Tamara Lich Trial: Crown claims witnesses will rebut suggestion Freedom Convoy was peaceful protest


Very simply there’s two sides to every story and uh I thought in particular the videos uh where the police uh are saying move move and then hold the line there’s other aspect of uh the protest that we want to show to the judge and that’s why we put those video in as

Evidence Robert kichi here for Rebel news in Ottawa Ontario on day 14 of the Tamara leech and Chris Barber trial where both are being charged with crimes associated with their organizational roles with the freedom Convoy of 2022 a peaceful demonstration against what I call the coid 19 Enterprise a series of

Apparatuses of surveillance control and coercion that you are all familiar with for those that need to catch themselves up and get up to date with what’s occurred thus far in this trial in these proceedings ings please visit tamat trial.com also you can contribute to our operational costs because we cannot do

This on the ground in the field reporting for free one of the major takeaways of today’s proceedings was the judge deciding that she will allow a series of witnesses invited by the prosecution to testify and this went against an application from both defense councils to preclude to exclude these

Witnesses from testifying on the basis of their forthcoming testimonies being irrelevant or redundant now all of these Witnesses are Ottawa residents who will claim that they were somehow harmed as a function of the freedom Convoy and the defense is claiming that these testimonies will be irrelevant because they’re going to be

Providing testimonies to facts that both defense councils have already made or accepted in the forms of what they call Admissions in other words the defense councils have both said that certain people were here in Ottawa during the freedom Convoy demonstrations that impeded certain Auto residents abilities to operate as they

Normally would freely for example a person may not have been able to fully enjoy or partake in his or her property and may have been injured in that regard or may have been late at work due to traffic jams as a function of the freedom Convoy when the judge J was

Explaining her rationale for her decision to allow these witnesses to testify in forthcoming days again a rejection of the defense council’s request to preclude these Witnesses from testifying she shared a statement from the prosecution that was submitted to her providing the Crown’s rationale their reasoning their intent behind the

Invitations for these Witnesses now for those that have been following you all know that the crown described the freedom Convoy during its opening statement on day one of this trial that the protest was quote anything but peaceful and in its explanation for its desire to invite these audable residents

As Witnesses it said that it intends these testimonies to be at least partially an attempt to quote rebut any suggestion that this protest was peaceful so what we’re seeing here is a theme from the prosecution a clear decision to characterize this peaceful demonstration as something other than

Peaceful there was only one witness who testified today it’s an Ottawa police officer named Craig Barlo we saw Barlo in the first week of proceedings he was invited as a witness for the prosecution and his job was to produce a video montage compilation as a sort of opening

Salvo for the prosecution he produced a video primarily composed of Clips taken from officers body cam footage officers who were on the ground here in Ottawa during the freedom Convoy and also some aerial surveillance footage now Diane Magus who was the defense attorney for Chris Barber cross-examined Barlo today and she was

Challenging his directorial decisions and his composition of this compilation by playing videos of her own that were taken from the same sources she took clips from from police officers body cam footage she took clips of the freedom Convoy that were shared in news media or on social media she took clips that were

Produced by Chris Barber selfie videos that he shared to his social media profile such as Tik Tok to communicate with his followers his supporters and anyone else who would listen and these videos were deliberately omitted by Barlo when he made his compilation and this was the theme of this

Cross-examination she would play a video and ask him was this included and why not at the end of the day we were lucky enough to speak with both Magus and Lawrence greenspa who is the attorney for Tamara leech and the latter greenspa told us that really this is

Evidence that there’s always two sides to every story your counterpart Diane Magus was playing a series of videos that she emphasized had been excluded and omitted from the initial video compilation that we saw in day one of the introduction of the trial right and I’m wondering what the purpose of that

Presentation is what is being demonstrated when she notes that the police officer didn’t include these videos I very simply there’s two sides to every story and uh I thought in particular the videos uh where the police uh are saying move move and then hold the line uh when that’s the very

Comment uh that is at the uh the heart of the prosecution uh I think it has some value so I don’t want to give the crown a heads up us to what I want to do at the end of the trial but um there’s other

Aspect of uh the protest that we want to show to the judge and that’s why we put those video in as evidence with the judge’s denial of that application to preclude these Witnesses from testifying does that remove a ground of potential appeal from the prosecution at the end

Of the trial in the event that the judge renders not guilty verdicts does that sort of well I would I wouldn’t speculate as to what the impact of that is other than say it it means that we’re going to hear from these impact Witnesses and uh the judge has indicated

That she’s going to be very strict in terms of uh making sure that their evidence is relevant to the trial and uh I I’m sure she will I’m sure she’ll do just that dear Rebel news audience if you value and appreciate our on the ground in the field reporting that you’re not

Going to see anywhere else please contribute and help offset our operational costs stay up to date with our reporting at Tamara trial.com

| Justice Heather Perkins-McVey rejected Tamara Lich’s defence counsel’s request to preclude several of the Crown’s requested witnesses from testifying on Wednesday, the fourteenth day of Lich’s and Chris Barber’s trial in Ottawa, ON. ? MORE:

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  1. The crown's claims of Ottawa citizen's inability to perform their daily functions are pure and total projection of their own crimes being implemented through covid measures.
    Up is down and down is up.

