‘You have always defended freedom’: Watch Zelenskyy’s address to Canadian Parliament | FULL SPEECH


[Laughter] foreign [Applause] Thank you so much um dear ladies and gentlemen Canada and before I start I just want just want to remind one thing this thing is very important to understand both Ukraine and Canada and what we are up to what we need to do and to do together 1983. the city of Edmonton

Its history is closely linked to the destiny of Ukraine and Ukrainian Canadian community that here in Edmonton the first Monument to the victims of holodomor was built in the world [Laughter] thank you was built to remember the genocide against the Ukrainian people the genocide ordered and perpetrated by Moscow the first ever

Hold more monument in the world at that time Ukraine didn’t yet have memorials commemorating the victims of genocide of ukrainians because Ukraine was under moscow’s control back then this fall will Mark the Fortis anniversaries in that first and very important commemoration of the victims of rolodemore a lot has changed since then Ukraine

Gained independence Ukraine is restoring its own historic memory dozens of other countries they are parliaments they are governments have already recognized all of the more at the genocide of the Ukrainian people and this year this year alone there have been 11 of such recognitions and I’m sure that the world the whole

World will recognize the truths about Voldemort but there is something that has not changed either in 40 years since the monuments in Edmonton was built or in 90 years since the whole the more Moscow now as always is banned on controlling Ukraine and makes use of all available means to do that including

Genocide it is genocide what Russian occupiers are doing to Ukraine and when we want to win when we call on the World to support us it is not just about an ordinary conflict it is about saving lives of millions of people literally physical salvation ordinary and women and Men children

Our families whole communities entire cities Russia’s destruction of mariopal of valnavaka or bahmoud or any other city or religion Ukraine must not go unpunished thank you live live life life and Justice must Prevail everywhere in Ukraine and for all ukrainians this Russian aggression must end with our victory yes yes yes

So that so that Russia will never bring back genocide to Ukraine and will never ever try to do so Moscow must lose once and for all and it will lose Dr speakers the whole parliament of Canada Dear Justin Mr Prime Minister ladies and gentleman of the government

They are representatives of of all the communities and cities all citizens of Canada in my opinion one of the most Starling qualities of your country that Justice is not an empty word for Canada another extremely important fact about you is that you never never ever make a political bet on hatred and enmity

And you are always on the bright side of History thank you that’s to you thank you so much during the first world war and in the time between those terrible terrible Wars and during the second world war and during the Cold War you always defended Freedom you have always defended Justice

And I had no doubt that you would choose the side of freedom and Justice when Russia launched a full-scale war against Ukraine thank you but it is but it is Never Enough only to choose the right side you also need to be able to be a leader on the side and you do

You are a leader and I thank you for that Canada thank you thank you thank you so much thank you very much for your thank you very much for your political support for Ukraine and this is through the support of a leader and it is global in scale because when you are fighting

For something when you are fighting for good in human nature the false neutrality neutrality looks obviously immoral when one sees true leaders all other who are afraid to be real to speak out to fight have only two opinions to change or to be looked down

And I thank you Canada for being a real example of leadership and honesty for so many around the world an example that inspires others to defend life Canada’s support for Ukraine with weapons and equipment has allowed us to save thousands thousands of lives this includes air defense systems armored vehicles artillery shells and

Very significant assistance in demanding thank you so much Canada’s leadership in sanctions against Russia for this war and Terror really encouraged others in the world to follow to follow your leads and I’m especially grateful for your extremely strong 100 leadership support of the Ukrainian movement to Nato for your strong participation in

Training our soldiers it’s very important it’s already a tradition that Canada trains those who defend the world thousands yes [Laughter] thousands thousands and thousands of pilots during the second world war thousands of ukrainians now and this is what makes Victory Victory strong Victory indispensable training thank you for this thank you

For your economic support for helping Ukraine to get rid of its dependence on Russian nuclear fuel and this is progress not not only for us really Ukraine and Canada together with their partners and really friends are demonstrating to everyone that it is quite realistic to completely cut off

Cut off our ties with dubious Russian nuclear technologies in addition to be purely technological Danger the Russian nuclear industry also serves moscow’s political expansion Russia uses nuclear technology and construction of nuclear power plants like gas and oil for political attacks against the sovereignty of other nations Russia is trying to break the

