U.S. House Speaker ousted, leaving Congress in disorder


The U.S Congress gripped by turmoil and uncertainty this morning it will likely remain that way for at least a week after an unprecedented Revolt by far-right Republicans ousted their own Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy I don’t think it says about the Republican party I think it

Says something about some people who are not a conservative now Florida Republican and Trump loyalist Matt Gates may have won his fight to force out McCarthy but he could face an ouster of his own some Republican lawmakers say they want to vote him right out of the house caucus

Pole hunter in Washington to help make sense of all of this leading up to this moment we were all all week Paul as we talked about the the chaos and the tumult yesterday we were setting up the day Republicans in the house are there

Now uh in the midst of all of this where do they go from here truth no one knows there simply is no obvious workable way forward for the party and to be clear Republicans have done this to themselves the eight Representatives who blew the place up yesterday have sent the party down this

Path to the dismay and anger of the majority of Republicans on Capitol Hill one of McCarthy’s supporters this morning called it disgusting without a speaker the place is effectively paralyzed it is a hugely consequential job and without one in place it is unlikely any legislative action can move

Forward in the house there is now a temporary speaker but with limited powers McCarthy’s fate underlines you know not just the divide in this country but the Divide within that party and the eight who voted him out yesterday now stand emboldened You’ll Play Three quick clips for you Heather from Republican lawmakers

Highlighting that divide here they are house is going to be in chaos if this did not happen I am looking for a speaker who will tell the truth to the American people who will be honest and trustworthy with congress with both parties those eight people are anarchists in their chaos caucus members

Nobody can meet their demands and the conference is going to have to figure out how we how we deal with um you know eight people that are here that candidly aren’t interested in governing from the hardliners Heather there is today no signal of any willingness to compromise on their position going

Forward which is that compromising any form is unacceptable especially when it comes to working with Democrats as Kevin McCarthy did to keep the government funded a move that led directly to his demise so funded for now we know Paul the White House in Congress are facing another potential government shutdown in

Just about 40 days has just kicked it down the road a little bit so when this new speaker whoever he or she is is finally voted in how challenging will it be for the speaker to get Republicans in the house on side to meet that next deadline extremely challenging uh indeed

This is the specific issue that sparked what we saw play out yesterday Kevin McCarthy is no friend of Democrats right quite the opposite but he recognized in a divided country and government that he needed to compromise so as to get a deal on government spending to keep

Government open to not cause harm for millions of Americans that’s the short-term agreement in place that you reference those who voted him out want no part of anything that doesn’t have massive cuts to spending something Democrats will never agree to and that hasn’t changed so yet again this country

Faces a potential shutdown over that in 40 days or so there have been a few names put out there as potential new speaker but none is an obvious or clear or unifying Choice whoever it turns out to be a new speaker will face the same challenge McCarthy did how to get a

Funding deal done when that handful of hardliners want no part of any deal that involves anything other than their extreme demands and as it stands they would still have the power to Turf anyone who doesn’t play by their rules it’s a mess Heather with no obvious Way Forward

I think we’ve lost count of how often we’ve used the word unprecedented in recent years to describe U.S politics but this is truly again unprecedented no speakers have been voted out in the history the long history of Congress so talk to us for a moment if you would

Paul about this profound moment of rupture on Capitol Hill yeah unprecedented Uncharted Territory uh some might say just another day on Capitol Hill fact is this rupture has been growing for some time the eight who voted McCarthy out were themselves voted in by Americans who want to disrupt

Politics as Usual in this country Donald Trump wrote that to the White House and may well do so again but consider that Kevin McCarthy who himself brought on the impeachment process against Joe Biden who cast doubt on the 2020 election results who went after Democrats who investigated Donald Trump

McCarthy was himself deemed Not anti-democratic Enough by those eight hardliners for them there is no room for gray no room for conversation or negotiation with Democrats zero let’s give a listen to Kevin McCarthy on aspects of that and as well Hakeem Jeffries the top Democrat in the house but we’ll have McCarthy first

I don’t regret standing up for choosing government over grievance it is my responsibility it is my job I do not regret negotiating our government is designed to find compromise we encourage our Republican colleagues who claim to be more traditional to break from the extremists in the chaos in the dysfunction in the extremism

You use the word unprecedented Heather equally apt is another of those now nearly overused words by lawmakers in both parties chaos and there is no end insight to it thank you very much Paul Hunter from Washington today

Republican Kevin McCarthy has been ousted as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives after a history-making vote. Matt Gaetz, the representative who triggered the vote to remove McCarthy, could himself be voted out of the Republican House caucus.

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