Ezra Levant joins Glenn Beck to talk Parliament honouring a Ukrainian Nazi


I’ve always thought Canadians had some common sense to I don’t think that’s still true um because some of the things that are going on there’s good news and bad news coming out of out of Canada Ezra leavon is with us now he’s a rebel news founder it’s kind of like the blaze up

In Canada he is the host of the Ezra Levant show uh and uh and he’s here to tell us the happenings this weekend let’s start with uh um the big Standing Ovation that was was given to a Canadian Nazi Ezra Glenn is absolutely crazy uh yaroslav hunka is the name of a former

Nazi SS officer so I’m not just talking about some regular GI in the ver who was conscripted and just fought in a tank I’m talking about someone who volunteered to be part of Hitler’s elite Nazis in Ukraine now he’s 98 years old and he’s been living a very lowprofile

Life in Canada so unlike some other Nazis he hasn’t been hunted down by the Massad imagine how surprised he must have been to receive a phone call that he would be the honored guest in Parliament when Justin Trudeau welcomed Vladimir zalinski on Friday and he was

Just like in your American State of the Union Address where they point the C had someone in the audience and they give him a shout out and everyone gives him Applause they literally did that for Yus hunka a 98-year-old Nazi SS officer but they didn’t introduce him that way Glenn

They said he quote fought the Russians well the Nazis did that Hitler did that that’s right amongst other things uh you know they also fought the poles they also fought the Jews and this guy hunka couldn’t believe it he’s been hiding in Canada for 70 years and then

In the Twilight of his life he’s cheered and he he raises his fist and he gets a standing o but later on and and I did a little bit of digging here I thought well who is this guy and he was one of 2,000 Nazis that sort of sneaked into

Canada after the war they went to Argentina and other Latin American countries in 2,000 of them came to Canada and don’t tell me they didn’t know don’t tell me you don’t have a guest of honor at our version of a State of the Union Address where the entire

Parliament is assembled Don’t Tell Me When Vladimir zinski comes they have a very high security vetting everybody rule don’t tell me they didn’t know who this guy was they absolutely knew who he was Glenn here is the interesting thing to me they cheer in Parliament an actual

SS Nazi and yet they ACC accuse what half of Canada anybody who stood behind the truckers they accuse them of Nazis and threaten to put them all in jail well that’s a good way to understand Justin Trudeau he calls himself a male feminist but he admits that he sexually assaulted a woman named

Rose Knight he just said oh she experienced it differently he calls you a racist but he’s the guy who dressed up in blackface so many times he says he lost counts he calls everyone he doesn’t like Nazi including Jewish people he called a Jewish MP a Nazi he called a

Black MP a Nazi but he’s the one leading the standing ovation for an actual Nazi not nail linked or Nazi Vibes this guy was out there with his gun obeying their furer and it’s just incredible and the kind of mop-up work that the media party is doing Glenn is just incredible

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Ezra Levant joins the Glenn Beck Program to talk about Canadian Parliament honouring a Ukrainian Nazi SS officer.
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  1. So many war criminals hide in Canada. Trudeau even payed an American Serviceman killer millions of dollars for his time in Guantanamo Bay. Canada needs to vote out the Communists and get a Freedom/Liberty loving political party.

  2. I appreciate you, Rebel News. One thing though, investigation deeper into North America's post WWII activities, you'll find it, that the number of fleeing Nazis from Europe into Canada farrrr, exceed just a few thousand.

  3. Where is the evidence that this guy was an officer?? Ezra is the only one saying that. Some proof is necessary.
    If it is true and provable , fine, show it. Otherwise, being a liar is destroys credibility.

  4. Our government (and all the political parties who clapped like trained seals) is a joke!! What a goddamn slap in the face for all veterans (Canadian, American, British) that fought in WW2 and lost their life or came home with horrific injuries! Shame on Trudeau et al.!

  5. The Chief of Defence Staff was what, four people over smiling and clapping…..He probably has a Arts degree in military history…..WTF! As a retired veteran I REALLY want to have a face to face with him and discuss his critical thinking skills and understanding of timelines and basic WW2 unit formations and alliances best case possible he was a Hiwii (Ukrainian volunteer for the Wehrmacht) and that’s still unacceptable. The liberals have manipulated presentism for their identity politics(ironically another skill set they borrowed from little moustache man) for so long they got used to it, how refreshing to see it go off on them like a bomb maker losing their hands. Between this and the India shenanigans should Canadians be asking if the liberals are actively sabotaging our standing in the world cause they’re on their way out (classic anti social narcissism) or does it help the bankers who want us to eat bugs in ghettos? And what’s the threshold on “don’t equate to malice what can be explained by stupidity”? Two more years of this! God help us.

  6. Rota just Resigned???!!!Yippeeee, he always a biased speaker And this latest act proved it…resign as MP and please take Trudeau, Freeland Telford Singh with YOU!! Thanks EZRA for all you info on these topics!!!!

  7. The speaker
    When he read his apology, he read it, Word for Word that is not an apology. That is a prepared statement, I suspect written by the PMO.
    If it was a true apology, he would have looked straight at the people and the cameras, and not had to read it Word for Word

  8. Also. No evidence that Hunka was involved in war crimes. Could have just fought Russians man to man. Not all S.S. units engaged in Einsatzgruppen style (execution) activites. Read books people.

  9. You cannot judge Canadians by Trudeau and his far left UN Agenda 2030 cabinet. Would you like all Americans to be judged by Biden and Harris and the Democratic UN Agenda 2030 agenda? Smarten up please.

  10. Quit bashing us Canadians the only person responsible is Trudeau. Worry about your own country where man many members of your government are being impeached and indicted for crimes. We also do not need guns to stand up for freedom.


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