Sovereignty of other through its manipulation of energy resources all energy resources so the more nations are free from Russian energy resources the Sunnah energy in the world will once again become just an energy resource not a weapon not a weapon not a weapon against sovereignties another important area of our cooperation literally Justice

Today in talks with prime minister with Justin we discussed the Canadian Initiative for the G7 to set up efforts to confiscate Russian assets those funds that Russian and its henchmen used to pay for their War should be used to fairly compensate for the damage caused by War and Terror active

Active and Global work is also required to bring Russia to justice for the crime of aggression itself and for absolutely all crimes from this aggression all deaths every deportation of every child every adult every life needs to be protected and every attack Nation needs Justice to rule the world needs it to

So that other potential aggressors can see that war ends in verdicts for the aggressor and I urge you Canada to extend your ability to lead to other countries especially in this matter of Justice of persecuting the aggression of compensation for aggression of making the aggressor feel how strong Justice is

And most of all I would like to thank you Canada for the purely human thing for making ukrainians feel at home when they are here in Canada thank you thank you thank you so much thank you so much and this is you know this is not just a

A legacy of History this is a legacy of character the Ukrainian Canadian Community is about millions of Ukrainian Destinies that have become the destiny of Canada with all its diversity of communities Freedom loving courage our special inner call for justice the ability of our people to share

Comfort wherever they grew to build a great not to ruin or accumulate Ukrainian Flags in Canada are a part of everyday life as absolute trust to Canada in Ukraine in fact such proximity provides many answers including answers to the question about this war can we give up no

Can we betray the good in human nature no can we agree to evil no can we allow our identity to be erased no Ukraine and Canada are the same we stand and we fight for Life Ukraine not genocide will be victorious in this war people will be the winners not the Kremlin

Freedom will be the winner Justice will be the winner you can know this for sure about us because you know for sure about yourself that you would never submit to evil Mercy Canada thank you Canada excuse me and may one day soon a monuments a monument be built in maybe Edmonton as

As in other cities of the world and in the cities of Ukraine to honor the victory of our people in this war our our common victory common Victory with you with you the people of Canada with all your communities with all your Legacy Legacy of good ladies and gentlemen today me and

Are my beautiful first lady I had uh head honor are really the owner of meeting with them governor general of Canada honorable Mary Simon and she taught me she taught me a word from your mother tongue are you inata are you inata she said the meaning of this word is don’t give up

Don’t give up stay strong Against All Odds and so salad beam Ukraine thank you foreign foreign

Watch Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s full speech to Parliament as he visited the House of Commons in Ottawa.

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  1. Maybe Canadian voters would like to have their children fight the Russians and have are children come back on coffin, Ukraine are fighting our fight and saving Canadian live, wake up you looser who puts down Ukraine for fighting dictators like Putin and Trump .

  2. We have vets, nurses, disabled and elderly on the streets dying but lets give Ukraine more money we don't have because dopey Trudeau and his band of idiots spent it all. What's wrong with that? ????

  3. If Trudeau and Zielinski decided to have a passionate lip-lock right in the middle of Parliament, I wouldn't bat an eye on it our circus of a country Has stranger things coming down the pipeline!

  4. Why doesn’t he go back in history and say how Ukraine became to be Ukraine Also why not talk about 2014 and all His promises that he made to win election Why hasn’t he kept those promises?

  5. FYI, Trudeau said Canada has provided nearly $9 billion Canadian in military, financial and humanitarian support to Ukraine since the war began. And after Zelensky’s visit, expect that there’s more money coming out courtesy of Canadian taxpayers.

  6. I'd be prouder of my government if it mediated to a solution vs funding and supplying war. We use to be a peace keeping nation, sending out Green Berets… now we just give weapons.

    Weird! When i call Justin, 'Justin', it's because i refuse to give him the 'respect of his position'. I wonder why Zelensky refuses to say "Mr. Trudeau" or "Prime Minister Trudeau". I don't think Zelensky said "Trudeau" once? …. i guess he's just at that point in relationship where it's too late to ask a persons name.


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