Canada’s Suspicions Point to India in Sikh Leader Murder – Shocking Details Emerged

Canada says it suspects India involved in Sikh leader murder

“Canada Points Fingers at Indian Government Agents in Murder of Sikh Leader, Expels Intelligence Official”

In a shocking revelation, Canada has implicated Indian government agents in the murder of Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in British Columbia back in June. As a result, Canada has expelled a senior Indian intelligence official, further straining the diplomatic relations between the two countries. This development comes at a time when India is already displeased with Canada’s perceived leniency towards Sikh protesters advocating for an independent homeland.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his outrage at the involvement of a foreign government in the murder of a Canadian citizen, labeling it as an “unacceptable violation of our sovereignty.” Nijjar, a vocal supporter of an independent Khalistani state for Sikhs, was shot dead outside a Sikh temple in Surrey. India had designated Nijjar as a “terrorist” in July 2020.

Trudeau stated that Canadian security agencies have been actively investigating credible allegations linking Indian government agents to Nijjar’s death. He revealed that Canada has voiced its concerns directly to the highest intelligence and security officials of the Indian government, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi. However, the Indian high commission in Ottawa has not responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Tensions between Canada and India have been simmering for some time due to the significant Sikh population in Canada and their continued protests for an independent homeland. Canada is home to the largest population of Sikhs outside of Punjab in India. Approximately 770,000 Canadians identify as Sikhs in the latest census.

The deterioration of relations between the two countries has had consequences beyond the murder investigation. Talks on a potential trade deal between Canada and India have been suspended, despite optimistic predictions earlier this year. Bilateral trade between the two countries amounted to just C$13.7 billion in 2022, a fraction of Canada’s overall total.

While Trudeau did not directly accuse India of direct involvement in the murder, Foreign Minister Melanie Joly expressed cautious language, stating that the allegations would be unacceptable if proven true. Trudeau and other Canadian officials have urged the Indian government to cooperate in uncovering the truth behind Nijjar’s death.

The seriousness of the situation prompted Ottawa to expel the head of Indian intelligence in Canada. However, no further details have been provided regarding this expulsion. Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc disclosed that several senior Canadian government officials had recently visited India to convey Canada’s concerns.

This is not the first time India and its Sikh separatist movement have caused tensions abroad. In April, India requested increased monitoring of UK-based supporters of the movement, after protesters displayed “Khalistan” banners and removed the Indian flag from the diplomatic mission’s building in London.

As this investigation unfolds, it is crucial for both Canada and India to approach the matter with transparency and cooperation. The murder of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil allegedly involving foreign government agents threatens to strain the already delicate ties between the two nations. It serves as a stark reminder of the challenges posed by transnational conflicts, highlighting the need for open dialogue and peaceful resolutions.



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