Inside the courtroom: Unraveling the Tamara Lich and Chris Barber trial with Robert Kraychik


What’s going on with the Tamara leech and Chris Barber trial in Ottawa we’ve got the journalist covering it to break it all down for us I’m Sheila gun Reed and you’re watching the gun Show for those of you who don’t know and I don’t know how you possibly couldn’t the freedom Convoy of 2022 was I think the single largest human rights demonstration in Canadian history tens of thousands of Canadians joined the trucker Le protest which landed in the nation’s capital late January through to

The middle of February 2022 they were there to oppose vaccine mandates and other coid restrictions all across the the country it was a peaceful movement for Freedom it was so peaceful that the streets were cleaner in Ottawa than before they came when the truckers left and crime actually went down while the

Truckers and their supporters were in the nation’s capital however trudo never met with them and that guy will attend the opening of an envelope in fact it was much worse than that Trudeau and his government used the never before used emergencies act to euthanize the protest to criminalize the peaceful

Demonstration the emergencies Act is a counterterrorism law it gives authorities extraordinary powers when the existing authorities do not have the tools to deal with the crisis at hand it’s meant for Pearl Harbor and 911 level events it’s not meant for Street parties and shinny hockey and people in their nation’s capital in

The nation’s Town Square speaking truth to power the Convoy leaders Tamara leech and Chris Barber were charged with mischief and other Mischief related offenses Tamara herself was held for approximately 50 days in custody for a nonviolent offense that if she were convicted of she would never see the

Inside of a jail cell because her crime was not Mischief her crime obviously was embarrassing the government and providing more opposition to Justin trau than the opposition parties had ever done in Justin Trudeau’s eight years in office we currently have a journalist named Robert kichk covering the trial of

Tamara and Chris in Ottawa as it winds its way through the court and he’s been in the courtroom every single day taking meticulous notes and Reporting back in outstanding detail these complicated Court proceedings in a way that normal nonc Court types might understand so joining me now is my

Friend and colleague Rebel news reporter Robert kek this free episode of the gun show is brought to you by my mug I know it’s pretty cool so is this hoodie I got on and you could have it on too if you check out our special website at Rebel neww that’s

Where you can see Freedom Focus hoodies that we have for you beanie cell phone cases you name it all while supporting our journalism where we fight to bring you the other side of the story as opposed to you know being forced by the Trudeau government to fund leftist media

Out of your taxes the truth is without you and your generosity there is no Rebel news so again if you like the reports that we bring you and that we all also fight for freedoms in Canada please consider doing some shopping picking up some swag at Rebel neww we appreciate your Support So joining me now is my friend and colleague Robert cek now Robert has been doing really uh an incredible job of being in the courtroom and documenting exactly what is going on inside the courtroom of the Tamar leech and Chris Barber trial uh and you know Independent Media has really led

The way on the Convoy but also on the coverage of the Convoy Robert tell me what the courtroom is like before we get into you know the fine details of what’s happening in the courtroom and what I think are probably the failings of the Crown’s impossible case against uh

Tamara and Chris but what’s the courtroom like who’s in there every single day well we’ve got on one side we’ve got media on one side so you’ve got The Usual Suspects they’re the largest organizations in Canada you’ve got CTV Global CBC uh you’ve also got what we can call

Let’s say dissident news media alternative news media so I’m there of course representing Rebel news we’ve also got some people there from post millennial we’ve also got some people there from the epoch times I’ve seen some other people maybe I’ll use the term bloggers I don’t mean that in a

Diminutive way but people that are not affiliated with a particular organization and just do their own work under their own names on Twitter uh maybe they’ve got a websites and so forth and then the majority of the courtroom is composed of observers almost all of them maybe aside from one

Are is composed of supporters of both Tamaro leech and Chris Barber now I’m reliably informed by hand ringing Maniacs subsidized by Justin trau in the mainstream media that uh Tamar leech of course was Public Enemy Number One and a plague upon the city of Ottawa and Ottawa residents just had to be

Defended from her are there many Ottawa residents in the courtroom again the only I’ve only met one resident in there who I would call a detractor from Tamar leech and Chris barbar more broadly let’s let’s say the freedom Convoy she was not sympathetic I’ve spoken to her several times uh so

She’s let’s say outnumbered by maybe 30 people who tend to sort of alternate so this just on Logistics alone or to your point there’s literally nobody there from Ottawa who’s just there to you know observe Justice uh against this person that you know put them under siege according to you know Justin trudo

