Ottawa announces new measures to stabilize grocery prices


Welcome back as you know the cost of living is a big issue for so many Canadians particularly perhaps on this Thanksgiving weekend Ottawa has announced measures to try and rein in grocery Pices this past week or at least stabilize them is it enough earlier I spoke with the federal minister of

Industry F Philip champag Minister champagne thank you for making the time appreciate it it’s a pleasure to be with you on this Sunday so you met with the heads of the five major grocery chains they came back to you with plans uh to try and stab Iz

Prices what kinds of things have they proposed to you well first of all that was a first in Canada you know you’re right Rosemary I I called them in Ottawa to express the frustration of 40 million Canadians and say basically enough is enough and you have to do something to

Help us stabilize prices uh what I introduced last week was a fivepoint plan you know one of them is the commitment from the grossers uh some of the thing we’ve seen before but I would say expanded and certainly for a longer time talk about price freeze at

Discounted basket but this is just one one of the things we’ve said you know the best way uh to stabilize prices in the short medium and long term is really to to have a more competitive environment in Canada so that’s why we said we’re going to have the consumer uh

The the the Bureau of Consumer Affairs so that in a way we can track what they said we can also look at sh inflation you know a lot of people have been wondering uh you know kind of same packages uh I take pasta but instead of

120 gram it’s 100 uh we’re going to make sure that we push the International manufacturer remember I met Nestle un uh the code of conduct on grocery because the smaller guys say this is key for transparency uh then we talked about data a bit like the US is doing they

Call that the US uh food dollar so that we have u a big a better sense as Canadians and finally uh The Landmark competition reform because actually if you ask me what’s going to have the most impact is really if we if we as you know consumers you and I and millions of

Viewers uh where we decide to spend our dollar which Banner if we go there or there that’s going to have the most impact on them responding to the needs of Canadians okay let me let me ask you a few questions about about you’ve said there do do you anticipate then that

Prices will actually come down on some Goods did did they make any guarantees to lower prices and can you give people a sense on on what kinds of goods they could see that well well the the mission I give them was to stabilize prices you’ve seen Rosemary we’ve seen uh food

Price has increased more than inflation and that’s a problem you know it’s a problem for families that Thursday or like me every Saturday uh people feel that so we said first of all you need to stabilize prices how you’re doing it then I want competition to go because

What we heard and what we have been in discussion with them in the plan you know different banners will do different things and I know if one is doing that they said well if they do this then we’ll do that so really we’ve inspired ourselves to what you’ve seen in the

United Kingdom with r it Rose in France with careful uh looking at International best practices and making sure that we reflect that in the Canadian context not exactly the same but in a way uh putting pressure on them and I think the best pressure obviously we have self power

Because you’re the government you can call them and and they come and express frustration but then it’s really an appeal to all the consumers out there all of us uh to say listen let let’s watch each of them and and let’s direct our dollar to the one which is giving us

Best value for our money well but but then but then why are you needed at all if the responsibility is going to come back to the consumer someone needs to BR the fight you know I would say because someone needs to fight no one Expect Miracles but they expect someone

To fight so I’m bringing the fight on behalf of 40 million Canadians and say by the way we want plans uh we want to follow up on that we want to take the international manufacturers uh we want to provide more data I spoke to the independent grocery Association the

6,900 they said Minister the grocery code of conduct and the data that’s going to help us to to balance our negotiation with a bigger brand so it’s really being a catalyst and and and having the eyes of 40 million Canadians on the groceries now and say you better

Deliver because we’re all watching you yeah although also on you because now you’re also going to have to deliver too right so so how I’m doing that on behalf of Canadians actually it’s it’s yeah but how soon should Canadians expect to see some of these prices go down how long

Are you willing to give them oh well listen you know no one expect it’s not like a switch you know it’s not like you say oh you you flip a switch and then prices stabilized this is something that’s going to take weeks and months

And I’m going to be on their back uh if you ask me when we’re starting to see things I think in in the coming days and weeks because I’ve seen some wants to put this promotion the other one said we’re going to do this if they do that

So you’re seeing a movement I think what we have achieved Rosemary is kind of to be a catalyst for the frustration of Canadians and and I can call them uh to Ottawa to speak on behalf of of all your viewers but then it’s collectively and

US pushing them uh you know if you ask me am I going to be happy uh not soon because I want to see more but it’s only day four of of what we have uh you know started but this is going to be a journey uh to make sure that Canadians

Have you know best value for their money you you you say you you are there to express the frustration of Canadians but as you well know the frustration of Canadians has been ongoing for some time the the inflation of food has been higher than inflation since 2021 some

People would say that you’ve come to this far too late and only because you were forced to respond after the opposition parties have been hammering you for months to do something well I think you respond to what Canadians want I mean it’s not about the opposition it’s it’s really what but consumer

Inflation food inflation has been high since 2021 and I’d say it’s always a good day to fight for Canadians I mean you know uh no one is going to you know complain and say oh they’re taking the fight now uh what people want to see is

Someone on their side to fight for them and that’s what we’re doing and and they understand that this is a journey that we need to take together the government will do what we have to do but we as consumers together uh will really direct our dollar uh and I think that is the

Pressure pressure of the market plus what we did uh we’re going to be in this together for weeks and months to make sure that we see results for Canadians the the grocery code of conduct as you said that does exist in in other countries will it be mandatory and

Enforcable because there are uh associations the dairy Processors Association of Canada for instance who says it has to be it has to be legislation and it has to be mandatory is that what you would expect well there’s different views on that I mean like I said I my role has been to push

