Poilievre calls on Commons to condemn Nazi, Trudeau, Government of Canada


A point of order I believe if you seek you’ll find unanimous consent for the following motion I rise on a point of order to address what came to light on Sunday that a Nazi Waffen SS officer was in attendance during the Ukrainian president’s visit to Parliament whereas on February sorry

On Friday September 22nd a former member of the Nazi Waffen SS was admitted to and recognized in Parliament as the Ukrainian president visited the house whereas it is the job of the Prime Minister of Canada to ensure the success of all visits to Canadian soil by foreign dignitaries whereas the responsibility of the

Government is the responsibility of the governments the prime minister’s privy Council Office and the prime minister’s Global Affairs Department as coordinated by The Diplomatic protocol office to organize arrangements for visits of foreign dignitaries whereas in 2015 legislative changes were made to establish uh the Parliamentary Protective Service and in situations

Like this the Parliamentary Protective Service reports to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police the government of Canada and ultimately the Prime Minister whereas all parties were required to submit lists of guests to this event to the House of Commons protocol office which should have worked with the government’s diplomatic protocol office

The prime minister’s department and national security agencies to vet individuals whereas the government house leader today confirmed in the House of Commons that the government had vetted and I quote everyone that was invited to Parliament whereas the information confirming the individual’s involvement with the Nazi Waffen SS was easily found and

Accessible through a basic internet search um I believe you will uh see if you seek it you will find unanimous consent for the following uh conclusion that this house condemn the invitation and recognition of this individual at an address to the parliament of Canada at this house condemn the Prime Minister

And the government of Canada for failing to do appropriate vetting on this individual or having done vetting and failed to stop him being admitted to and recognized in Parliament thank you [Applause] will all those opposed to what the member is moving please say nay foreign debate foreign

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Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre calls on the House of Commons to unanimously condemn a former Nazi SS officer who was honoured in Parliament, along with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Government of Canada for allowing it to happen.

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  1. My guess is the liberals are so damn stupid they probably saw that he fought against the Russians and thought that was a good thing. You don't get the most qualified when the game is rigged!

  2. I do not think Pierre Polievre applauded like the rest of the politicians probably liberals and NDP were the ones all standing up applauding. They are traitors to all Canadians and the voters need to make sure we the citizens of Canada will flush liberals and NDP in the next elections for this treason. and 2019 when Trudeau invited communist Chinese to train in Canada, that a second act of treason to the file of Justin Trudeau ex PM of Canada.

  3. Shouldn't Zelensky also make the list? I don't understand why the guy is being paraded around like a hero when he's just another corrupt politician who eliminates his political competition and hoards stacks of cash for himself, while funneling ever more of his own countrymen into an unwinnable meat grinder as he puts on his costume and flies around the world getting standing ovations.

  4. Trudeau the Communist dictator should be sentenced to life with no chance of parole for this discraceful act of allowing this to occur period!! You are the meaning of hatred towards Canadian citizens and their country!! Maybe you should be sentenced to a concentration camp!!!

  5. Big P…Pierre Poilievre….what a phony, i wish people would wake up and realize what a snake he is. There's only one guy who stands up for the people and that's "Mad Max"…Maxime Bernier who's persona non grata. I voted for him in the last federal election and i will do so again in the next one. Commenting from Nova Scotia.

  6. ummmm …. and maybe you want to do a follow up story on this ?? …. the then Prime Minister Stephen Harper had a memorial built to commemorate the Ukrainian SS Division …… I believe that it is at the Canadian War Cemetery …. it's disgusting …. but another example how Canadians white wash the history of WW2 for their own political purposes ….. just sayin !

  7. Unfortunately Rota probably just received a note from one of his aides and that a contituent want to be present in the HoC and agreed.

    It is a difficult situation, despite being an excellent Speaker of the house, I do not see how Rota can stay as Speaker after this…

    There has to be accountability.

    We shall see.
    Skippy is lying again…

    The speaker of the house reign supreme in the HoC. The CPC knows that, sheer knows that, (heck sheer WAS speaker of the house!) they just do not want to acknowledge it and are lying through their teeth.

    If the Speaker says he wants to invite a constituent in the HoC it WILL happen.

    The PMO has nothing to do with this , it is all the protective service in the HoC (who answers to the Speaker of the house and speaker in the senate), the RCMP and CSIS. Possibly an aide under the Speaker who found this guy and did not research who he was.

    scheer, rempel (and I am sure others) with their little snarky smiles, are already trying to make political hay and fake outrages out of this, it is beyond disgusting, but not a surprise what else to expect from the CPC.

    The CPC cannot even have enough respect to allow Katarina Gould (a Jewish MP) her time on the floor without heckling her.

  8. Oh Trudea u And Freeland and True dope also knew and Zel are all nutzees as well. They all need to resign… They did this on the eve of Judaisms holiest day. Yom Kippur, coincidence?


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