CTV National News | Sunday, October 15, 2023: Hamas took more hostages in Israel than reported


Tonight A deepening crisis in Gaza as both sides claim the number of hostages is higher than initial reports the growing humanitarian crisis you just live or die this is the only two choices and the final words of a Canadian who died a hero he said grenade and he jumped

Over a parking garage turned 4 to underground hospital we have to treat patient under all scenario Israel’s medical and Military preparations for threat from the north plus ringing in a whole new ball game we are thrilled to welcome the world’s second most popular sport flagging the five new Olympic

Sports netting some serious excitement feels a bit surreal to be honest CTV national news with Omar saaden good evening everyone for the first time tonight Hamas has released video of a person it claims is one of its hostages a French Israeli woman hi mem a representative of mem’s family has

Approved the broadcast of the footage in which she asks to be brought home as soon as possible but it’s not clear if the 21-year-old is being forced to make the statement in Tel Aviv tonight Air Raid Sirens blared during a meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu and his War cabinet sending them to seek shelter in a bunker blinkin confirmed after that meeting that the US president will arrive in Israel later this week on Wednesday President Biden will visit Israel the Hamas attack killed at least 1,400 people in Israel while Palestinian offici officials say

The death toll in Gaza is more than 2700 our coverage begins with ctv’s Adrien gobrial on the ground once again in Tel Aviv tonight from black plumes of Destruction to shrieking Sirens day 10 of this conflict and the Health Care system in Gaza is collapsing with critical shortages of water power and Medicine

The number of wounded only growing with no sign of a ceasefire this Convoy of aid from Egypt only grows longer while the gates into Gaza remain closed meanwhile it’s believe the number of Israelis taken captive is even higher than previously reported an Israeli military spokesperson confirming that they’ve

Informed the families of 199 hostages Hamas claims the number is even higher US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin arrived back in Israel today after crisscrossing the Arab world and what’s being called a frantic effort to Stave off a wider war in the Middle East you know our deep commitment to Israel’s right

Indeed its obligation to defend itself and to defend its people though on the morning of October 7th thousands of innocent people were unable to defend themselves Canadian citizen Neta Epstein was left with no choice but to sacrifice himself to save his fiance he loved her so much that he

Gave his own life yeah sound like your son sound like my son the 21-year-old is the fifth Canadian to have been killed during the Hamas Massacre he was at home in kafara at Kutz near Gaza when militants stormed his apartment he began to text message his mother there’s a

Screaming in Arabic and there’s shooting outside and I wrote to him uh just hold youran tightly and I love you and then he said the next thing he he wrote is they’re here Mommy hiding in a shelter with the love of his young life militants approached and tossed a

Grenade towards his bride to be Epstein jumped on top of the explosive knowing my son and I think I know him pretty well he knew what he was doing when when he leaped to that grenade his final Act saved her life where are you finding your strength from right now right here

Uh this is our future my beautiful daughters the people in myy Boots Are peace loving people um that that look for a solution for the conflict between us and the Palestinians in a peaceful way many we’ve spoken with say violence in this region has never cured a single conflict this is now the

Deadliest of the five Gaza Wars for each side Omar Adrian griel in Tel Aviv again tonight Adrien thank you there are also growing fears a new front could open in this war with more armed clashes today along the border between Israel and Lebanon ctvs had a right travel to the

Region where preparations are underway in case the conflict spreads along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon troops are on patrol as tensions with Hezbollah remain high there are some uh shooting and missiles nothing serious yet so we are just here to in in case here in case Hezbollah joins this conflict the Iran back

Militant group controls much of Southern Lebanon and both sides have been exchanging fire today Hezbollah released this video showing snipers shooting at and destroying Israeli surveillance cameras along the border as Israel ordered those living in towns nearby to evacuate tanks and troops are also being deployed to

The north even hospitals bracing for the worst the place is fortified for conventional and non-conventional non-conventional meaning like chemical warfare at ramom hospital in hia a parking garage has been converted into a 2,000 bed hospital we take a a place like this like a three spots for for

