Biden tells UN world must stand up to Russia’s “naked aggression” in Ukraine


The United States seeks a more secure more prosperous more Equitable world for all people because we know our future is bound to yours let me repeat that again we know our future is bound to yours and no Nation can meet the challenges of today alone yet for the second year in a row

This Gathering dedicated to peaceful resolution of conflicts is darkened by the shadow of War an illegal war of Conquest brought without provocation by Russia against his neighbor Ukraine like every nation in the world the United States wants this war to end no Nation wants this war to end more than Ukraine

And we strongly support Ukraine in its efforts to bring about a diplomatic resolution that delivers just and Lasting peace Russia alone Russia alone Bears responsibility for this war Russia believes the world will grow weary and allow it to brutalize Ukraine without consequence but I ask you this

If we abandon the core principles of the United States to appease an aggressor can any member state in this body feel confident that they are protected if you allow Ukraine to be carved up is the independence of Any Nation secured I’d respectfully suggest the answer is no

We have to stand up to this negative aggression today and deter other would-be aggressors tomorrow that’s why the United States together with our allies and partners around the world will continue to stand with the brave people Ukraine as they defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity and their freedom applications for our souls

At risk ignoring Global treaties and conventions makes us law less safe and the poisoning of global diplomacy obstructs progress across the borders we must not relent in working for peace a just peace in line with un Charter and international law the world will never accept the idea that the imperial Ambitions of bullies

And tyrants should outweigh the Sovereign rights of U.N member states and that’s why some 50 nations of Goodwill from around the world have gathered here today to stand up United for Ukraine’s right to defend itself it’s no wonder that Putin has been forced to rely on the likes of Iran and North Korea

This is Ukraine’s fight it is their story their battle Ukraine has not asked any other country to fight for them all they’re asking for is help help with material and training and we collectively are all here to support Ukraine so they may remain free independent and sovereign

U.S. President Joe Biden appealed to world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Tuesday to stand with Ukraine against Russian invaders, a session which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also attended in person.

“If we allow Ukraine to be carved up, is the independence of any nation secure?” Biden asked. “We have to stand up to this naked aggression today and deter other would-be aggressors tomorrow.”

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also said that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was a violation of the UN Charter, telling the annual gathering of world leaders that the war “has unleashed a nexus of horror.”

Separately, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley expressed their support for Ukraine as some 50 nations gathered at the U.S. Ramstein Air Base in western Germany. “This is Ukraine’s fight, it is their story, their battle,” Milley said.

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