Or you know former Mar Jim Watson The Usual Suspects you know what a great way to put that um yeah I mean this apparent according to the mainstream media this was a Siege of Ottawa you would think that there would be some interest from the victims of the siege but apparently

There is none because it doesn’t seem that I would think a lot the opposition FR from what I’ve seen and I watched this pretty closely was kind of astroturfed it was the same people recycled in the media over and over and over again complaining about the Convoy

And I’m I’m glad to see that evidenced in the courtroom uh speaking of evidence in the courtroom how about that for a segue um what’s what what’s it like in the courtroom how do you think this court case is going U because from what I can understand and again I’m I’m a

Layman but I also do a lot of court reporting how do you think the prosecution’s case is going I feel like they were given an impossible case baby like a sack of garbage of a case and now they’ve they’re forced to go forward with it because of the predicament that

They have been put in politically oh no there’s two lay persons here I’m a lay person to but I’ve also got a mind and also pay attention this so I’ll share with you what I’ve observed uh so far in terms of where we’ve gone um procedurally in the

Trial we’re still going through the prosecution’s evidence which includes invitations to Witnesses so obviously that’s the first order of business once we go through all of them then the defense will have the opportunity if it chooses to do so to introduce its own counterevidence introduce its own Witnesses and to answer your question

About how it’s going it’s not going well for the prosecution at all this is not just one man’s opinion observing from the outside I can corroborate this with observations I’ve made inside the courtroom and one major theme that’s been going on since day one is that every single intervention from the judge

And she is not just this Observer she’s relatively involved I would say she’s not um a wilting flower every intervention aside from maybe a handful have been in in essence a reprimand of the prosecution’s conduct and or something supportive towards the defense’s position and a major sub theme

Of that is she is challenging the relevance or legitimacy of evidence introduced by the prosecution particularly in the form of testimony from its Witnesses I’ll just give you one example although this is going on many many times so so far all the witnesses have been aside from one these

Sort of bureaucratic police officer types right and a lot of them have these log books or record books where they keep notes from their daily duties and given that most of them are in these sort of supervisory roles where they’re not actually on the ground dealing with

Events in the context of the freedom Convoy they’re getting information intelligence as they call it that comes up the chain of command so when they share oh my notebook says this or that happened or apparently this happened on that date it’s always second or third or fourth hand it’s always coming from a

Far distance removed from them in their offices in Ottawa and secondarily it’s not something that they observed or experienced firsthand so again the testimon monies from these Witnesses has often been critiqued by the judge now remember there’s no jury here so when the judge says that this witness that

I’m about to hear based on what I just mentioned to you the fact that this is second third fourth hand information it’s hearsay she says it has very little to no weight but she’ll allow it to proceed but uh again like this is an ongoing theme the the challenge of

Relevance to the actual chars that had I’ll go into more detail about that later sure it you know I’ve I’ve heard criticisms of the prosecutions case uh in that it seems as though they want to put the Convoy on trial as opposed to Tamara and Chris for the things they’re

Charged um it seems that they they want a political trial in the public sphere as opposed to focusing on the evidence uh directed at Tamara and Chris and and the evidence on which the charges are based yeah this is amazing okay so in the opening statement from the

Prosecution on day one they literally said this is not exact quote but the guy said this his name is Tim Radcliffe this is not a prosecution of the Convoy right but here we are three weeks in and basically all of the testimony all the evidence has been about what happened

During the Convoy so there’s this massive disconnect between the opening one of the claims in the opening statement and how events have unfolded thus far moreover like let’s just imagine how this might play out if it was something that made sense you would imagine that you’d have video Andor

Witnesses saying I saw this person at this location on this date at this time doing this thing right and you would think that the prosecution would then explain to the judge to make it clear that’s what this witness is claiming and now let me link it to the Chart we

Haven’t seen any of that it’s just these cops saying again these sort of bureaucratic cops saying what they’ve heard from their subordinates in terms of what may have happened I’ll give you one other example that was I’ll never forget jumped out of me there was this

Montage 11 and a half minute video that was played basically on the first day of proceedings and it was composed of video that was collected primarily from body cam footage from police officers who were deployed to the freedom Convoy for what they call crowd control and in this

11 and a half minute video there was not a second of any violence from demonstrators towards police officers or anyone now the judge actually intervened I think it was day three day four somewhere in the first week and she actually made a point that she watched

