Inflation in Canada: Trudeau pressed over cost of living crisis by Singh, Poilievre | QP DEBATE


2 million Canadians had to use the food bank in one month alone this is a direct result of liberals and conservatives who continue to to search and distract from what’s going on when the real reason of what’s what’s causing this Canadians know really well when they were asked

The question greedy CEOs and why won the Prime Minister understand what Canadians already do Mr Speaker we understand we see firsthand how Canadians are struggling with the cost of food groceries and housing that’s why we’re taking concrete actions uh to support them through this whether it be uh with the grocery rebate

Whether it be with $10 a day child care whether it be with a dental care that’s going to support young children uh whether it be uh the initiatives we’re taking across this country to create good jobs and economic growth whether it be uh with the GST rebate checks whether

It be uh with uh the the uh climate action rebate that’s putting money in people’s pockets right across the country we’re going to continue to be there for Canadians as we had in years past as we lifted hundreds of thousands of kids out of poverty as we’ve lifted

Over a million Canadians out of poverty we know there’s more work to do and we are going to continue to do it Mr Speaker The Honorable member from bernabe South well liberals and and conservatives continue to distract Canadians know corporate greed is driving up the cost of food great milon

Can visit 2 million Canadians visit food banks whilst profits of large grocery stores were close to4 billion when the conservatives and liberals have a choice they always always choose CEOs over Canadians so the NDP forced them to come back before the committee to answer the questions they refuse to ask will the

Prime Minister admit that his government’s approach is a total failure the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker our objective is to make life more affordable and to make sure that companies pay their just part the minister for Innovation met CEOs from large grocery chains as well as producers local and international food

Producers so that we can highlight the necessity in making groceries more affordable I hope that all members will join us so that we can adopt a Housing Act and affordable grocery act as rapidly as possible in order to improve competitivity in the field leader of the opposition it’s like a

Parallel universe every time the NDP leader stands up and attacks the very government he’s a part of and laments how miserable life is for Canadians after two years of him being part of voting for quadrupling the carbon tax driving up inflationary deficits and of course driving 2 million people to the

Food banks in a single month he blames Greed for all this hunger he’s right it is the greed of liberal and NDP politicians who keep taking more and more from Canadians will they reverse these disastrous [Applause] policies the right honorable Minister speaker all of us in this house see how

Canadians are struggling we just have different responses to it the conservative party is proposing cuts to government services cuts to Investments that are going to support seniors cuts to Investments that are going to support families whether it’s dental care or Child Care the conservative party thinks

You can cut your way to Prosperity when the reality is Mr Speaker are investments in child care in uh in uh in Dental Care uh in supports for seniors in supports for students have actually helped Canadians through some difficult times and we continue to be there for them into the coming

Years being there for Canadians he’s taking money out of their pockets and if you don’t believe me listen to the governor of the Bank of Canada who said and I quote today government spending will be adding to demand more than Supply is growing and in an environment

Where we are trying to moderate spending and get inflation down that is not helpful that adds to the voices of the former liberal Finance Minister John Manley who accused this prime minister of pressing on the inflationary gas pedal will the Prime Minister tell us does he agree with the bank Governor

That his government spending is not helpful on [Applause] inflation Mr Speaker Canadians know we need support and we need more Supply on the housing housing crisis and that’s why we are there investing with municipalities to deliver more housing in Bramton our housing agreement will spur the construction of more than

24,000 homes over the next decade that’s an investment that the leader of the opposition would cut in other cities like Rick Richmond Hill monton and Ajax just this week are passing more ambitious housing plans at their local councils in response to the federal housing accelerator while the leader of

The opposition would rip up these agreements we’re focused on Building Solutions that’ll work for communities right across the country

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was pressured by NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre over Canada’s cost of living.

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  1. Singh is mainly responsible for inflow of illegal immigrants specially from India. He must go he will never work for canada he will only serve his personal interests

  2. Long short short , inflation in Canada was caused by the Bank of Canada printing $600 billion over 3 years .
    Most of this printed money was used to pay for Trudeau's and Freeland's deficit budgets .

  3. Trudeau is actually transferring wealth .
    He is having money printed , which is depreciating the savings , incomes and pensions of Canadians .
    Then he is spending this printed money targeted on the Montreal – Ottawa – GTA corridor

  4. How can anyone still support NDP and Singh? They are part of the Justinflation policies that are destroying Canadian's economies! Back in 2020, Poilievre literally told the entire HOC we would have inflation if Liberal policies of lockdown and money printing were implemented. And now here we are! Shame on Singh for being part of and propping up the Liberal crony government.


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