Them to sign onto the code ofct like you said to have more transparency and fairness uh what has been negotiated over the last two years uh is really a voluntary code of conduct this is where we are now uh uh you know we have to take the views of those who have

Participated in that endeavor this has been going on uh with with different uh you know players in the industry so my role has been to push for it to sign I think it would be step one um and it’s much needed especially for the small independent grossers because you know

It’s not only about the big chains but also the smaller ones uh that we want to protect and provide them with information so then when they negotiate with the big banners or the Distributors that they have more power uh to get good deals for them then that they can pass

On to Consumers so you know many I’m sure you know this and and certainly you see inflation prices on food they’re already easing and economists say that that what you’ve announced and you say you’re going to do is actually it’s already happening because because you

Came to it to l i we should all be happy then yeah so so so what do you say to Canadians on on you know this Thanksgiving weekend where they are out having to make difficult choices for uh their families what do you say to them

About how real this is going to be how what it whether this is actually going to make a difference well I would say look for the best offers you know uh we already see things in the market where where some are trying to out compete with each other I I really that’s why

I’m so Keen about this uh this Bureau of Consumer Affairs so that eventually we’ll have more tools uh to provide to Canadians about shrinkflation some have called about dequal fation you know the quality of products but I would would say be on the lookout because one thing

That I’ve seen uh and what they’ve told me is that they’re really competing for your dollars now uh so you’ll see different banners offering different things and that’s really you know the best thing we can do is is uh is having a more competitive environment that’s

Really the way uh anywhere you look at different industry different country that’s the way that you stabilize prices there more competition and I think we’ve been a catalyst to bring that pressure on them uh for you know first time I’m told in Canada bring the pressure on

Them the pressure of 40 million people and say you have to do better for consumers okay Minister Chang we’ll leave it there thank you very much thank you very much have a nice weekend

François-Philippe Champagne, Canada’s minister of innovation, science and industry, joins Rosemary Barton Live to discuss the government’s new measures to help ease the burden on Canadian households by stablizing the price of groceries.

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  1. Well we need to roll back grocery prices not just stabilize them. The government should have done this months ago!!! The did not because most of these grocery chains lobby the feds. Weston gave himself through his board a 3 million dollar bonus!

  2. The 5 big chain stores can not set price, be it increase or decrease. Even if they have the power, is not legal for them to do so. I found myself shop at the big chain store most often because they sell things cheaper. Is it possible that price are higher because the farmers are demanding more reasonable compensation for their work?

  3. Grocery stores already freeze prices around this time of the year. The real test would be to see what happens to prices once those freezes run out early next year.

  4. The Fed. liberal Gov. has wholly failed to support our Canadian armed forces and instead has degraded it's capability to respond to world events little alone our own ability to defend ourselves. The Trudeau Gov. is in fact engaged in a war of attrition against Canadians including our own forces. The loss of funding ( – 1 billion dollars ) combined with the high cost of living has decimated Canadian capabilities and moral.

    A vote of non confidence must come soon.

    THE WORLD IS AT WAR on multiple fronts and the liberal Gov. is incapable/ unwilling to respond.

    The liberal Gov. does not speak for Canadians.

  5. Groceries is no different then cellphones. They want more competition but nothing moves forward to get competition. There’s people who’ve been dealing with food insecurity long before now. Government is only caring now because an election is on the horizon. Then they can say they’re doing something to help. It’s only to help themselves, not the population.

  6. The government has really called things more difficult for its citizens, and we can't sit back and bear all the consequences of the bad governance. It's obvious we are headed for hyperinflation,it is always the poor who take the hit.

  7. I switched over from his interview on CTV and this is just far more waffling and spoofing from a weak minister. He has back peddled all weekend, taking credit for flyers, competition and all the things he has had no impact on at all. The outcome, he talked big and failed miserably and is trying to say now he is fighting, seriously? Get lost, awful, awful trash. At this point, I would like an election to get rid of this dude, Karina Gould, Freeland, Trudeau and all of the folk who have performed terribly… and I am not a conservative voter.

  8. None of these politicians are going to do anything. They work for the rich people and corporations. People buy from where is convenient. The prices are never different enough to mean changing where you shop. Its lip service, they're just kicking the can down the road just like climate change.

  9. With bad-faith Premiers (frankly, evil persons) such as Doug Ford causing institutions such as the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, willfully and intentionally refusing to improve and enhance their ODSP and OW benefits, many have sought MAID as the only escape from suffering legislated poverty, has so far been a pipeline genocide of the disability and low-income population demographic. September 2023 was insanely expensive and impossible to endure, but for those few who could do their taxes will see minor relief in October, which will be exhausted by Halloween. It will be a genuine Hell-in-Canada come November 2023, disabilities and low income will not be able to afford it. December will see an early refreshing of members benefits because of Christmas, meaning January 2024 will be cruelty by premature financial exhaustion. These governments act like they're doing something, but they're not. Unless provincial benefits get doubled, federal benefits get supplied, we simply don't have what we need to survive. The Government of Canada is lying, and the Government of Ontario is evil.

  10. Not everyone cooks up a turkey dinner. Some of us go to Swiss Chalet, many are alone and don't bother with Thanksgiving, many are vegetarians. We all look for sales; that's nothing new. For a long time it didn't seem like food prices were going to come down, now that the government is getting involved with the grocers/suppliers, prices will drop – why did they bother? Yelling about high costs, now yelling about dropping costs – make up your minds journalists, economists. What is empty-vessel poilievre going to do if prices drop, blame it on the carbon tax?


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