Rota constituents sad, disappointed and “really feel for Anthony in the situation”


Our search for Mr Anthony Roda and Mr yaroslav hunka continues there was a recent substack article and it was chronicling um all these connections with the hunka family and the Roa family um you know with the hospital board um I think with the uh the pride committee uh

That the daughter is on and uh the author makes the conclusion that it would have been almost impossible for Mr Roa not to know about yav huna’s Nazi past okay I don’t know anything about that can you tell me what feedback you’ve received at the constituency office from constituents the only

Feedback we’ve gotten so far from uh the overwhelming majority of people has just been sadness uh disappointment and uh they really feel for Anthony in the situation

#RebelNews | MORE: Almost two weeks later, there are still so many unanswered questions pertaining to NaziGate.

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