Trudeau calls everyone else Nazis — but he literally cheered an actual Nazi


Come to poor the Jewish Day of atonement the most somber day in the Jewish calendar and Justin Trudeau thought he’d show the Jews what he thought of them by inviting an actual SS Nazi officer to Parliament here take a look at how yaroslav hunka now 98 years old and a

Proud and unrepentant member of Hitler’s 14th Waffen SS division Galicia look at this we have here in the chamber today Ukrainian Canadians Ukrainian Canadian World veteran from the second world war who fought the Ukrainian Independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98.

His name is yeroslav hunka and uh I was going to say he’s in the gallery but I think you beat me to that but I’m very proud to say that he is from North Bay and from my riding of Nipissing to miscoming he’s a Ukrainian hero a Canadian hero

And we thank him for all his service thank you that’s quite a careful way to describe someone isn’t it a Ukrainian Canadian war veteran from the second world war who fought for Ukrainian Independence against the Russians and a Ukrainian hero and a Canadian hero that sort of leaves out a few details

Doesn’t it but if anyone knows even the most basic facts about the second world war they might recall that in the final half of that war we were actually allies with the Soviet Union and that Stalin’s Red Army bore the brunt of the casualties and conquered Berlin

I’m not saying that Stalin or the Soviets or the Red Army even were good they were deeply evil institutions and Stalin murdered as many or more people than Hitler did and had a much longer reign of terror but if we’re talking about the second world war and and veterans

Fighting against the Russians pretty much meant you were with the Nazis which is what yaroslav hunka did this is him as a Young Man understand I’m not saying that he was a regular Soldier he’s not just some conscript there were millions of men and who who served in the German Vermont as

Conscripts they were not war criminals merely by virtual of serving the German Army but what yarislav hunka did was something different he was a Ukrainian who positively volunteered to join Hitler’s SS that was the political ideological pointy end of the spear for Hitler’s Final Solution those are the most brutal

Of Hitler Soldiers the ones who rounded up the local resistance fighter the one who hunted for hidden Jews in the attics the ones who could be counted on to do the shootings of civilians and The Dumping of bodies and mass Graves that’s what the 14th Waffen Battalion did

That’s who yarislav Hunker was look at this here’s a fascinating story about hunka’s Battalion written a few years ago by David pugliese Canada’s leading military journalist and historian he writes occasionally for the Ottawa Citizen too this was published in the spree decor magazine a military magazine the headline is

The RCA off rcaf officer who brought Hitler’s often SS to Canada it’s written a few years ago here’s a few passages those who served in the 14th Waffen asses division Galicia had taken an oath to Hitler and had received education and Nazi Doctrine Ukrainian officers had been

Trained at SS facilities in the Dachau concentration camp like nice guys so how did he get into Canada well a lot of Nazis sneaked out of Germany at the end of the war many went to South America 2 000 came to Canada from this Battalion here in an attempt to hide the SS

Connection the unit had changed its name in the last few days of the war to the first division Ukrainian national Army so this guy yarislav hunka has been living in Canada for about 70 years keeping a very low profile I don’t know maybe hoping that no Mossad Nazi Hunters

Would find him and kidnap him and take him to Israel for a trial as they had with other Nazis like uh Adolf Eichmann found hiding in South America so yarisav hunka lives a free and happy life in Canada small town she’s never charged with any war crimes she never

Gets in any trouble then one day he’s 98 years old now he gets invited to Parliament as a hero introduced as a hero and look at that cheer take a look at this speech received at least a dozen standing ovations there was also one for this man a 98

Year old Ukrainian Canadian who fought for Ukrainian Independence against the Russians during the second world war that is the look of relief and that wiping the brow and that’s Vindication that’s Redemption they love him they don’t hate him he’s not a war criminal or a pariah he’s a hero they said it

Everyone cheered him he was so proud and his daughter-in-law and son who accompanied him to Ottawa for the big day they were so proud finally they could be proud of Grandpa and what he did and look at that he’s waiting for a reception with Trudeau and zelenski so