Parking parking spots now filled with hospital beds there’s an operating area a dialysis Ward even a neonatal Intensive Care Unit the entire Hospital above can move below each and every bed in this hospital is supplied by all the Necessities Like Oxygen last week after Israel declared war against Hamas this

Hospital was activated set up in 30 hours as concerns grow major cities like hia could be targeted unlike the missiles of the Hamas in the south which are extremely unaccurate the missiles ofah are much more powerful with much more explosives and much more accurate if this war escalates into a broader

Regional conflict the second front would likely be here in the north where soldiers are positioned and reservists are ready you say you’re proud do you ever get scared though I don’t feel scared he says we’ve got the best army in the world are ready speaking to the Israeli knesset today prime minister Benjamin

Netanyahu told Hezbollah and Iran not to test Israel in the north warning the price will be heavier than in 2006 the last war they fought Omar Heather right in Northern Israel tonight Heather thank you escalating tensions in the area have prompted foreign affairs minister Milan Jal to urge Canadians in Lebanon to

Leave while commercial flights are still available and 21 Canadians stuck in the West Bank have been brought to safety Jolie announced on social media that the first bus with Canadians crossed into Jordan today today nine Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israeli security forces in the region and Canada has

Pulled out non-essential diplomatic staff and their families from Tel Aviv and rala as 378 Canadians stranded in Gaza wait to flee the fighting hopes of a brief ceasefire in the South to allow an Escape Route for foreign Nationals were dashed today with Israeli bombardments intensifying ctv’s Jill mcashan has

More even in the so-called safer Southern parts of the Gaza Strip the near constant sound of bombs and this Canadian says buzzing so there are drones around us all the time manure Schuman is worried for his five children here the youngest four the oldest 16 the Elder ones are um are in Shock

Uh a little bit they’re like we don’t know if we’re going to make it tomorrow the message needs to go out to the international committee that look civilians are being hurt here Israeli missiles coming overnight and into the day leaving more dead and more injured with water and power running low Gaza

City’s main hospital is unable to safely sterilize equipment the backlog for surgeries is now in the hundreds and unfortunately these wounds are now pouring with pus these wounds getting infected more than a million people have fled their homes ahead of an expected Israel ground Invasion but it’s the

Continuous air strikes that are taking so many lives at a refugee camp 18 people from one family were killed we thought that here we would be safer he said and this is what happened that fear of instant loss grips this woman living in Halifax 36 members of

Her family are on the Move in Gaza my brother lost his house my sister sister lost her house you just live or die this is the only two choices that they have and it’s becoming so difficult to live at Rafa the only accessible land Border in and out of Gaza through Egypt is

Still blocked despite calls from World politicians including from Canada to open a corridor and let foreign passport holders leave and let humanitarian Aid through again today nothing Jill mcashan CTV News Winnipeg and calls to humanitarian access and for Hamas to free Israeli hostages echoed in the House of Commons today as Parliament

Resumed for the first time since the October 7th Hamas attack Canada is calling for unimpeded humanitarian access and a humanitarian Corridor so that essential Aid like food Fuel and water can be delivered to civilians in Gaza meanwhile a million gin are reportedly displaced many more are suffering and have lost their or have

Lost their lives let’s bring in ctv’s Chief political correspondent vashi capello’s vashy the war clearly top of mind for parliamentarians in this country what did they say today Omar it really dominated discussion and debate as members of parliament returned to the house after a week back in their constituencies the Prime Minister even

Stood up this afternoon to speak specifically about everything unfolding in the Middle East and I would note a kind of evolution in his comments and that of other comments of other politicians from different political Stripes as well since hamas’s attack last Saturday following that attack they were Resolute right everybody condemned

Hamas they expressed support for Israel but as Israel’s counter offensive on Hamas in Gaza intensifies and so too does the humanitarian crisis there and the sheer number of civilians impacted in one way or the other you have seen uh more Nuance to the way in which the Prime Minister and others are talking

