Israel-Gaza conflict: Hospital blast kills hundreds of Palestinians, global community outraged


Several hundred Palestinians were killed in an air strike at a hospital in Gaza according to the Gaza Health Ministry there were wounded people at the hospital and others seeking shelter video shows ambulances arriving with people including children at another hospital nearby the total number of people killed or injured is unclear

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas is calling for 3 Days of mourning the air strike happened in Gaza which is controlled by Hamas not the Palestinian Authority we as Arab group as you see all of us United outraged by this massacre that has taken place committed by the Israeli forces against a hospital the Lutheran

Hospital in uh the Gaza Strip in which according to the initial figures about 500 civilians have been torn apart and massacred in this outrageous illegal crime committed by the Israeli forces against our people in the Gaza Strip I can confirm that an analysis of the IDF operational systems indicates that a

Barriage of rockets was fired by terrorists in Gaza passing in close proximity to the alali AL madii Hospital in Gaza at the time it was hit intelligence from few sources that we have in our hands indicates that the Islamic Jihad is responsible for the failed rocket launch which hid the

Hospital in Gaza I repeat this is the responsibility of Islamic Jihad that killed Innocents in the hospital in Gaza who strongly condemns the attacks on the attack on Ali Arab Hospital in the north of of the Gaza Strip the hospital was operational with Patients health care givers and internally displaced people

Sheltering there early reports indicates hundreds of fatalities and injuries the hospital was one of 20 in the north of the Gaza Strip facing evacuation orders from the Israeli military it is absolutely clear to all sides of this conflict where the health facilities are it is absolutely Clear

Healthc Care is not a Target it should never be a target of anyone in conflict that is enshrined in international humanitarian law and we’re seeing this breached again and again and again over the last week uh and it has to stop it must stop we cannot leave doctors and nurses to

Make the choices they’re having to make it is inhuman the uh news coming out of uh of Gaza is uh horrific and absolutely unacceptable um International humanitarian and and international law needs to be respected um uh in in this and in all cases There Are Rules around Wars and it’s not acceptable

Hundreds of Palestinians were killed after a blast at a Gaza City hospital on Tuesday, the bloodiest single incident in Gaza since Israel launched a bombing campaign in retaliation for an Oct. 7 Hamas assault on southern Israeli communities. Israeli and Palestinian officials have each denied responsibility for the attack on the Al-Ahli al-Arabi Hospital in northern Gaza.

Palestinian United Nations (UN) Ambassador Riyad Mansour, standing with Arab UN envoys, said they were all outraged by a deadly strike on a Gaza hospital and blamed Israel. “We condemn this act in the strongest possible terms and we hold Israel responsible for this massacre, this crime, and those responsible for this crime should face justice,” Mansour said.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari has said that “the Islamic Jihad is responsible for the failed rocket launch, which hit the hospital in Gaza.” On social media, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has blamed “barbaric terrorists” for the blast, denying that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) had any involvement.

The strike against the hospital, which has patients, healthcare workers and internally displaced people, has been met with strong condemnation from the international community, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and leaders such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

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  1. What does ''graphic'' actually mean? We get a warning at the beginning of this video but there was nothing about it. There a building on fire, debris on the ground and a man carrying a child with do visible damage. I didn't see these ''graphic images''.

  2. Western countries vociferously defend people's Right to Protest in their own countries… particularly when these protests are against non-Western countries!
    They even allow violent protests and threat to diplomat's life by these protestors against non-Western countries…
    Now it's TIME to get a TASTE OF IT'S OWN MEDICINE!

  3. Ironic the misfired rocket exploded at Gaza hospital: Why was the explosion exceptionally LARGE ;

    Because a rocket misfire during LAUNCH explodes most of its FUEL which is MORE explosive than the warhead intanded for Israeli civilains
    According to Israeli intel: there have been 450 rocket misfires of that landed in Gaza. 5,000 that landed in Israel.

  4. This is NOT true! Bomb from Islamic Jihad accidentally landed in parking lot next to hospital! Israel has released all evidence! Was not Israel! Why would Israel bomb a. Christian hospital?

  5. Gee … what no Arab dancing and handing out candy … oh… I guess they only do that when their killing Jews. Don’t start a war you can’t live with when they retaliate.


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