Portuguese youth climate activists take on 32 European governments in court


On a beach in Portugal two young people explained why they’re taking 32 European governments to court I’m waves and extreme drought are more frequent in Portugal these days as Andre and Sophia added we thought it is now or never to speak up they are Claudia Katarina Martine today six young

Portuguese had their day in court alleging that governments across Europe are violating their human rights doing too little to protect them from climate change today’s case is about the young it is about the price that they are paying for the failure of states to tackle the climate emergency the

Argument is that young people in particular face a future of hardship Rising heat and air pollution means less time spent Outdoors infringing on children’s human rights to education to play and to engage in recreational activities European government lawyers say they accept the impact of climate change but that these

Cases should be heard in National courts first it is a new legal Frontier in the battle to address climate change and force governments around the world to do more to protect young Generations who don’t have the power to protect themselves a similar case is ongoing in this country four years ago 15 young

People filed a challenge in BC to put the federal government on trial for what’s facing the Next Generation they are already being harmed by climate change and the federal government therefore is violating their rights to life liberty and security that case has found its way to the federal court of

Appeal in Montana a judge ruled last month in favor of young people who’d accuse the state of violating their rights by promoting fossil fuels it’s being appealed but it demonstrates that young people see the courts as a mechanism to force governments to do more it’s allowing young people to have

A voice and start calling out the injustices that are facing their generation if the case brought by young people in Europe is upheld it could lead to National courts ordering governments to act more quickly to curb emissions a decision there is expected next year Eric Sorensen Global News Toronto

A group of young climate activists from Portugal is suing 32 European countries, accusing them of violating their human rights by failing to take quick enough action to protect against climate change.

The case is the first of its kind, and the stakes are high for all parties involved.

Global’s Eric Sorensen explains how the landmark lawsuit is adding pressure on governments to accelerate plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

For more info, please go to

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  1. Let's call it what it is…a money grab. The only reason to sue at all is for money, and if you can actually acknowledge that, then the rest falls into place, which ever side it falls to.

  2. Everyone see the result of indoctrination, the Thunberg effect, a creed of a religious nature that cannot be confronted under penalty of heresy in the final analysis based on factoids and hidden corporate interests, which aim to divert attention from more urgent social discussions such as analyzing the accounts of the state how money is being spent, the accumulation of resources in the hands of a few, the alignment of state and corporations to exploit civil society as much as possible through tax burdens and price manipulation, difficulty for civil society to get a job and pay the bills a ceiling on your head and three meals on the table a day, the pollution embedded in the green agenda, the proliferation of global entities without elected leaders with salaries and privileges disconnected from reality.
    Just think that it is the media that is the front car of this train, the media is not interested in your well-being, the media wants to sell ads and get clicks, they don't care about the confusion they generate, the media feeds on confusion. The more we fight with each other the better it is for the media's annual balance sheet, they feed on conflicts.
    The fact is that the climate has never been stable, in the time of dinosaurs the planet was much warmer and there were no polar ice caps. Warming from a historical point of view has never been considered a problem, cooling on the contrary has harmful effects on the biosphere and in the 70s it was feared that we were entering into cooling, now suddenly warming has become a problem, "scientists all agree", "the studies show", scientists do not agree on practically anything among themselves, academic disputes are brutal and now, all scientists agree, this is the first. And the people who literally sell this narrative are the media, any ideas why?
    But if we don't have a planet, nothing else matters, you ask? The only real threat to the survival of this planet is the atomic threat, but since this threat doesn't fit into the narrative, let's pretend it doesn't exist, Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" didn't materialize, no problem, change the name and the media continues selling crises as ever.

  3. European representatives, it's crucial that you visit places like Serra da Estrela in Portugal, including the natural parks, to witness the dire situation firsthand. The mismanagement, corruption, and inappropriate use of funds are not only jeopardizing the environment but also undermining the very essence of these natural treasures.

    Even within the natural parks, it's disheartening to see irresponsible actions, such as the planting of fire-prone species like eucalyptus and pine, instead of focusing on native tree species. The Portuguese state's oversight in these areas is questionable at best.

    We urgently need your intervention to ensure that European funds are used responsibly and effectively to protect our natural parks and preserve the unique ecosystems they contain. Please take action now to address these pressing issues. Just go there to see what is happening.

  4. There has been no increase in hurricanes, droughts, floods, heatwaves,
    wildfires, sea levels, or Earth surface temperatures. You may have
    sipped, but don't guzzle the Kool-Aid, there is no "Climate Crisis" and
    the Ukraine is not winning anything. Stop the madness. CO2 is good, natural disasters have happened many times in the past, and they are becoming less. They are brainwashing these children, it has to stop.


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