India Urges Canada to Withdraw 41 Diplomats – Latest Update by FT

India tells Canada to withdraw 41 diplomats - FT

“India Orders Canada to Repatriate 41 Diplomats Amid Strained Relations”

In a development that highlights the strained relations between India and Canada, India has issued a demand for Canada to repatriate 41 diplomats by October 10, according to the Financial Times. The tension between the two countries stems from Canada’s suspicion that Indian government agents played a role in the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Sikh separatist leader and Canadian citizen, in June. India has dismissed the allegation as absurd, further escalating the diplomatic tension between the two nations.

A Serious Allegation

Canadian suspicion of Indian involvement in Nijjar’s murder has significantly strained the relationship between the two countries. The Canadian government suspects that Indian government agents were responsible for Nijjar’s assassination, labeling him a terrorist. This suspicion has led to a deteriorating diplomatic situation, with Canada demanding answers from India and India denying any involvement in the murder.

India’s Response

India has vehemently denied the allegations of its involvement in Nijjar’s murder, dismissing them as absurd. However, the strain in relations between India and Canada has reached such a point that India has now demanded the repatriation of 41 Canadian diplomats by October 10. The Financial Times reports that India has even threatened to revoke the diplomatic immunity of those diplomats who remain in India after the deadline. This demand from India serves as a clear indication of the seriousness of the situation and the deteriorating diplomatic ties between the two countries.

The Growing Rift

Canada currently has 62 diplomats in India, and India has insisted that this number should be reduced by 41. The implications of this demand extend beyond the decrease in diplomatic personnel, as it reflects the deep rift between the two nations. The exact consequences of such a reduction in diplomatic presence remain to be seen, but it is clear that both countries are digging their heels in, unwilling to back down or find common ground.

Unanswered Calls for Comment

As news of this demand broke, the Indian and Canadian foreign ministries remained silent, failing to respond to requests for comment. This silence further adds to the mystery surrounding the situation and leaves many unanswered questions. The lack of communication between the two nations only serves to escalate tensions and fuel speculation about the motives and intentions of both countries.

A Climate of Violence and Intimidation

Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has already publicly expressed concern about the “climate of violence” and “atmosphere of intimidation” against Indian diplomats in Canada. The presence of Sikh separatist groups in Canada has frustrated the Indian government, making it clear that there are deeper issues at play in this strained relationship.


The demand for Canada to repatriate 41 diplomats by India highlights the deepening strain in relations between the two countries. With allegations of Indian involvement in a murder case, both India and Canada are at odds, unwilling to back down or negotiate. The situation raises broader questions about the future of diplomatic relations between the two nations and the potential consequences of further escalating tensions. As the deadline approaches, the world watches with bated breath to see how this diplomatic standoff unfolds and what it may mean for the future of India-Canada relations.



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