Lebanese Canadians worry about loved ones as Israel-Lebanon border clashes intensify


The persistent exchange of fire between Israeli Defense Forces and iran-backed Hezbollah has caused civilians along both sides of the border between Israel and Lebanon to flee their homes including the southern Lebanese town of Daria I come from from because had some attack from the threat of Lebanon being pulled

Deeper into the conflict is bringing up bad memories for Lebanese Canadians half a world away the punishment is always for everyone Sam fael lives north of Montreal now but was in his early 20s in Lebanon in 2006 when Hezbollah and Israel engaged in a month-long War he remembers Bridges and even the Beirut

Airport being bombed he’s worried for his elderly parents still living there whenever the war erupts uh basically uh areas will be isolated and uh whenever areas are isolated this means you’re you’re you’re not going to have enough food you’re not going to have enough power has esbah has warned it is ready

To get more involved in the war meanwhile Lebanon is still recovering from the 2020 Beirut Port explosion is suffering from an ongoing financial crisis if a window breaks then people don’t have the money to fix a window so imagine if we get a destruction similar

To maybe you might have seen some of the pictures of the destruction that’s happening in Gaza Toronto resident Ramy sarine decided to leave Lebanon in 2009 after he was shot in his car he was caught in the crossfire between rival political groups and still has shrapnel

In his liver he says War would cause a humanitarian catastrophe for his country forget about Lebanon for the next Century I think I’m against any uh extremis group I’m against anyone who decides to go and kill especially in the name of God Fel is trying to get his

Parents to Canada as soon as possible many Lebanese Canadians are just hoping their country stays on the sidelines Dan Spectre Global News Montreal

Many Lebanese Canadians are concerned about the escalating violence between Israel and Hezbollah, as the clashes are not only putting their loved ones in danger but also raising fears that Lebanon could be dragged into the conflict.

The persistent exchange of fire between Israeli defence forces and Iran-backed Hezbollah has caused civilians along both sides of the border between Israel and Lebanon to flee their homes.

As a result, Lebanese Canadians are worried about their loved ones a world away, and are hoping their home country stays on the sidelines.

Global’s Dan Spector reports.

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  1. Please more ‘fear’ Global. Canadians sure do appreciate the real time mins games. It’s reporting they’ll argue, imagine when the people understand your true purpose. For all to see.

  2. Hamas and ISIS executed and tortured innocent and defenseless civilians, they didn't go after the IDF they went after those unable to fight back and were helpless.
    It is 2023 and the World does not tolerate this in anyway.
    Dont even try to justify this pure evilness.

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  4. Wasn't there something a few years back about Lebanese-Canadians demanding that the government evacuate them, and then when things settled down they moved back to Lebanon? Did they have to pay for that evacuation?


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