Iranian activists accuse morality police of injuring teen for not wearing headscarf


There is outrage in Iran after a 16-year-old girl was injured in an incident and some are blaming the country’s morality of police again armita gerand was not wearing a head scarf when she boarded a Subway in tan on Sunday and activists say she’s now in a coma and that her mother has been

Arrested reporter Rebecca card is tracking the developments for us from Berlin where she joins us now live Rebecca what do we know at this point yeah Natasha first of all I’ll just say most of what we know is coming from this Iranian Kurdish uh human rights organization called henua um they

Have said that uh you know that this young woman boarded the train that she had a confrontation with Iran’s morality police that she was um injured in that confrontation and that she is now in a coma in the hospital now of course the Iranian government has uh refuted that

They have denied these claims and there is this video that has been put out by an Iranian uh media Outlet it appears to be from uh the CCTV footage footage inside Ton’s Metro and it you know it shows a group of young women who are uh

Sitting in the Metro they appear to get up they aboard the metro and then almost immediately you can see uh that a young woman falls down and then her friends carry her off the Metro so you know I will say Natasha we have no way uh at

CBC to verify this footage this footage was posted on the reuter news agency um it allegedly shows this incident inside the teron Metro but we really really don’t know um if this is footage of this incident and where exactly which what exactly which day and which time this

Footage was taken so we’re really relying on what we’re hearing from activists and you know I’ve been talking to Iranian activists over the last few days and they are are saying again and again that this is an indication that very little has changed in Iran as far

As women’s rights go Natasha well so many would be making that comparison about has anything developed because just a few weeks ago Rebecca you and I were talking about the one year since the death of Masa amini and another young Iranian woman who had some sort of confrontation with Iran’s morality

Police allegedly again about the her hijab not being on properly and she ended up dead and so the the question is is this young woman now going to be another Catalyst for Change and revolution in the country yeah Natasha I think that is an excellent question and it is the

Question that a lot of people are asking and I will say that so far we have not seen any significant protests inside Iran about this in so no reaction to this incident I will say you know talking to Iranian activists over the last few days about this one thing that

They have pointed out again and again toha is the fact that you know since the death of massini more than a year ago in fact just a few days after her death uh the Iranian government actually passed um more restrictive laws about women’s head covering so making the punishment

For that um even stronger making it so that people that um aided them in in in not abiding by these rules could also be punished and the last thing I’ll say is we have seen condemnation from the International Community uh Natasha from the US from Germany from countries here

In Europe about uh this incident despite the fact that there are really there’s really uh so few facts to know exactly what happened um and what we’ve heard from the Iranian government today is that um you know kind of dismissing those uh those Western calls um th those um those accusations by Western

Government saying that they’re insincere that Western governments don’t um care about uh Iranian women so I think you know um what we don’t know a lot about what happened exactly in this incident we’re really relying on um kind of secondhand information what I will say this has definitely reignited uh the

Debate especially internationally about the treatment of women inside Iran Natasha Rebecca callard reporting from Berlin thank you

Human rights activists say an Iranian teenager is in critical condition following an alleged confrontation with agents in the Tehran metro for violating the hijab law.

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  1. Just like Mahsa Amini, there is zero evidence of murder, negligence or corruption. In fact, in both cases there is VIDEO EVIDENCE of the "victim" suffering health issues ON THEIR OWN.
    The Islamic Republic don't play!!


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