Trudeau briefly disrupted during debate on inflation in House of Commons| Canadian politics


All prices are going up for all products this prime minister said that inflation would go down Rising inflation is the result of inflationary deficits that the government has created now that money is in the economy driving up prices there’s even music playing in the background showing us that it’s the end

Of the world Mr Speaker so here’s my question when will he finally balance the books to bring down inflation and interest rates the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker Mr Speaker we know full well that Canadians are experiencing tough times that’s why we’re here for them here to help them

We have brought down day care costs we are helping as well with a grocery rebate which was paid out this summer these are investments in helping Canadians that’s maybe what the conservatives would like to slash but we will continue to be here for Canadians all while managing our finances

Responsibly we have the lowest that the GDP rate in the G7 we will continue to help Canadians and continue to grow the economy The Honorable opposition leader Mr Speaker the Prime Minister has printed money and doubled our national debt he is causing inflation and then denying it I warned

Him about this three years ago and I warned him five months ago that inflationary deficits would cause the problems we’re experiencing today even the Finance Minister said that deficits put oil on the fire of inflation and then right after that she added 60 billion of oil to that

Inflation so when will they balance the books to bring down inflation The Honorable prime minister what the leader of the opposition seems to be saying is that he wouldn’t have paid the grocery rebate to 11 million Canadians he’s saying that he wouldn’t have invested in dental care for

Canadians living with low and modest incomes he wouldn’t have helped children with dental care and he wouldn’t have cut daycare costs in half he’s saying that he wouldn’t have been there for Canadians to help them get through tough times but us Mr Speaker we are there for Canadians all while managing the deficit

And public finances responsibly we want to bring inflation down yes The Honorable leader of the opposition ways of accelerating inflation rate proves that after eight years this prime minister is just not worth the cost after he and his ministers pumped their fists in the air and declared victory

Over inflation it has now gone up 43 percent in two months through all categories it’s higher than here in Canada than it is in the United States and Japan and worse it may Force the Bank of Canada to raise interest rates again causing Canadian households who

Are the most indebted in the G7 to go bankrupt really balance the budget to bring down inflation and rates before that nightmare unfolds the right honorable prime minister over the past year we’ve demonstrated that we were able to bring down inflation from the highs of 8.1 percent

While at the same time the being there to Western Canadians what the leader of the opposition is saying is he wouldn’t have been there to help 11 million Canadians with the grocery rebate he wouldn’t have been there to help Canadians with dental care for kids who house families can’t send them to the

Dentist he certainly wouldn’t have been there to cut Child Care fees in half right across the country on the way to ten dollars a day those are measures Mr Speaker that have helped Canadians while maintaining fiscal responsibility and seeing in Flint The Honorable leader of the opposition

Doubling the dash on Canadians is not fiscal responsibility and forcing Canadians to live in tents is not compassion Mr Speaker after eight years of this prime minister life is miserable especially for the poorest Among Us and his solution is to make it everything cost even more inflation is now accelerating he hasn’t

Brought it down he stacked four percent inflation on top of the previous eight percent inflation which means that Canadians can’t eat heat or house themselves will he reverse his disastrous policies so Canadians can pay their bills prime minister while the leader of the opposition continues to talk down Canadians and

Talk down the Canadian economy and say that everything is broken we’re getting to work helping Canadians through this difficult time we’re eliminating GST on construction in new apartment buildings to make sure that people can get ransomware encouraging all provinces to do the same a number of provinces have

Stepped up which is going to make housing more accessible for millions of Canadians we’re also moving forward on extending the repayment deadline for seba loans to help small businesses and We’re working directly with grocery chains to stabilize food prices The Honorable leader of the opposition why bled housing

Houses was by flooding the economy with 600 billion dollars of newly created cash which bid up the price of homes forced Canadians to overpay and then many bought at Rock Bottom low rates because he promised that they would never go up his inflationary deficits pushed them up and now one-fifth of all

Canadians are actually unable to pay the interest on their mortgages their mortgages are growing in size when they renew it will be at a bigger principle at a higher rate how many Canadians will go bankrupt and will we have a mortgage crisis when that happens yes or no the right honorable prime minister

Speaker we know can adling right now I heard from a mom from Oakville who actually said that uh her in her mortgage prices mortgage costs went up the same amount as her child care costs came down thank God they canceled each other out but people should be doing better than that that’s

Why we’re going to be able to continue to be there for Canadians foreign are we ready to continue order it’s the right honorable prime minister please continue Mr Speaker every now and then the conservatives show their true colors and react over the top not just with rhetoric but in attacks on things like

Child care that they know we know they disagree with we know they don’t believe in making child care more affordable and every now and then they show it Mr Speaker

CPC Leader Poilievre and PM Trudeau debate the handling of inflation and cost of living before the House is called to order by the Speaker.

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