Global National: Sept. 15, 2023 | Jury sees police interview of London attacker claiming “terrorism”


Thank you On this Friday night chilling statements from an accused terrorist the emotional police interview and alarming admissions from the man who admits to intentionally killing a Muslim family it has absolutely no place in this country the stress before the storm the time to prepare is now what thousands in the

Maritimes can expect as Lee inches closer to making landfall Sin City Giants left in limbo how a simple phone call may have led to one of Las Vegas’s biggest cyber attacks plus final Edition oh shocked I couldn’t believe it what the loss of a 130 year old Community paper means for local news

I just don’t want that to not be there anymore Good evening to you and thanks for joining us we begin tonight with disturbing and shocking revelations out of an Ontario courtroom today where the trial of a man accused if intentionally killing four members of a Muslim family is underway Salman afzal his wife Madia Salman their 15 year old daughter yumna and her

Grandmother talat of cell we’re just out for a walk on a Sunday when they were hit and killed the couple’s nine-year-old son was the only one who survived the attack he was seriously hurt today the jury watched a video recording that was taken just hours after the attack and in it the accused

Tells a detective that he targeted the family knowing they were Muslim because of the clothes they were wearing has a story for us tonight and we want to warn you before we show it to you that the details are very disturbing London Ontario had never seen such chaos

Until that fateful night in 2021 a family had been run over four of the five people hit were killed targeted according to police by a young white man who was surrounded and arrested in a mall parking lot video of Nathaniel veltman’s interrogation by London Police hasn’t been released publicly but court

Heard his explanation in his own words I’m not planning on pleading Insanity he told police I want the world to know why I did what I did so I’m just going to tell you as he begins to tell police his story he Paints the picture of an angry

White man getting drawn into far-right chat rooms as he said himself going down the rabbit hole what particularly piqued his interest were discussions around rampant yet unreported Muslim unwhite crime hateful claims that have been widely discredited but those lies were enough to set Feldman off I’m done I’m

Done I’m going to commit a terrorist attack I’m done I’m not putting up with this anymore what happens with conspiracy theories in these nationalistic and white nationalism ideas is something called social heroism where these individuals see themselves as someone who is battling on the side of the Eternal on in the ultimate battle

Between good and evil and what they have to do is go out and save the nation or save their ethnicity save whiteness according to a statement he was inspired by other attacks in Norway and New Zealand when he set off in his truck when he saw the afsoles he says he

Determined they were Muslim based on their clothes and he says he hit the gas on his truck it was way easier than I thought it was going to be he said the really challenging point I think for all of us as Canadians is that that type of ignorance that type

Of ideology can find a footing in our country as much as we we love to be a care caring and kind and welcoming country develman told police he believes he is racist and claims everyone is I admit that it was terrorism he said I admit it

I’m not going to like try to get a lighter sentence by saying it was just murder not terrorism but it’s not enough for him to say it the jury has to believe he committed an act of Terror to convict him that’s the jury’s job but for Canadians to come to terms with this

Horrific Act is another matter entirely Mike drolet Global News Toronto and we have in-depth reporting on this trial from Global news’s Jacqueline LaBelle on our website just go to for more in Alberta compensation is coming for hundreds of families whose children got sick in an E coli outbreak Premier

Danielle Smith says a one-time payment of two thousand dollars per child will be made available to parents with lost wages and additional child care costs there have been 337 lab confirmed cases connected to the outbreak so far 12 children are still in the hospital six are on dialysis Heather York’s West reports

It’s unimaginable pain and I’m heartbroken by what these family families are going through a rare show of emotion from the Alberta Premiere a day after the families of hundreds of e coli-stricken children asked why Danielle Smith had not spoken publicly about the massive outbreak with most patients under the age of five the

Severe symptoms and daily hospital visits have been traumatic Alicia Loblaw says her son is struggling to cope we had to drive past the hospital yesterday on route to somewhere else and he had a little bit of a panic attack just you know he thought we were going

Back there and he was like Mommy don’t take me back I don’t want to go to the hospital I don’t want anyone to hurt me I’m not sick anymore don’t put anything in my arm lobla says she was happy to hear families will receive a one-time payment of two thousand dollars from The

Province to help with unexpected costs associated with the outbreak the premier also promising Public Health rules related to food safety will be improved the source of the E coli outbreak is still not known though officials believe it came from a central kitchen operated by fueling mines I acknowledge that there is some concern

That this kitchen was able to continue to operate despite Public Health Inspectors identifying a number of violations the premier says neither The Province nor Public Health officials have the ability to close facilities unless critical violations are found and after correcting two infractions last April the kitchen had been compliant with all rules

I would have expected in a high risk area like this that there would have been another inspection and indeed if there was an infraction found temporary closure would be appropriate coli cases could rise doctors are hopeful children has stabilized with 12 young patients still in hospital work now

Continues on finding the answers needed to ensure this doesn’t happen again Farah Heather York’s West in Calgary thank you heather dangerous weather is at the doorstep of Atlantic Canada as hurricane Lee approaches the storm is set to make landfall in maritimes tomorrow and officials are warning residents not to underestimate it

While the storm may be weakening it is still a significant storm so we need to be ready I want to take this opportunity to remind Nova scotians if they haven’t already done so the time to prepare is now hurricane and tropical storm watches are in effect throughout Nova Scotia and New

