Propaganda poll accuses Conservative supporters of ‘disinformation beliefs’


The Liberal Party of Canada is being decimated in polls so of course a liberal tied biased pollster must swoop into sway the day and label everyone who supports the conservative party as Miss and disinformation Believers so let’s examine what this actually means to marry ugalini here with Rebel news to

Bring you the recent results of a poll conducted by ecos Politics on polarized gridlock wherein it’s alleged that the Canadian electorate is gridlocked without a clear path to a majority government for any of the main political parties it attempts to paint supporters of the Conservative Party of Canada as

Believers of disinformation have a look at these results vote intention by disinformation according to this poll there is a dramatic correlation between conservative support and disinformation a link that is even stronger among People’s Party supporters naturally the liberal and NDP supporters believe in all of the right thoughts and are

Supporters of the Holy Grail of Truth and information probably like what they received from the Canadian State broadcaster otherwise known as the CBC but what were these questions based on the four pieces of disinformation were posed as follows vaccine-related deaths are being concealed from the public covid-19 vaccines can cause infertility

Covid-19 vaccines can alter a patient’s DNA inflation is much higher in Canada than in the United States and climate change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions some of these questions are objectively correct and or at the very least disputed by experts and some government officials take for instance

The first one vaccine-related deaths are being concealed from the public Frank Graves founder and CEO of ecos a longtime liberal donor and supporter took to Twitter to reiterate this question here do you think governments are intentionally concealing the true numbers of deaths from the vaccines the correct answer is no well that’s not

Entirely true and we will get to why in just a minute but see first I responded to Graves on X formerly known as Twitter with the following response questioning his assertion that the correct answer is in fact no even when Health Canada officials testify under oath to the

Exact opposite I asked and posted a link to a previous Rebel report where then acting associate Deputy minister of Health Canada that’s Celia lorenko acknowledged that Under reporting of vaccine Adverse Events is a quote well-known fact she testified to this during cross-examination at a federal public sector Labor Relations and

Employment board tribunal Hearing in July earlier this year with the majority of the adverse effects that I’m submitting uh being rejected I worry uh what the overall data in the Canadian system uh whether or not it’s actually reliable Graves immediately turned off commenting on his post after my comment because I guess

You can only quell dissent by silencing and censoring it nothing quite tells the truth like having to control who is allowed to question and comment on your narrative worth further noting here is that lorenko is also named in a 10.5 million dollar lawsuit launched on behalf of a covid-19 vaccine injured

Albertan that cites the Canadian State broadcaster and various public servants for negligence and covid-19 vaccine misinformation for simply regurgitating that safe and effective Pharma marketing slogan again again and again Trudeau said in a speech that nobody’s going to be left behind nobody in Canada would be left behind

They were going to give Serb they were going to help everybody that’s not what they’ve done with the vaccine injured people like me we’ve been told to be quiet doctors have been told they will lose their license if they help um the media will not cover it it was

Found in a report from 2011 by the United States Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Health Care research and quality that fewer than one percent of vaccine Adverse Events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration here in Canada the health agency responsible for managing Adverse Events reports stonewalled streamlining

Its vaccine Adverse Events reporting system for two years after stakeholders reported confusion the admitting doctor there I said to her I I believe I have a vaccine injury and she said well you probably do but there’s nothing we can do about it in an order paper response

From Health Canada MP Colin Carey had asked the agency why they removed a direct Adverse Events reporting link from their online reporting form at the same time that the novel injections were being urgently administered to Canadians under an interim order in December of 2020. Health Canada said that the

Removal was supposed to streamline Adverse Events reporting but when it did not and instead caused a bunch of confusion likely to have further exacerbated Adverse Events Under reporting they reinstated the link in February earlier this year in 2023 over two years later like this has something

To do with the vaccine all of a sudden I got all these blood clots so I asked the doctor that told me to go for the the x-rays in the CT scan I’m like are you going to fill out the adverse reaction that I had a reaction

To the vaccine in his Works to me it was like it takes too long we’re not going to do that here so the question about disinformation is in essence misinformation itself and what’s Happening Here is not a genuine pull but rather a form of propaganda this is unsurprising given the Frank

Graves tweeted this in March of last year quote Pierre pauliev is an acolyte of authoritarian populism this is never healthy you are on notice going to make sure you are never going to lead my country I don’t make idle threats end quote and threatening it is given this recent characterization of conservatives

As disinformation Believers seems to be more of a vendetta by Graves than impartial pulling how convenient that it comes out just days after the liberal held prime minister’s office the privy Council Office and the Speaker of the House of Commons gave a hero’s welcome to a Nazi in the Canadian Parliament we

Have here in the chamber today Ukrainian Canadians Ukrainian Canadian World veteran from the second world war who fought the Ukrainian Independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98. foreign the fact is that things like vaccine Adverse Events are severely underreported and health Canada’s slow

Response to improving its own Reporting System shows that this pollster is more interested in inflammatory propaganda than objectivity overly simplistic labels like this and misinformation Believers fails to capture the nuanced socio-political landscape in Canada which is why the importance of critical evaluation when interpreting such absurd results really

Needs to be emphasized for Rebel news I’m Tamara ugalini the honoring of a Nazi in the Canadian Parliament cannot be swept under the rug like every other Scandal under the regime of prime minister Justin Trudeau it’s why we’re calling on Trudeau to finally resign at Trudeau sign our petition and

Demand that Trudeau take full personal accountability and responsibility for his continued International stage embarrassments at Trudeau

| Sign our petition calling on Justin Trudeau to step down
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Pollster EKOS Politics has accused Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) supporters of being believers in “disinformation.” The poll, titled “Polarized Gridlock,” claims a strong correlation between Conservative support and disinformation beliefs. However, questions posed in the poll, such as concealing vaccine-related deaths, COVID-19 vaccine effects, inflation, and climate change, can be easily criticized for lack of objectivity.

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  1. I used to get polls from Ekos but because I "thought" differently they must have cut me off. I could see by the questions they tried to push me in the direction of the party narrative. The computer would hang up or freeze as it tried to rephrase the question to get the answer it desires. I stuck to my opinions and like I said, they stopped sending me emails for new polls. Polls are fake.

  2. Liberals desperation mode falling in polls faster than stripper can strip. Liberals, all members also falling & failing inept ministers as it looks all Liberals looked stoned at most times you begin to wonder why just look at the leader anxiety disorder needs medical examination if PM is unfit to forfill his duties he must resign in the best interest of the country that he leaves.

  3. Let me be clear, I am not a liberal supporter. But if you think the conservative party are any better. You need to look at history. the multi-party's are not on the side of the people. Canadian politics are like high school drama! they all need to be brought in front of a common law court a face a real man for the trespasses they keep perpetuating on the people. WE ARE NOT CORPORATIONS… The ones with badges and guns are part of the problem. Arrest the criminals and make the world a safer place! P.S. The WEF CAN KISS MY ROYAL CANADIAN BUTT

  4. Shouldn't there be legal accountability and arrests made of government officials who are ignoring adverse events, since that can obviously cause human death and injury? They should be arrested and investigated for corruption when the police are presented with evidence they are not doing their jobs as regulatory agencies meant to protect the people's health from dangerous health products. If police chiefs are not making arrests, maybe they should be investigated for corruption and bribery as well.

  5. I believe the opposite of anything a liberal/ndp says. They all lie. I have disowned all relatives who supported liberals. They are no longer permitted in my home. A former friend who I have known for 65 years came to my house this past summer for a visit and during the conversation he said he would vote for the lying Blackface over Pierre any day. I told him to leave and we were no longer friends.


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