That video and the only violence she saw was one instance where a police officer struck a demonstrator and that goes to the heart of your question earlier about how this is sort of a prosecution of the demonstration itself rather than the specific individuals uh being charged you know

That is astounding to me that finally somebody has acknowledged the violence from the state directed at the protesters because we saw extreme violence in fact the only violence that I saw during the freedom Convoy and I paid acute attention to it was from police directed at the peaceful Convoy

Protesters they were meeting peaceful protesters who were singing and chanting with you know Riot hor with batons in the case of Alexa lavois and again with pepper balls in the case of Alexa lavois I mean I mean it it’s finally you know like finally to hear a

Judge say actually the violence was not the protesters um that heartens me I I don’t know how the the court case is going to shake out but that is the first time that somebody official has actually acknowledged the violence only going in the One Direction there was one other instance

In court where it wasn’t an acknowledgement of violence going in One Direction but it still will maybe put a little smile on your face so one of the witnesses that was introduced by the prosecution again that’s only where we’re at so far forget the guy’s name uh

Kim some Kim aot so Kim aot uh worked at the time and still does as don’t know the official title but he’s a city supervisor he works for the city of Ottawa he’s in charge of emergency services so the chief of police reports to him the chief of paramedics the chief

Of firefighters the chief of our bylaw officers reports to him he’s the overseer of all of that and he was cross-examined I think it was by Lawrence greenspa who’s the attorney defending Tamaro leech uh whether there was any violence from demonstrators towards police that had come to his attention he

Said no so even a witness who himself is likely invested and personally supportive of this prosecution under oath stated that there was no violence from demonstrators towards police officers under oath wouldn’t it be just absolute political egg on Justin Trudeau’s face if these two are not convicted of the very minor things that

They’re charged with and yet he used a counterterrorism law called the emergencies act that’s never been used before that’s supposed to be reserved for 911 and Pearl Harbor level events and he can’t even get the leadership of that event convicted of Mischief yeah so so the the emergencies act obviously its antecedent legislation

Was the war measures act and it was used by one guy what was that guy’s name Pier Trudeau so yeah there’s a little bit of a lineage there in terms of you know exercising this drama although maybe you can argue for the flq crisis it was legitimate whatever I’m not going to

Litigate that uh absolutely this would be a humiliation of Justin Trudeau and I want to give you some speculation now I can’t prove this but I know it to be true I’ve just been to Deep political Observer the idea that any of these guys on the stand and all of them are these

Again bureaucratic City officials ostensibly they have discretion but we know one of the themes of the modern era which includes Canada is that we’re becoming increasingly centralized and Consolidated we’re becoming increasingly micromanaged from this heart of the beast in our case in Ottawa and we know

That Justin shud was on TV every day saying he’s working with the relevant authorities he’s going to take care of this so the idea that these charges are not coming directly or at least let me rephrase that at least the direction to put place these charges against both

Leech and barber the idea that it didn’t come from the pmo is absurd obviously the prime minister’s office is directing this and I’ll even give you a shred of evidence that corroborates my position it was um one of the police officers I can’t recall the guy’s name but his job

Is to deal with large events he’s been doing that since long before the freedom Convoy of 2022 so some sort of large protest large sporting event that’s that’s under his purview and he said under oath in his testimony that he was specifically directed from higher-ups

Not to do his job which in this case was liasing and negotiating with the freedom Convoy representatives in this case leech and barber and he said he does not know how high up the food chain that that directive came from he speculated it came from the chief of at the time

There was a guy named Peter slowy but why would we even delude ourselves into thinking that Peter slowy had any autonomy Jim Watson the miror at the time was out there every day speaking about how this was his top priority he’s going to deal with it he’s working with

The Prime Minister he’s working with other uh uh law enforcement authorities working with Premier Doug Ford so again this went all the way to the top and it just proves your point that this is absolutely a Justin Trudeau government directed operation and that nobody had any discretion everyone was waiting to

Be micromanaged from Parliament yeah and now this prosecutor is left sort of holding the bag with this impossible case because you can’t what what is he to do drop the charges now when we said that it was a national public safety crisis because Tamara honked a horn and said hold the

Line he can’t back out of this he is on a collision course I think with uh a ruling that is going to embarrass the government at the very least but what does he do he’s in an impossible situation although I would suggest that probably an ethical man would say I