About it more of a focus on that humanitarian crisis and more of an Ask of Israel to adhere to international law I think the thing I’m watching for going forward is certainly exactly that whether as this humanitarian crisis in Gaza escalates the resolve that we’ve seen among most politicians remains or

Whether that too is challenged in a commensurate way Omar all right vashy thank you the enormity of what is unfolding has also left Muslim and Jewish communities living in fear a rise in hate crimes and online radicalization is targeting both sides here’s ctv’s Kevin Gallagher on the dire consequences of the

Vital solemn prayers at this mosque in Illinois as the community Grieves the murder of six-year-old weda alae a Palestinian American who loves soccer and playing with Lego pains me that the sacrificial lamb to this atmosphere was this beautiful young six-year-old boy he was stabbed multiple times yesterday

Along with his mother who survived the attack police say they were targeted because they were Muslim by their landlord who was angry over the Israel Hamas War he like a dream I stilled them believe my son is gone the Muslim Community in this Chicago suburb is accusing media

Coverage and US politicians of favoring Israel and stoking hate against Arabs and Palestinians he’s throwing eggs at my house here Jews are also being targeted this video shows vandals throwing eggs at a rabbi’s home in British Columbia and defacing it with a swastika newly appointed special Envoy on combating anti-Semitism Deborah Lions

Urged understanding there is only one pathway and that is for all Canadians to come together reported hate crimes against Jews and Muslims have been on the rise in Canada to that hate Jewish federation’s Canada president Steven Schulman says with technology hate spreads easily social media and as it’s

Caused divisions in society so too it’s emboldened uh emboldened hate mongers and anti-semites the Liberals promised tougher laws to combat online hate last election two years later there’s still no bill soon I can’t give you an exact time but it’s coming soon tomorrow in Ottawa leaders from four Federal parties

Will speak at a conference to fight anti-Semitism including prime minister Justin Trudeau Omar all right Kevin thanks the Belgian capital is on its highest Terror alert tonight after two swedes were shot dead the shooter fled the scene as a soccer match between Belgium and Sweden was about to start the game was cut

Short and thousands of fans were kept inside the stadium for hours before they could leave a man who identified himself as a member of the Islamic state has claimed responsibility for the attack coming up a new strategy to ease the housing crisis people are struggling to find homes that they can afford a

Long-term plan to tackle short-term rentals plus five new sports enter the Olympic ring a British engineering giant is scaling back its Workforce the driving force cutting costs Rolls-Royce plans to slash up to 2 200 non-engineering jobs the biggest Cuts made by the jet engine maker since early in the pandemic when

Airlines were grounded around the globe and Linkedin is laying off more than 600 workers across engineering talent and finance teams the latest rounds represent 3% of the company’s 20,000 staff the social network has 950 million members LinkedIn makes its money through job ad listings premium subscriptions and is used by recruiters around the

World the BC government is taking aim at the short-term rental market in an effort to bolster long-term housing C TV’s BC bureau chief Melanie nii with the impact on a city and a province on the front lines of a nationwide housing crunch to combat the housing crisis BC

Is cracking down on short-term rentals without question uh in British Columbia short-term rentals have gotten out of control today the province’s premier it’s estimated that short-term rentals are taking away more than 16,000 homes and housing Minister introduced new legislation to increase long-term housing by reigning in temporary rental

Listings on online platforms such as multi-billion dollar us-based Airbnb for those who are operating uh multiple units on short-term rental sites the rules are changing if passed the proposed new rules will include steep fines for illegal operators of $33,000 per infraction per day and a strict principal residence requirement only

Allowing people to rent out homes if they live there most of the year in many of the provinces cities like Vancouver the housing shortage is a chronic problem a recent study suggested temporary rentals not only contribute to that but also Rising costs maybe as much

As 20% of all the increases in rent in the province can be explained by the growth of short-term rental but it’s not just BC changing short-term rental rules other provinces like Nova Scotia and Quebec have also introduced legislation I’m worried that it’s a bit of a overreach but for people like Nancy p

