1st Black Canadian House Speaker kicks off parliament with joke: “Please treat me like that new car”


[Applause] colleagues before we begin it’s my first question period Please treat me like that new car and don’t give it a dent on the first day questions keep the car on the right side of the road thank you Mr Speaker and before I begin I’d like to really take the opportunity

As a member of the black Canadian Community to really congratulate you for making history as Canada first and that brings to a close oral questions today [Applause] I’d like I would like to thank I would like to thank all members for being on their best behavior and making their new

President get settled in a little bit with this new car no dance moving on to points of order

Newly-elected House Speaker Greg Fergus kicked off Tuesday’s question period with a joke, after being voted in to take on the Speaker role of Canada’s parliament earlier that day.

“Colleagues, before we begin my first question period, please treat me like that new car. Don’t give it a dent on the first day,” Fergus said, which was met with laughter and applause.

The 54-year-old Quebec Liberal MP became the first Black Canadian to serve as Speaker and is tasked with restoring confidence in the chamber. After MPs elected him to the role by secret ballot, he promised them that he would lead with respect and encouraged them to respect each other, too.

The rare mid-session election was held to replace Anthony Rota, who caused an international uproar last month by accidentally honouring a man who fought with a Nazi unit in the second war during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s visit to the House of Commons.

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