Can’t bring myself to do this um he didn’t say that so here we are I I’m so glad you said that because this relates to a massive theme that I know you and I and I bet you the entire audience have observed and continue to observe across what I call the coid 19

Enterprise and it’s the degree to which people who who don’t believe in something comply with it for their own reasons so we know that police officers very often did not want to do what they were being instructed they don’t want to arrest some guy for not wearing a mask

At Tim worth this is madness but they do it and again I’m not uh I’m not excusing them I’m just explaining what I think the background is they’re accountable at the end of the day you’re accountable whether you had you know supposedly good reasons or not and I think that applies

To the prosecution for what it’s worth uh there’s two of them a man and a woman their hearts don’t really seem into it and even if they were True Believers in their cause they’re still as you put it dealing with an impossible situation and this whole again the co 19 Enterprise

Forced people into doing things they don’t want to deal with it’s very much like the emperor has no clothes moment and only the naive innocent baby had the guts to say that to the emperor and everywhere you look people put on The Masks they don’t want to they take the

Injections they don’t want to they distance themselves from other people in the grocery stores they don’t want to but they comply and the prosecution in my view is no exception they don’t want to be there this this actually this these charges got dropped upon them when the former prosecutor who was handling

This case got removed for being a little bit too emotive I think I recall as relevant explaining so they just got this thrown on their desks and you know they want to get that paycheck they want to stay in the good esteem of their management so they

Comply now I I just want to shift Lanes here to uh another thing that you have recently covered in Ottawa and again I think the counter prot ters were the poorly behaved ones uh you saw more violence out of the counter protesters than I think we saw out of any of the

Freedom Convoy and that is the 1 million March for children um where people from all kinds of backgrounds like I have never seen a more diverse parade of canadiana than I have seen during these uh protests and really these protests are about the sexualization and gender indoctrination of children this

Indoctrination with the Mind virus of gender confusion through the education system and it it is it’s truly people from all backgrounds new Canadians Old Stock Canadians to use a term that drives the uh left wild um uh Muslims you know Hindus siks Christians uh atheists new Canadians

Like I was at the Regina protest and I was like did the seik temple just let out like what are all these people doing here and they were there for the same reason is everybody else but of course these things tend to be met um by Madness uh childless cat ladies and Cat

Moms um who don’t have their own children are out there telling you that you don’t love your children and you don’t care about your children if you don’t affirm their confusion um tell us what your experience was did I just accurately describe your experience at the Ottawa protest go ahead I’ll add

Some color to it so yeah it was all sorts of Canadians like you said ethnically racially uh nationally religiously I’ll go further some were tall some were thin some were fat somewh skinny right I mean literally all kinds canadi and uh yeah totally totally and you know what it was

Such a great so full disclosure obviously I’m sympathetic towards this movement this campaign to oppose what I call this transgender lgbtq Enterprise to me it’s a series of businesses and operations and campaigns uh both for financial purposes and also just for ideological indoctrination purposes as you put it which is just sickening and

Evil and wicked and criminal and all the above but uh what was so heartwarming about it is that it was not hard for me to find amazing people so if you go watch the video report that I did and also the video reports from my colleagues in different parts of the

Country who were out there on that Wednesday reporting on you know their City’s respective million person March for children it’s not like we had to do some hardcore editing oh yeah get this guy out get that person out no everyone was amazing it was like you want to get

Everyone in like I just go up to somebody and hey tell me why you’re here I they just make perfect sense I go up to another person hey what’s going on what’s on your mind what are the issues at play amazing coherent simple answers so the the volume of highquality

Sensible Canadians at least with respect to this issue was amazing and it was a Wednesday morning so that’s only a small fragment right right right so like how many millions of Canadians are out there that couldn’t make it on that Wednesday morning so it it should be uh uh

Invigorating to those who feel despondent on occasion because we’re very atomized in this modern time uh we often feel very isolated by Design By the way the system is by the way the propaganda of the media is and we’re thinking am I the last person that knows

2 plus two is four no you are not you are a part of Legions of Canadians who see this for what it is and that was really the most amazing part of and yeah to the part of the the counter demonstrators it’s just as you described a belligerent incoherent they’re beyond

Parody they’re like caricatures cat people who don’t want to have kids who uh want to dictate to you how to have your kids it’s it’s Madness yeah I I call them a bit of a self-fixing problem which is why they have to proliferate their bad ideas by infecting other