Making a living off temporary rentals BC’s changes are a real blow it’s like taking that that investment option away from people pay manages 58 short-term rentals in Victoria with some belonging to owners with multiple properties she expects her business will fold it will kill my business absolutely as for

Airbnb the company says BC’s new rules which are expected to take effect next May will only hurt tourism and do little to help the housing crisis Melanie agcv News Vancouver still ahead a star witness at the Convoy trial the woman who tried to silence the blasting truck horns

Testifies a much anticipated witness in the criminal trial of the freedom Convoy organizers testified in a packed courtroom today ctv’s Leah laac on what the young public servant had to say the woman who went to court to get relief from the horns I so desperately wanted to help

The people that couldn’t be heard back in a courtroom ZXI Lee telling the court it was difficult to live as a human being during those three weeks of the so-called Freedom Convoy the noise and honking permeated my existence Lee filed and won an injunction against the horns but says

There would still be periods of scheduled and Collective honking the crown is hoping to use Lee’s testimony to demonstrate the scope of the protest and to argue that leech and barber had control of the crowd the defense tried to block eight residents from testifying but the judge denied

That during the cross examination the defense questions Lee’s ability to recall specific dates and times when she observed Collective honking and air raid siren and a roaming horn and fireworks Le testimony was in interrupted after repeatedly calling the protest an occupation barbera’s lawyer saying it was inflammatory and very irritating to my

Ears the defense is arguing it was a peaceful protest the residents’s testimony have pointed to how they clearly did not see the demonstrations as a peaceful protest which could suggest why the defense did not want them to take the stand as they spoke directly to how overwhelming and

Disruptive those three weeks were Lea Rock CTV News Ottawa a museum in Alberta has seen an uptake in visitors since a Triceratop skull went on display in early October at 2 meters wide and 2 meters tall it’s the best preserved and most complete Triceratop skull found in

Canada the nearly 70 million year old fossil was found in 2014 and it’s on display at the Royal Terrell Museum after the break five sports earn Olympics status the games approved for the world’s biggest athletic stage in 2028 the Olympics have always symbolized a way to Showcase greatness and bring

People together today the host City for the 2028 Summer Games cleared the final hurdle to add a mix of five sports old and new to the world’s grandest stage here’s ctv’s C Agate in a country where Cricket is played by five point .4 million the international Olympic Committee announced India’s most watched

Game will be added to the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles we are thrilled to welcome the world’s second most popular sport with an estimated 2.5 billion fans worldwide Cricket’s long awaited comeback dating back to its first appearance in 1900 the commitment to grow Cricket in the US is real and it’s already

Happening also included baseball softball lacrosse squash and flag football I’m thinking that the opportunities will be limited so we have to be on our game I think football Canada president Jim Mullen says there is no professional league for flag football in Canada making the jump to

The world stage in less than 5 years even more impressive 75 y I don’t think there’s another sport in the Olympics family that’s gone from something that is almost purely recreational to an Olympic sport in this sort of timeline there it is wow what a finish Canada’s number one squash Champion Holly notton

From Oakville Ontario is currently competing in England she was surprised to see the sport included after several failed attempts and hopes she can add an Olympic medal to her achievements something that I feel like just resigned the fact that it probably would never happen um in my career an example to

Never give up hope as new and current Canadian athletes are looking to an Olympic future just 4 and a half years away CHR NK CTV News Halifax and that’s a snapshot of this Monday for all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching good night and see you tomorrow

Day 10 of the conflict between Israel and Hamas shows no signs of a ceasefire; Israel prepares northern border for conflict from Lebanon.

Canadian jumped on Hamas grenade to save fiancee 0:00
Fears of conflict between Israel-Hezbollah 5:00
Canadians unable to flee Gaza 8:37
Parliament call for humanitarian relief 11:09
Muslim and Jewish communities targeted by radicalism 12:23
B.C. cracking down on short-term rentals 15:52
Zexi Li testifies at trial of ‘Freedom Convoy’ organizers 18:12
New sports coming to next Olympics 20:39

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