Non-stop bombings in Gaza are devastating, says Palestinian representative to Canada


World leaders have condemned the attacks by Hamas including prime minister Trudeau he said this he’s not spoken publicly but he did Issue a tweet these acts of violence are completely unacceptable we stand with Israel and fully support its right to defend itself our thoughts are with everyone affected

By this civilian life must be protected Palestinian officials say at this hour more than 300 people have been killed in Gaza without saying militants or civilians Mona Abu Abu Amara is the chief representative of the pales General delegation to Canada and joins me live from Ottawa nice of you to make

The time thank you so much what can you tell us about the situation on the ground in terms of civilians and casualties um thank you Rosemary um first of all I deplore the loss of uh life Palestinian and Israeli like we hope to find uh and pray for a

Resolution um so the region does not uh fall into a even even dark slippery slope um we are um just U devastated about what’s happening u in Gaza right now as well and uh there have been non-stop bombing uh by Israel on indiscriminately at uh buildings and U

People uh we have had one uh family of 17 people uh buted in one of those um bombings among them five children so um situation is still fluid uh nobody knows um to to have a final count or um who is uh being murdered mostly those people

Who are being bombed are in civilian um uh apartment buildings that are being leveled to the ground there there is uh there reports that there will be an emergency Arab League meeting uh I wonder what you think might come of that meeting and how important that would be to trying to stabilize

Things so it’s it’s very important for the International Community to uh jump in um but the problem is that we are talking about symptoms everything that we’re seeing today or in the past few days and uh in the past few months are symptoms of the root of the cause which

Is occupation and apartheid and I know that in the western media it’s being covered life right now unfortunately this reality has been there for the Palestinians for decades and uh we did not receive that coverage from Western Media or condemnations from Western leaders so these meetings um are very

Important be it in the Arab League or the emergency meaning the security Council but then the reality on the ground is that we have uh a veto that usually takes place and uh prevents the uh actual action towards a resolution that’s just forel inan are are you

Concerned that the actions of Hamas are hurting Palestinians uh in their goals to um have a peaceful life the the goal of the Palestinians have been to have peaceful life for decades they didn’t get it even uh when we appeased the International Community um and agreed to 22% of our homeland

Because we wanted a life for our children um that does not include Bloodshed but our blood did not stop from shedding and the only way to have a resolution is to actually hold Israel accountable for what happened and to implement international law so again to talk about the root cause and not the

Symptoms is the way forward and how you fix the problem sure but but do you condone what Hamas has has done over the past 24 hours listen why is it the job of the occupi to come and uh uh condone or condemn or protect security of its occupier the prime minister of Israel

Came out and said he’s declaring war against what we’re not a state we’re not we’re occupied people so who’s the war is against and who has what was it before for decades long what was it before that you’re talking about 2 million people held hostage in the largest open air prison being bombed

Continuously for the past decade and this is being said that it’s done because of Hamas so what happened yesterday if Israel was doing this for security then how come this happened yesterday and today we are talk but I guess I guess my point is Israel does

Have a right to defend itself and there are now more than 600 people dead so I wonder if Hamas has hurt the conversation that you want to have as as Palestinian that’s the that’s the problem when you say Israel has the right to uh defend itself and that has

Been going on for so long even when atrocities have been happening to the Palestinians and then do Palestinians have the right to defend themselves and why not if if that that’s what we’re looking for equality when you come and say you are against occupation somewhere else Canada needs to be consistent and

The International Community needs to be consistent that and occupation need to end no matter what but you can’t condone atrocities against people and then demand them to I’m going to leave it there Mona I’m going to leave it there I’m running out of time thank you so

Much for your time I appreciate your perspective Mona abara thank you

Mona Abuamara, chief representative for the Palestinian Delegation, joined Rosemary Barton Live to discuss the bombings in Gaza and the importance of the international community to help ease tensions.

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  1. Seriously, you give screen time to those who support terrorism???? Naming killing of innocent Israeli’s women and children an act of protecting Palestinians is beyond, it’s just madness. It’s terrorism, and it’s just infuriating that after Israel trying to defend itself, Palestines act like they are victims ????

  2. "Israel is bombing innocent family"
    Well.. its ironic that she doesnt feel sadness for those festival folks. 200+ are dead. By paraglidders who can identify targets on the ground.
    "But Israel has the right to defend itself"(any nation does)
    Big shake of the head
    "No thats the problem they shouldnt".. GTFO

    "Doesnt palestinians get the right to defend itself" defend yes, shooting 2000 rickets across a border isnt defending yourself. Thats called an attack.

  3. The only reason Hamas exist is because of Israel's crimes against Palestinians during the ongoing occupation of Palestine if Israel left Palestine alone their wouldn't have been a Hamas in the first place but now that's to late the only course of action is for Israel to withdraw from the West Bank sit down with the Palestinian Authority and make a plan to deal with Hamas so the Authority can restore order and control over Gaza and minimize civilian casualties so we don't end up providing more recruits to Hamas which is what Israel always does when it unilaterally responds to Hamas Attacks with bombing Gaza.

  4. Islamic Terrorists' representative shut down by anchor throgh "I'm running out of time, thank you!!!" and then the face of terrorists' representative ???? made my day ?????

  5. Gaza is going to be annihilated. The terrorists who attacked Israel have caused what is about to happen. I’m very sorry for all of you there, but it’s about to end. Get out if you can, but pray you survive. I fear this is the end.

  6. Rosemary Barton may be the worst journalist in Canada. She's basically just a Liberal puppet that just spouts Western governments' talking points on Ukraine and now Israel. "Do you condone the actions of Hamas?" Why don't you ask if Israelis condone apartheid?

  7. What Hamas is doing to the hostages and the ones that are already ended is not going to buy them any favors. When someone's gone, they are gone. They are not a toy, a prop, a rag doll or a soccer ball.

  8. MSM Yellow Journalism compares to the famous fantasy Santa Claus/JeZeus fraud.

    This propaganda rhetoric models after the pathetic propaganda made by the post ’48 Arab defeat, that Zionists, following the 1880s Russian pogroms, that those dirty Jew Zionists, up and stole the land of Palestinian away from the “Red Man” original Palestinian inhabitants. Starting with the 1917 Balfour Declaration.?Palestine 1922 to 1948, the period of the British post WWI mandate. R.I.P. What a farce. The Gosepels/new testament, in point of fact, it mirrors, the forgery of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, written in the late 1890s by the Czar’s Secret Police.


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