Speaker Anthony Rota resigns | Watch his full speech from the House of Commons


Have your attention order it’s with a heavy heart that I Rise to inform members of my resignation as Speaker of the House of Commons it has been my greatest honor as a parliamentarian to have been elected by you my peers to serve as the Speaker of

The House of Commons for the 43rd and 44th Parliament I have acted as your humble servant of this house carrying out the important responsibilities of this position to the very best of my abilities the work of this house is above any of us therefore I must step down as your speaker

I reiterate my profound regret for my error in recognizing an individual in the house during the joint address to Parliament of president zielinski that public recognition has caused pain to individuals and communities including the Jewish community in Canada and around the world in addition to survivors of Nazi atrocities in Poland

Among other nations I accept full responsibility for my actions my resignation is effective at the end of the sitting day tomorrow Wednesday September 27th to allow preparations for the election of a news Speaker until that time the deputy speakers will chair the house proceedings thank you now see thank you

‘I accept full responsibility for my actions.’ Anthony Rota resigns as Speaker of the House of Commons.

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