  2. Ya know the conservative leader, peirer will just apoint a judge who'll over turn all previous judge decisions that go against the freedom convoy. He's getting elected for sure. If not a majority gov than…well I'll just never trust any judge or police officer again until real justice is done.

  3. So they are throwing a whole bunch of biased anti-freedom Ottawa residents at it. Again, the protest isn't on trial! Defense can get together 100x as many witnesses to testify it was peaceful and completely compliant with the law!

  4. So they are bringing in a professional liar. Leftist=Liar, Leftism=Lies. The Canadian government will now make a mockery of itself by telling lies and damn lies in court to cover the megalomaniacal, despotic, full on authoritarianism of the Trudeau regime's response. What a sad comedy.

  5. I don't think the government or anyone associated with them, can afford to allow Tamara or Chris to be found NOT guilty, unless they can do it in a way that neither has any comeback to make allegations that the charges were frivolous and unfounded. So, the gov't and its followers have to push the charade that this movement was violent, and Ottawa residents were living in fear. Lot of sheep involved.

  6. I was there. The freedom convoy was peaceful. Meanwhile in Canada the government forced its citizens to take a non tested vaccine against their will. The only anti freedom movement I see is coming from the government

  7. Dam turdo the corrupt lying coward evil dictator that's destroying Canada and hes one of klaus Schwab puppets for the great reset agenda,someone please flush the turd and save Canada before its to late.

  8. You're a very good court reporter. Clearly paying great attention and not missing a trick. Note to Ezra, don't stick him in a studio doing editorial stuff, get this man out at more court cases. Do you feel that you could get more out of the wrong sorts if the microphone wasn't branded? Feel Rebel news could maybe benefit themselves by having less well-known faces at court cases as independents.

  9. The entire world knows that the protest was peaceful. Those Ottawa residence who are paid by Trudeau to lie and said that it was other than peaceful are traitors to all Canadian citizens. This will NEVER be a fair trial because Trudeau will never allow it.

  10. There isn't "two sides to every story". If that were the case then no judge's decision would ever stand as being valid. There is the TRUTH and there is BULLSHIT.

  11. Trudeau and his government are all liars and tyrants. Their "news" media are government propaganda agencies that only say what the government wants them to. The Provinces should consider dissolving their ties to the government of the tyrant.

  12. What does the government actually know about the disease and the control mechanism called vaccine?

    NOTHING is my guess from what I'm hearing. And if the government does know something, they're certainly holding it back.

    Everywhere, everybody is pointing to requiring a vaccine to fight it. What is "IT"? The vaccine is causing more harm than good, as daily reports are stacking up supporting this condition worldwide.

    Imagine if Health Canada had no proof that there ever was a disease? What would you do?

    Well, I've got some news for you. It so happens that there are over 215 Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and responses with that exact question at hand. Does the disease exist as a "thing" on its own in a tested laboratory with verified evidence factual data from an internal study or external reporting from around the globe would be open heartedly accepted without question? This was put to the test at Health Canada, RCMP, OPP, and ministries throughout the nation, and the answers came back all the same. NONE, I mean NONE of the respondents offer NO DATA available internally or worldwide.

    I can't accept FRAUD? Can you?

    Time you did some serious research and soul seeking. These FOI's have been in circulation for 2 years.

    Do you want to put an end to the theater of terror inflicting the people? You should start by changing the conversation from a fraudulent narrative scheme (vaccine) to one of the truth. The sooner the truth that there is no such disease causing this government to cripple people's lives, from the ground up, coming up 3 years and running wild the sooner you'll be able to chalk one up for the people.

    All this constitution babble, in my opinion, hasn't generated one ounce of success. If there was a "legal" remedy, why has it taken this long? Lawyers should have solved this within months from the beginning of the scam perpetrated by the genocidal maniacs in the House.

    Good luck with the dog and pony show!

    They'll be found guilty on a lesser charge and penalized with time served and a small fine. There's absolutely no chance they're going to let them walk away. The courts of being corrupted right from the start because the bar society and the black robes have hijacked it. This is a well-known fact. Administration of justice can not succeed in a legal battle. The only time you win in any legal battle is if you have a plausible legal excuse or on a technicality. They have neither.

  13. Yes there are "two sides to every story" Mr. Greenspon, and holding the line is peaceful. Period. Tamara may want to think about the rep. she is receiving? I will be in prayer. In Jesus. Amen


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