Poilievre accuses Trudeau of building bureaucracy not homes


Go after the summer when the Liberals after the summer the Liberals had even the Prime Minister must admit that he’s not worth the cost Mr Speaker after eight years of promising to reduce the C the cost of housing it has doubled and he said it’s not his job and finally he

Panicked because of lower support in polls he’s recycled the same promises he broke over six years ago it took eight years to cause housing Hell by the Prime Minister how long will it take to resolve this the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we know that Canadians are

Feeling the rise in prices throughout the country especially at the grocery store and for housing that’s why we are taking immediate action to build more housing by eliminating GST by supporting small businesses and extending repayment and by calling in food cosos for a meeting today to ensure

We reduce the cost of food our priority is to build an econom focused on the wellbe of all Canadians and that is what we will do every day in this house The Honorable leader of the opposition people can’t have well-being when they’re living intense after eight years the cost of

Housing has doubled and now interest rates are going up faster than in our country’s monetary history even the former Finance Minister liberal John Manley said that interest rates are going up because of the deficits this prevents people from building houses and buying them will he finally eliminate inflationary deficits that make interest

Rates go up and keep his promise to balance the budget the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker actions count More Than Words and we’ve taken action we are building thousands of housing units in London and we are reducing red red tape we are encouraging cities like Calgary to put

Forward more ambitious proposals and we are ensuring that affordable apartments are built throughout the country by eliminating GST on their construction and if food CEOs don’t make your groceries more affordable we will do so this is what Canadians are calling for today and that is what we are doing

To build an economy that works for everybody The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker after the summer that these liberals have had even the Prime Minister must admit that he’s not worth the cost eight years after he promised to make housing more affordable he doubled the cost doubled the rent

Doubled mortgage payments doubled the needed down payment then he said housing is not his job and then he panicked when he plummeted in the polls and re recycled promises that he’d broken six years earlier Mr Speaker it took him 8 years to cause this housing hell how long will it take to fix

The right honorable prime minister speaker we said we’d work with municipalities to get housing built faster and that’s exactly what we’re doing right across the country including for example with the city of London where we’ve got a deal done that FASTT trcks the creation of over 2,000 additional housing units over the next

Three years builds thousands more in the years to come we’re doing this by cutting red tape fixing outdated zoning policies and building more homes faster this is our first deal but I promise not the last here The Honorable leader of the opposition speaker he’s building bureaucracy not building homes in fact

His inflationary deficits drive up interest rates according to former liberal Finance Minister John Manley and that ensures that it’s harder not only to buy homes but to build them today we got the devastating news that not only are we not increasing Home Building home building was down in August 18 months

After his so-called accelerator was brought into place but when will the Prime Minister realize that he’s not worth the cost get out of the way and build homes not bureaucracy you WR honorable prime minister speaker the opposition leaders bickering won’t help get houses built our plan does the Minister of Housing

Wrote the mayor of Calgary offering to partner with the city if they made necessary changes for more affordable housing and just this Saturday the City of Calgary approved a plan for reducing zoning red tape and building housing by public transit this is a step in the right direction and we know together we

Can build more apartments for students to rent and more H more homes for families to grow in The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker all he has delivered is an economy that built fewer homes last year than were built in 1972 wow and this year housing construction is expected to drop further

By 32% data from August showed that home building was down again his inflationary deficits drive up interest rates which make it harder for Builders to finance their construction and harder for Canadians to afford a mortgage so what will he finally do what he promised to do eight years ago and that is balance

The budget to bring down interest rates and inflation right honorable prime minister we’ll focus on delivering Real Results while the leader opposite is focused on empty slogans and picking fights in fact when he was in charge of housing he bungled projects like the Toronto line one extension which to this day has no

Housing near a number of its stations in contrast we are actually linking public transit dollars to apartments and housing density and we’re doing so without the conservative plan to restrict access to abortion to deny impact of climate change and put more assault weapons in our streets

CPC Leader Poilievre grills PM Trudeau about the housing crisis and his motives to take action now.

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  1. And……… PP is absolutely correct . jt is a drama teacher. What do you expect from a failed teacher? jt's response is to say that PP is "bickering". Well, I say bicker away PP and hold this disgrace to Canada to account

  2. Lol they we're already building 6000 homes in London which had absolutely nothing to do with the Liberal Government.
    Mr. Prime Minister, your Government has done absolutely nothing…Accept spend money. Time to put on your big boy pants and realize you suck…at everything

  3. If Liberals supporters don’t see he’s actually playing with their lives I don’t know what else to say. It’s so obvious he’s saying all of these things ( we are not sure if they are going to happen btw ) because he’s way behind in the polls. I don’t care what party you support, please don’t be fooled by Justin Trudeau no more. It’s enough. We gave him many chances and realistically he’s done worse to Canada than any other prime minister.

  4. Carbon tax, 3 times the cost farmers never paid 8yrs ago ,as a farmer on fuel fertilizer, heat,equipment so I add the cost on food, truck ouner same ,food processor, truck ouner ,store ouner adds it again .results in a bag of potatoes taxed 6 times minimum before you get it and food is not supposed to be taxed ( this is hidden) not rocket science.

  5. Watching liberals not answer questions is frustrating. It takes energy to create anything of value in any economy. If you keep raising taxes on energy then everything has to inflate… a simple concept that has eluded liberal policies.

  6. So Trudeau's GENIUS plans are: Threatening Grocery giants with MORE taxes, which will only be passed on to the consumers, removing GST for LANDLORDS, so they can make even BIGGER profits by keeping the rents high, and building more houses that will sell for 850k or more and still be UNAFFORDABLE to most Canadians!

  7. It looks like the Liberal Idiots are very well trained, or they get a treat if they clap for their Boss like well trained seal. I agree with Pierre , Trudeau and his band of Seals are not worth the cost, they must go.

  8. Where were you 8 years ago . Did it have to come to this . What the hell is wrong with you . What is it !!!!! . You destroyed this country beyond repairs . Resign and save yourself more of humiliation . Just do it and be bloody done with it .

  9. May I suggest, next session discuss the issue of homes/buildings that are sitting empty/boarded up! Everyone is thinking it, I'm just saying it, "What the f@&k is wrong with them? What about getting those up to date, opened up?"

  10. 40 years research not thefting others salary tampopo cut chores end scene building angriness or happiness engineer evolution evaluation housing design condo vs tornadoes grelons cv salary ask physician qc fr

  11. There was a time in Canada when politicians spoke in Parliament with eloquence, substance, and spontaneously. Now, everything is contrieved, rehearsed, and sadly read from what appear to be 'well prepared' statements.


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