Federal Court approves historic $23B First Nations child-welfare settlement


A federal court judge has approved a $23 billion settlement for hundreds of thousands of first nation’s children and their families it’s intended to address chronic underfunding of unreserved child welfare services as David Aken reports Advocates are pleased but say the government still has a long way to go

David well Donna this is the single largest settlement of its kind 23 billion doar and it was really not a matter of if the court would approve the settlement but rather when the settlement is the result of a complaint first made in 2007 by the Assembly of First Nations and the First Nations

Child and family caring Society the Trudeau government first agreed to settle when it took office in 2015 but it took more than 7 years to sort out what the government called a complex claim funds will now flow to about 300,000 first nation’s children or their families this is a recognition of the

Enormous harm caused uh through the child welfare system and and I think think it’s important that Canadians recognize that this is an important step towards reconciliation advocates for the health of first nation’s children say that harm continues to be done that the federal government continues to underfund the first nation’s Child

Health and Welfare system relative to the system for non-indigenous children the problem has not been fixed Advocate Cindy Blackstock said in an email sent while she was on a flight Tuesday in approving the compensation deal the federal court made clear that it is not releasing Canada from any accountability

For ongoing discrimination and that too was a point the government concedes as it promises to work with indigenous Partners to continue to improve Health and Welfare Services for Canada’s first nation’s children Donna David Aken in Ottawa thanks David

A Federal Court judge has approved a $23-billion settlement, the largest in Canadian history, for more than 300,000 First Nations children and their families who’ve suffered from the federal government’s chronic underfunding of on-reserve child welfare services.

It’s the result of a complaint first made in 2007 by the Assembly of First Nations and the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada.

David Akin explains the significance of the historic agreement, and what advocates say still needs to be done.

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  1. This is all nonsense. The problem is simple, the indigenous people refuse to let the government run anything on the reservations and all is dealt with in house on every reservation, over the last century there's been tons of money handed over. The problem is and always has been the home settings…. Alcohol and drug addiction, rapes, murders etc. Small towns in the middle of nowhere with no economy. They wanted to live in their traditional way, but now they want to westerize and just become money pits sprinkled with corruption on both sides.

  2. Largest settlement of its kind in Canada, yet natives say it is only a good first step to reconciliation. F them. It is impossible to ever do enough to satisfy them. Stop trying – it is a bottomless pit!

  3. What will it take to see Canadian MPs challenge Chrystia Freeland's glairing conflict of interest by holding a managing directors seat on the World Economic Forum board of directors, and (still) be acting as Canada's Minister of Finance at the same time?

    The appearance of powerful WEF influence over Canadian government Cabinet Ministers going completely unchallenged in the Canadian Press, for years, and the public record fact that the WEF connections to Chrystia Freeland, PM Trudeau, and so many other sitting Liberal MPs are never challenged in Parliament by Pierre Poilievre's Conservatives, should disturb all of us.

  4. I am deeply sadden what has happened to first nations, but we cannot hold blame from the past and give money, or we would have to pay for all the atrocities in the past for hundreds of years. Forgiveness solves this, not bankrupting our country in more debt like the Global men want. There are so much injustice in this life, and you can't keep paying compensation for the past mistakes.

  5. Somehow I doubt if $23 Billion or any amount of of money will make much of a difference to the "child welfare" of First Nations children. You can't make a problem go away simply by throwing money at it.

  6. WHY? Why am I paying for this with my taxes when I have NOTHING to do with this? The majority of families in the whole country are struggling with food and rent – why are they special?

  7. ????wheres my hand out… im left out.. of course.. i do have a job but cant pay rent im going to start panhandling next year in the summer… folks why because im a.poor person.. ok and i need rent.. money.. ????????????????

  8. How long will these handouts go on for? Will natives that are paid out this now pay taxes? Whats with the obsession with "reconciliation" and what does that actually mean?

  9. Every rez kid I’ve known has gotten somewhere between 18,000-45,000. And what do they do? Buy a truck then write it off within the year. Rez life and culture is the problem. They’re hurting themselves. Don’t push more money at them

  10. More of the working people’s hard earned money thrown in to a bottomless pit. More satellite dishes and Cadillacs on the chief’s property. Does anyone think we can afford this? No thoughts about the future of this country, as long as my victimhood fills my pockets. Time to invest in liquor stores.

  11. Just 23 Billion? Why not make it 250 Billion. Like we have even a billion to give away just like that Mr. Trudeau. I am very concerned about child well fare but what you need is to make sure that EVERYONE is getting their funding. Why is it in certain reservations, half the population is thriving while others are being marginalized. What’s going on on these reserves? There is obviously enough money to go around. But only certain Individual are keeping more for themselves and not sharing with everyone. This is happening everywhere and they are doing it to their own people. Why would you do that to your own people? It all boils down to money and greed. Very sad.

  12. It's amazing how money can fix anything to do with First Nations. They will buy a truck and smash it up and move on to the next reason why the government should give them more money. What is next? Is the next multi-billion dollar tax payers money for the mass graves that contained no human remains? I'm getting real tired of this First Nations nonsense.

  13. I slept in cars in front of the house when I was a young kid that was where I lived winter spring summer and fall ,no place to shower ,and had one shirt one pair of pants ,they let me run the car in the winter, my ,parents had lots of money,mom had restaurants dad was union steamfitter in edmonton, the point is ,,how about a payout for me snd all the kids that were abused ,ya know ?..where is my money ,?…I guess I am the wrong color.! Trudeau is buying votes with our money so that he can destroy canada..

  14. Well what else new….more free money, free schools, free housing, how about creating investments and taxation just like any other town or city. They have to live off the tax payer….yet they are the ones with hate and racists attitude.


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