All that happened on Friday but I was honestly more distracted by the protesters shouting things outside the hotel where zielinski was speaking stop talking there he is there he is a War I was also distracted by this shouty speech that Trudeau gave from inside the hotel that actually seemed a bit

Unhinged to me to be candid a bit off brand for Mr Sunny ways a little bit off-brand for Canada the honest broker Canada Peacemaker the Peacekeeper what do you think of this it’s just an excerpt from Trudeau’s speech you to step up Canada has with close to nine

Billion dollars in aid for Ukraine but we will because the cost on Canadians on our lives on our world will be so much greater if Putin wins this war that we will and have to stand every single day until Ukraine wins this war the stakes are high for Canadians

Stakes are high for ukrainians the stakes are high for all of us around the world this is the moment where we Define ourselves for the rest of the 21st Century did we stand up against authoritarianism did we stand up against those who choose to break the rules around the world do

We stand up for what is right we are Canadian of course we’re going to stand up for what’s right I felt a little odd to me did it feel a little odd to you so that’s what I was thinking about after the parliament event and after Trio

Speech I I really didn’t even notice this uh hunka thing but by Saturday I started looking at it because I saw this photo caption by the Canadian press and it says Ukrainian President Vladimir zielinski and prime minister Justin Trudeau recognized yarislav hunka who was in attendance and fought with the

First Ukrainian division in the second world war before later immigrating to Canada in the House of Commons on Friday so that was more information than the Speaker of the House introduced isn’t it but like David pugliesi the hysteria the historian points out that first Ukrainian Battalion that was the sneaky

Fake name that the Nazis gave themselves so they could slip into Canada those are the Waffen SS Nazi guys but I guess no one of the Canadian press or the Canadian Parliament or the Canadian Media or the Canadian establishment at all noticed although CP seemed to get their facts right

Look again the guys right next to hunka were literally senior Military Officers did none of them know that though often SS actually slaughtered Allied soldiers as well as Jews and poles than anyone else Hitler hated there’s no way that Trudeau didn’t vet him this was an ultra high security event

Trudeau was there every MP was there zelenski was there everyone was vetted for security when even a doorman at the hotel reached out to Sheikh zelensi’s hand his hand was swatted away by security and fair enough right nothing was left a chance right don’t tell me the yarislav hunka just slipped into

Parliament like he slipped into Canada with no one watching they knew who he was absolutely they knew the speaker the house did Trudeau and his staff did likely zelenski stepped into don’t pretend that you can just bring in someone off the streets at an event like that notice the speaker himself was

Reading prepared remarks when he introduced him it seemed written by someone else I bet 25 people knew from protocol officers to Communications officers to political officers to security don’t lie to me and tell me no one knew but why did Trudeau think he could get away with it

Well because he has been getting away with it back in June just a few months ago Trudeau went to Kiev and he met with a real deal Holocaust denier who proudly tweeted of their Vision that guy Andre Melnick was so odious that even zielinski himself fired him as the

Ukrainian Ambassador because he was so toxic he would go on TV and just deny the Holocaust like this is Bandera foreign foreign foreign doesn’t care so that’s okay right I mean if a guy can go full blackface and get away with it why not he’s learning what he can get away with I

Don’t know if you remember Christian Freeland posed with a scarf in the colors of Nazi leader Stephan Bandera no problem no mainstream media cared keep going right David puglier see the historian that had written about how Trudeau and Freeland were supporting anti-semitic Neo-Nazi groups like The azer Battalion giving the military

Training and their main concern was keeping it a secret from the Canadian media here’s the Ottawa Citizen article um that’s a scandal it actually was published in the Ottawa citizen but no one seemed to care so why would they care if Trudeau brought a real live Nazi

Into Parliament I mean do you think Christian Freeland herself would care I mean her own grandfather was a Nazi I’m not blaming her for what her Grandpa did before she was born but when she learned about it she covered it up for years claiming it was just Russian propaganda

