Here’s what we learned from Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s address in Ottawa


First let’s go to cdb Annie Bergeron Oliver for more on president zielinski’s speech tell us Annie a little bit more about what we heard there from the Ukrainian President we heard him calling what is happening in his country genocide something that he says you know the country has seen before from Russia

In terms of aggression and the impact on its people talk to us about what else he had to say hi Lois well this was about an 18-minute speech just a little bit over and in that roughly 18-minute speech there were at least a dozen standing ovations and in addition there were also multiple

Instances of presidential issues saying thank you to Canada he thanked Canada specifically for its military support and for support training thousands of Ukrainian soldiers he thanks Canada for welcoming in I believe Trudeau said more than a hundred thousand immigrants from Ukraine and zelinski thanked Canada for making a home for these refugees from

Ukraine he also thanked Canada for its steadfast support saying that Canada has been there since the very beginning and he also thanked Canada for its leadership on the international State he said that Canada is a country that stands up for the rule of law at every instance he says Canada has consistently

Been on the bright side and the right side of history and so he thanked Canada for pledging its continued support repeatedly over the years on the international stage and he said that Canada is an inspiring leader that encourages other countries to step up in similar ways for example putting

Sanctions on Russian oligarchs and freezing their assets so this was a very complimentary speech by zielinski to Canada he spoke in English which is different than the last time in March 2022 his virtual address was in Ukrainian the other sort of difference here that you notice is back in 2022

When he first spoke virtually to Parliament that was a speech that was very emotional where he tried to really paint the picture of what it felt like to be in different parts of Ukraine while bombs were coming down he tried to paint the picture of what it would look

Like if bombs were falling on the CN Tower or if bombs were falling in downtown Ottawa while children were sleeping it was a very emotional plea to try to put people into his shoes and into the shoes of ukrainians we fast forward today he was a lot more sort of

Optimum Mystic saying that Ukraine is going to win this war that this is a war that is not just about Ukraine it’s about the world order it’s about peace it’s about defending Ukraine against what he calls a genocide by Russian people by the Russian government he says

That this is a war that Ukraine is going to win because of its allies and that peace has to win so a very different tone than what we heard from zelinski back in 2022. yeah and Annie let’s talk about some of the reaction as well to that speech and what zielinski had to

Say while I didn’t hear too much of the reaction in the house but what we did hear was that people are standing with him there’s a lot of solidarity you heard a couple of the people afterwards saying that they stand with with Ukraine and will stand with Ukraine as long as

Possible and this is a difference than I think what you’re seeing in the states it seems like there’s a lot more solidarity in Canada especially for long-term support of Ukraine than there was in the United States where you’re seeing a really divided Congress right now with a lot of Republicans feeling

That maybe it’s time to pull back on some of that support and then instead of giving additional financial assistance to Crane some of that money should be reserved and put back into the American economy so it does appear at least from what we saw in there by the standing

Ovations and by the the speakers that there is more solidarity here than there is to the South okay ctv’s Annie Bergeron Oliver joining us from an Ottawa with the latest on this thanks so much

CTV News’ Annie Bergeron-Oliver recaps the message from Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s speech in the House of Commons.

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