Discover the Shocking Number: More Than 50% of Businesses in B.C. Affected by Cyberattacks

Over half of B.C. businesses surveyed have been hit by cyberattacks

“Cybercrime on the Rise in Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island: KPMG Report”

Cybersecurity is a pressing concern in Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island, according to a recent report by global accounting firm KPMG. The report reveals that over half of the Canadian businesses surveyed in these regions have fallen victim to cyberattacks within the past year. This growing issue calls for immediate attention and proactive measures to protect sensitive data and prevent further attacks.

The Impact of Cyberattacks on Businesses

The survey conducted by KPMG involved 700 Canadian businesses, with a focus on 73 small and mid-sized firms in Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island. Shockingly, 54% of these businesses reported paying a ransom to unlock their computers in the last three years. This highlights the severity of the cyber threats faced by organizations in the region.

Furthermore, the report indicates that six in 10 companies in Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island believe their IT systems make them vulnerable to cyberattacks. Despite this realization, 60% of the respondents still do not consider cybersecurity a top priority for their businesses. This lack of prioritization could have detrimental consequences, including financial losses, operational disruptions, and damage to a company’s reputation.

The Need for Proactive Measures

Erik Berg, a partner with KPMG in Vancouver, emphasizes the urgency of addressing cybersecurity concerns. He notes that cyberattacks are now a reality and cannot be ignored. To mitigate the risks associated with these attacks, businesses need to identify their most critical data and systems and focus on protecting and securing them. Regular vulnerability testing is also necessary to ensure the effectiveness of these security measures.

The Cost of Neglecting Cybersecurity

Failing to prioritize cybersecurity can have far-reaching consequences. Not only can businesses face financial losses due to ransom payments and operational disruptions, but they also risk damaging their reputation. In an increasingly interconnected world, customers and clients expect their data to be secure. A breach in cybersecurity could lead to a loss of trust and loyalty among stakeholders, ultimately impacting the long-term viability of a business.


The KPMG report sheds light on the growing threat of cybercrime in Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island. It is crucial for businesses to recognize the severity of this issue and take proactive strides to protect their data and systems. Neglecting cybersecurity can have disastrous consequences, both financially and reputationally. The time to act is now, as the stakes of cyberattacks continue to rise. Let us prioritize cybersecurity to safeguard our businesses, our clients, and our communities.



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