No it was real so Trudeau and free real and routinely call peaceful Democratic political critics Nazis and far right and races uh their critics are not Nazis of course they just disagree with them it’s Trudeau and Freeland who really do have the Nazi problem and it’s coming

From inside their house but they call everyone those names first it’s like Trudeau calling other people misogynist when he’s actually the one who sexually assaulted Rose Knight he calls you a racist he’s the one who wears black face as usual if it’s a report about Trudeau’s misconduct though

You’ll read about it in the Foreign Press before you’ll read about it if ever in Canada’s news media which is being colonized by Trudeau so all these things happen on Friday no coverage no coverage on Saturday but by Sunday a left-wing Jewish daily forward the first mainstream publication to cover this

Reported on the Nazi link why did a new york-based newspaper beat every Canadian regime journalist now it wasn’t until Sunday well you know why don’t you you know a masked agent provocateur unfurled a Nazi flag just long enough to be photographed at the trucker Convoy and that was

Enough for Canada’s regime media to denounce a hundred thousand truckers as racist Trudeau deliberately invites the Nazi Soldier to Parliament and crickets it felt that independent journalists like me even to raise the alarm I started tweeting about this on Saturday night and my tweets were actually getting millions of views I mean this

One alone had three million views I I remember I wrote it at like 1 30 a.m on Saturday night now I I read here’s what I said I said I hope I’m wrong but I think Trudeau and zelensky just did something terrible let me explain it

In reverse now I was so shocked by what I had thought I had found about this guy I was worried that I must have got something wrong was so crazy a story no I didn’t get it wrong it’s just that every other mainstream journalist in the country who was covering the event

Either just missed it or didn’t care or was in on it so Sunday afternoon rolls around the Jewish daily forward in New York had done a story about it our friend Joe warmington and the sun started poking around and the speaker finally the speaker of the house put out a press release claiming

That it was him only him all him nobody else nobody else eh you can just grab a stranger and bring him into Parliament with the highest security event of the year is that how it works same with this woman Karina Gould a cabinet minister who happens to

Be a Jew here she is with the Nazi officer she quickly deleted this image and then claimed she knew nothing about the guide never met him you’re like you liar and today she said shame on everyone for being so political about all this can you get a load of this I want to

Please ask all colleagues particularly those in the Conservative Party of Canada to make sure that we do not politicize this issue I don’t think it helps anybody I think we need to make sure that we move forward recognize this mistake and stand in solidarity together to reiterate our commitment

To Jewish Canadians but also to Ukrainian Canadians and the people who are fighting for freedom for peace and for justice in Ukraine right now yeah stop being so political you guys you’re causing the harm here stop being so political by calling people Nazis don’t you know it’s just you know it’s facts

When we call truckers Nazis but it’s too political when you call a Nazi a Nazi don’t you know and I’m going to use my concerned voice here’s Karina Gould again in question period when she later admitted that absolutely this Nazi was vetted for security of course she was she knew

That he she admits the government knew everything about him but it’s all the speaker’s fault don’t you know unfortunately I think my honorable colleague has misinterpreted what I was saying what I was saying and what you yourself indeed have said is that you invited this particular individual you yourself decided to recognize this

Individual without informing either the government or the Ukrainian delegation that you would be doing this when it comes to everyone that was invited to Parliament of course that vetting happened however the decision the decision to recognize an individual was that of the speaker and I would ask that

The members opposite would please be respectful this is a very difficult time for all of us but I do ask them to stick to the facts and the issue at hand which was the fact that this individual was invited by the speaker and the decision to recognize by the speaker not by the

Government thank you Mr Speaker you know these liberals lie and they know they’re lying and they know that you know they’re lying but they lie anyways I mean it’s totally normal for a liberal and and a Jew say this how much vitriol do we have to

See of honk honk which is an inacronym for hail Hitler do we need to see by these protesters on social media that’s my mp believe it or not that’s normal that’s not politicizing things but it’s too political to call out finding an actual Nazi and bringing him to Parliament and

