Breaking News: Canadian Unifor Autoworkers Strike at Stellantis as Deal Deadline Expires

Canadian Unifor autoworkers at Stellantis strike as deal deadline passes

“Canadian Auto Workers Strike at Stellantis Operations as Deadline Passes”

In a disappointing turn of events, Canadian autoworkers have gone on strike at Stellantis operations in Canada after failing to reach a deal by Sunday’s deadline, according to a statement from the union. This strike has seen over 8,200 workers walk off the job at all Stellantis facilities. While negotiations have been ongoing, Unifor National President Lana Payne states that progress has been made and discussions will continue throughout the night.

Seeking Consistency

Unifor has been striving to secure the same core economic terms for Stellantis workers that the union has already reached with Ford Motor Co. and General Motors. Additionally, they are focusing on addressing specific issues related to the global automaker behind brands such as Fiat and Jeep. It is worth noting that union members at the other two companies have already ratified deals that include significant wage gains of close to 20% over three years, alongside various other improvements.

Stellantis’ Disappointment and Continued Bargaining

Stellantis expresses its disappointment in Unifor’s decision to strike and states that they will continue to bargain until an agreement is reached. The company saw escalating strikes in the past six weeks from United Auto Workers members at their U.S. operations, but a tentative deal was ultimately reached between the two parties as of Saturday.


The strike at Stellantis operations in Canada highlights the ongoing challenges in the auto industry when it comes to labor negotiations and collective bargaining. While Unifor and Stellantis continue their negotiations, the impact of the strike will be felt by both parties and could potentially have ripple effects throughout the industry. The outcome of this strike will not only shape the working conditions and benefits of Stellantis autoworkers but also set a precedent in the larger context of labor relations in the Canadian auto sector.”



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