Integrity Inquiry Uncovers Factors Behind John Tory’s Downfall and Olivia Chow’s Rise to Power

LEVY: Integrity report digs into affair that ended John Tory’s career (and gave us Olivia Chow)

In a recently released integrity report, former Toronto mayor John Tory has been accused of failing to disclose his romantic relationship with a subordinate and not handling his private affairs in a way that maintained public confidence in his leadership. The report, which was produced by integrity commissioner Jonathan Batty after eight months of investigation, also found that Tory had improperly used his influence when voting on Toronto’s bid for the FIFA World Cup while his paramour worked at the company providing exclusive services for the event.

The report reveals that Tory’s romantic partner was given a permanent position at the company shortly after the vote, leading Batty to conclude that Tory must have been aware that his actions would directly benefit her. However, Tory has consistently denied any conflicts of interest throughout the years, even while continuing to sit on the board of Rogers while serving as mayor.

The relationship between Tory and his staffer, who is 38 years his junior, remained a secret for nearly three years, during which conflicts of interest were present. The timing of the relationship, occurring during the pandemic when Tory’s focus should have been on managing the crisis, is also a matter of concern.

The integrity commissioner’s report suggests that Tory’s lack of judgment, entitlement, perpetual conflicts of interest, and the close-knit connections within Toronto’s political class are problematic. However, some argue that the report does not adequately address the power imbalance between the two individuals involved.

Tory’s paramour, referred to as Ms. A to protect her privacy, made a conscious decision to pursue a relationship with a married man who was significantly older than her. As a result, she obtained a desirable job opportunity. While the commissioner claims that Ms. A experienced “trauma” from media attention, it is difficult for some to sympathize with her considering her active involvement in the relationship.

The report outlines the timeline of events, indicating that Ms. A began working for Tory in January 2018 and left in April 2021 to work for the Scarborough Health Foundation, which ultimately led to her connection with MLSE. Their interaction extended beyond professional boundaries, with Tory inviting Ms. A to dinner on her birthday in January 2020, under the pretext of not wanting her to be alone. This behavior is seen as reflective of Tory’s narcissism.

During official trips, Ms. A accompanied Tory, including one in March 2020 when he traveled to London. The report reveals that they dined together in a restaurant outside their hotel, an action that raises questions about the nature of their relationship. Ms. A insists it was purely professional, but it is difficult to overlook the motive behind dinner with a married boss significantly older than oneself.

When the pandemic and lockdowns hit, Ms. A expressed her belief that Tory and his wife were estranged, which may have contributed to her continued involvement. The report acknowledges that Tory sought emotional support from Ms. A and displayed romantic affection towards her. Their personal time together involved activities such as going on walks, watching sports, and discussing politics. Gifts were exchanged, and Tory even met members of her family and visited her hometown after the 2022 municipal election.

Despite the relationship continually ending and reigniting over three years, Tory expressed his intention to end it to his wife in August 2020. However, the affair persisted, leading to the involvement of Amanda Galbraith, a Navigator consultant and former staffer to Tory. Galbraith attempted to manage the communication issues between Tory and his wife, advising him to continue hiding the affair and assisting Ms. A with her career prospects.

Tory was questioned about his decision to run for another term in 2022, despite the risk of his relationship becoming public knowledge. He justified his decision by claiming there was unfinished business resulting from the pandemic and that his experience and political connections made him the best candidate. Critics argue that this decision exemplifies Tory’s narcissism and lack of judgment.

As a result of the controversies surrounding his personal life and attempts to conceal his indiscretions, Tory resigned in February, leaving Toronto in a precarious state financially. The operational deficit is estimated at $1.6 billion, and taxpayers had to bear the cost of a $13-million by-election. Furthermore, his actions led to the election of Olivia Chow as the current mayor, someone some consider financially illiterate and ill-equipped to handle the city’s significant challenges.

Tory’s romantic involvement and efforts to cover it up undoubtedly diverted his attention from effectively governing the city. This raises questions about his ability to prioritize the needs of the public and maintain their trust. The disregard for his responsibilities and the pursuit of a relationship with a much younger woman while ordering others to isolate during a pandemic is indicative of his hubris.

In conclusion, the integrity report sheds light on the failures and lack of judgment demonstrated by former Toronto mayor John Tory. His actions not only compromised public confidence in his leadership but also contributed to the city’s financial woes and the appointment of an inexperienced mayor. The repercussions of his personal entanglements highlight the importance of ethical conduct and integrity in public office.



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