Cheering for him don’t be so political well the master manipulation the Grand Puba of gaslighting saved his appearance for last look at this absolute Masterpiece obviously it’s extremely upsetting that this happened the speeder speaker speaker has acknowledged his mistake and is apologized but this is something that is deeply embarrassing to

The parliament of Canada and by extension to all Canadians I think particularly of Jewish MPS and all members of the Jewish Community across the country who are celebrating young or commemorating Yom Kippur today I think it’s going to be really important that all of us push back against Russian propaganda Russian disinformation and

Continue our steadfast and unequivocal support for Ukraine as we did last week with announcing further measures to stand with Ukraine in Russia’s illegal war against it oh he somber and he’s upset he’s upset just like you he’s mad at the speaker just like you should be Parliament and Canada have been

Humiliated not him by the way he wants to get to the bottom of it now he’s not particularly upset because he’s certainly not to blame but the speakers to blame and those Russians are to blame beware of Russian disinformation I mean really did a Nazi even actually go to

Parliament are you sure are you sure that’s not Russian disinformation we’re all embarrassed and have to get to the bottom of this am I even talking about what happened aren’t you being a Russian agent what a disgrace Justin Trudeau is what an international laughing stock he is by the way

I note that from Trudeau on down not a single member of the government has actually apologized for the Nazi they blame the Speaker of the House who has apologized and accepts responsibility but he hasn’t actually accepted responsibility if that means doing anything like resigning or even firing a scapegoat which is the usual

Liberal way he’s just accepted responsibility and and like just I checked the Box here’s Andrew Coyne the prince of the media party saying that’s that’s good enough taking responsibility does not equal resigning always and everywhere even in public life it can mean that but does not necessarily or

Automatically if everyone had to resign every time they screwed up very few jobs would be fooled and none at all the media hey guys just because we literally invited vetted introduced honored and cheered a Nazi doesn’t mean we have to actually do anything because this could

Happen all the time you just say sorry and that’s enough here’s his buddy Bruce Arthur the Toronto Star the basic Dynamic of Canadian politics right now is the Liberals celebrated a Nazi through incredible incompetence seven months after some conservatives celebrated a Nazi completely on purpose by that he means Christine Anderson the

German member of the European Parliament who visited Canada a few months ago except she’s not a Nazi as you know it’s illegal to be a Nazi in Germany she’d be jailed if she really was a Nazi it’s actually the one place you can be sure she’s not a Nazi because

She’d be in prison she’s just a conservative so what Bruce Arthur has done is trivialize the Holocaust because if a mere conservative member of the European Parliament who doesn’t like is no better than a Nazi then a Nazi is no worse than her so the Nazi in the SS Brigade must

Not have been that bad not any bad worse than a concerted politician that’s the Toronto Star for you what a disgrace but let me point out again none of the Liberals have actually said this guy hunka is a bad guy because they’re still trying to get those votes

The entire establishment let this go for two days they all hope no one would notice so gross oh and and just so you know how sorry they all are today the Liberals tried to get permission unanimous consent to delete and erase all records of their Nazi moment orwellian style I would like to

Ask for unanimous consent to adopt the following motion that notwithstanding any standing Order special order or usual practice of the house the recognition made by the Speaker of the House of an individual present in the galleries during the joint joint address to Parliament by his Excellency Vladimir

Zelenski be struck from the appendix of the House of Commons debates of Thursday September 21st 2023 and from any house multimedia recording thank you it needed unanimous permission in Parliament so it failed they won’t apologize the only thing they are apologizing for is the embarrassment they’re not apologizing for the guy they

Would rather delete the proof of it to make it nothing more than a rumor what cowardly manipulating Nazi lovers they are

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The failures to that led to a Nazi being honoured in Parliament are an international disgrace, says Ezra Levant.
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  1. It always triggers me to laugh when I see that bunch of ignorant Canadians applauding at a Waffen SS. Who thought it was a good idea to bring that chap there?
    But I won't comment on the choices of that young man at that time. We have to remember the 6 million dead people because of the USSR regime. Sometimes in life you only have the choice between the plague and the cholera. Maybe we should not judge him too fast for his unfortunate destiny.


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