Trudeau, Poilievre square off in question period as Canada’s Parliament returns | FULL


As Canada’s House of Commons has resumed after a summer break, question period returned on Monday, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attending the session.

The focus was on the high and rising cost of groceries, foreign interference, and housing affordability.

After months of delay and against the explicit recommendation of their own special rapporteur, the Liberal government agreed to hold a public inquiry into foreign interference in Canadian elections.

Meanwhile, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre said that his party is focused on reversing Canada’s “housing hell,” by introducing his own affordability plan to Parliament on Monday.

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  1. And Here I Thought The Jean Cretian Liberals Was The Worst In Canadian History….. COMMIE JUSTIN (Freeland) IS THE ABSOLUTE BOTTOM OF THE HEAP…. THEY SHOULD BE REMOVED WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE IMHO !!!


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