People’s children with them because they are the people who say that you know you can’t have kids because it’s dangerous for the climate or whatever and so really they they are a last generation problem because there’s no second generation of these lunatics and so that is why they have to go through the

Education system to infect other people’s children with their nonsense um Robert I could talk to you all day I’m I have duty calls elsewhere um but uh could you please let everybody know where they can find your important work on the Convoy trial well uh obviously go to tamat where we keep our updates going on the trial resumes on October 11th so stay tuned for ongoing reports with with that and of course you can support us at tomar and if you feel inclined you can also support tomaro leech’s defense costs and um just

Stay tuned you know there’s going to be a lot of great reporting out there I’m really thankful for the kind words you shared with me it’s uh it’s it’s good to get that sort of feedback from uh someone who like I hold you high esteem

So it’s good to hear that you know and that’s it guys just stay tuned Rebel news keep going I have to tell you you’re doing a great job I know how onerous uh covering a trial is you have to be acute to the detail um but also sometimes the minutia will numb your

Mind and so you’ve been you’ve been doing a great job and I’m really proud of the work that you’re doing thank you hey the bigger the challenge the bigger the reward and I’ve got a great team you guys are really helping me refine my skills so it’s

Really a 360 effort this free episode of the gun show is brought to you by here for Rebel news you know our company is growing quickly and we’d actually like for your company to grow too that’s why this ad space that I’m speaking through right now is actually available for you

To purchase so instead of people listening to me they could actually be learning about your company learning about your business if this interests you if this is an opportunity you’d like to capitalize on send us an email at ads rebelnews Docomo friends we’ve come to the portion of the show where we invite your viewer feedback unlike the mainstream media and I say this every single week I actually care about what you think about the work that we do here at Rebel news that’s why I give up my email address right now

It’s Sheila if you want me to read it in regards to the show just put gun show letters in the subject line but also don’t hesitate to leave a question comment story idea feedback on any of the places where you might watch the show including the free version on

YouTube and Rumble thanks guys for sitting through those ads to watch the free version every little bit helps us here at Rebel news now this one does come from the email mailbag and it comes to us from Bruce Atcheson he’s a regular viewer from radway Alberta we have a bit

Of a I do a show and then he sends me a letter and then I read the letter on air it’s sort of like this weird pen pal relationship with Bruce and his cat but he is a loyal uh Watcher and a great supporter of us here at Rebel news so I

I love to talk to Bruce but friends this could be you at home if you just start sending me some letters Bruce writes on my show last week with uh Tom marazzo from the freedom Convoy about his new book and Tom had touched on some stuff

About Putin and the war in Ukraine there and Bruce R hi Sheila I do feel worried about Trudeau offending Putin so much that he invades our country of course if he just took Southern Quebec and Ottawa he’d be doing us a favor very funny very funny but seriously serious dictators

Are feeling emboldened by Trudeau’s idiotic actions Canada needs a ton of prayers that this loser will lose his leadership and an election will be forced I also had to laugh at an instruction paper for a power transformer under warning they thanked customers for buying their product only

The Chinese and maybe Trudeau would do such a silly thing your Northern neighbor Bruce AES uh you know what I think the world is emboldened when Western leaders are weak and apologetic just look at uh how Iran gets frisky every time a democrat’s in power and China is contaminating Canadian

Elections right now um interfering uh throwing their support uh behind liberals so what does that tell you um about Justin Shau well everybody that’s the show for tonight thank you so much for tuning in we’ll see everybody back here in the same time in the same

Place next week and as always don’t let the government tell you that you’ve had too much to think

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Sheila Gunn Reid is joined by Robert Kraychik to break down the first portion of the Tamara Lich and Chris Barber trial. The duo is on trial for their role in organizing the anti-mandate Freedom Convoy, which protested peacefully in the streets of Ottawa in late January and early February 2022.

Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content.

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  1. For three years the elite have waged war on the common man and have systematically destroyed the economy and supply chains. Why were career politicians, owned by the World Economic Forum, terrified by the most loving and peaceful (Truckers) protesters in the history of the world? Our freedom was stolen by financially compromised, immoral politicians. Justin Castro-Trudeau and his corrupt cabinet must go!

  2. I do not believe this is going to amount to anything. The government will once again get away with it and no justice will be done. I am done with Canada. Sadly I love this country but leaving soon.


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