terms of islamophobia and anti-Semitism growing um so there’s plenty of repercussions

Already and um uh what my hope is and and frankly the only small glimmer of light in all of this is that the Americans uh important Israelis and others are finally once again being uh talking about a two-state solution which is the ultimate solution for this

Problem so that we can end this uh horrible crisis and and crises in the future John Allen former Canadian ambassador to Israel and Spain joining us on this thank you so much for your time today John thank you Lois

Former Canadian ambassador to Israel John Allen discusses why he thinks all signs point towards the need for a humanitarian pause in Gaza.

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