Brunswick Environment Canada is also warning of flood risks and the potential for storm surge along the coast our Global News chief meteorologist Anthony Farnell is in Yarmouth Nova Scotia tonight Anthony what’s it like there right now far it’s actually been a very nice day here in Yarmouth there was a light

Breeze the Sun was shining but within the last couple of hours those clouds are thickening up and rain is knocking on the door that’s what comes first and then as we move through the night tonight we’re going to start to see those winds gusting 60 first and then up

To 90 and by tomorrow morning possibly 110 kilometers per hour and that also means some big waves and a storm surge just off the coast behind me especially to our East as we’re dealing with the Atlantic side that could have 8 to 10 meter waves crashing just off the coast

Now the reason we’re in Yarmouth because we’re expecting the landfall to be pretty close to here it’s amazing that this storm we’ve been tracking it since it moved off Africa over two weeks ago and this is the first place that it’s making landfall here in Canada in Canada

In the southwestern part of Nova Scotia I want to show you the satellite imagery because this system is is massive it’s no longer a category five it’s only a category one hurricane but the wind field has expanded out hundreds of kilometers from one side to the other

The clouds extend all the way back into New York City and Boston today and then up towards Newfoundland as well now the track has shifted slightly and that is playing an important role because the winds now are going to be a bit stronger around Halifax recently added to the

Hurricane watch and also a tropical storm warning for basically the entire Province or most of Nova Scotia but this area Yarmouth and parts of the Southwest and the South Shore they did not see the full force of Hurricane Fiona last year so we are concerned about power lines

Coming down tree damage and of course that surge along with the threat of flooding it has been a very wet summer in Nova Scotia and that continues with the approach of hurricane Kane Lee pharah Anthony Farnell and yarma thank you Anthony the devastation in derna in northeastern

Libya is unlike anything we’ve ever seen the number of dead is staggering according to the red crescent more than 11 000 people have been killed and it’s estimated 10 000 people are still missing today authorities sealed off the coastal city to give emergency crews the space needed to comb through

Neighborhoods that were wiped out by that terrifying wall of water Redmond Shannon reports the first Friday prayers in derna since the disaster that wiped much of the city off the map we lost a big portion of derna’s society says this man adding that he appreciates the solidarity shown by libyans and The

Wider world Aid is arriving but according to reports nowhere near enough for a disaster of this scale on Friday Canada announced 5 million dollars of Aid funding you’ve got obviously Maritime access typically what you do is you don’t choose one route over another you do all of them

Washed out roads mean the people of derna have to make do with whatever help can get through or fend for themselves the need for equipment to uh find people in the in the in the floods in the sludge and the the damaged buildings shelter food key Primary Medical Care

The survivors in need of Aid each sharing stories more harrowing than the last the height of the Waves reached the fourth floor we could see the waves sweeping people away from the tops of buildings including my neighbors the tasani family there are conflicting reports on the number of dead reflecting

The chaos of a barely functioning government in eastern Libya it is now the focus of anger over the collapse dams in just two hours one of my colleagues counted over 200 buddies on the beach near there this red crescent forensic expert says decomp opposing bodies do not pose a large health risk

And more time must be taken to coordinate Mass burials the efforts make it for a loved one to laterally cover a body and have the closure of a private buyer they help prevent people from going missing forever a lack of resources combined with a lack of proper leadership potentially making an

Unimaginable disaster even worse Redmond Shannon Global News London as you saw in those images derna really does look like a war zone and in many ways what happened is a direct result of years of armed conflict and political chaos Libya has been divided between two rival governments since the country’s

Long-serving ruler Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011 and with little investment or upkeep a powerful Mediterranean storm fueled by warmer Waters exposed the fragility of the country’s aging infrastructure Eric Sorensen reports a country often at war with itself neglected infrastructure and an unprecedented storm was a recipe for disaster in dharna

The Wadi River only periodically swells and floods the dams built 50 years ago above derna were the solutions but Libyan news in 2020 reported on heavy rains that destroyed roads the infrastructure is really weak said one man consecutive governments have neglected this said another what few seem to have

Foreseen is that the dams themselves could fail catastrophically from one storm the storm first gathered strength over the warm Waters of the Mediterranean and then turned Eastward over Libya’s jubel akhtar mountains a region that normally gets about one millimeter of rain in all of September received 400 millimeters in

24 hours the upper dam was breached by more than a million cubic meters of water water rushed toward the lower M which held back 22 million cubic meters of water the second Dam failed and Torrance racing downhill some three meters deep wiped out whatever was in

Its way it has something that we’d never seen before we were not used to this incident we were not expecting it that way Libya was not expecting it but a warmer atmosphere and oceans are forcing new expectations everywhere from medicains slamming North Africa to atmospheric rivers in the Pacific to

Hurricanes persisting through the North Atlantic as the atmosphere warms up it just can hold more water vapor and if you’re close to an ocean which is warm as well that just doubles or amplifies the amount of water vapor and the intensity of the storms Kent Moore says Coastal communities in Canada and around

The world must prepare for what’s coming and not treat these new extremes as normal it’s not normal to get three months worth of rain in a day a lot of infrastructure dams uh you know roads all those things will have to be re-engineered to deal with these new extremes because they haven’t frankly

Been designed for the level of extreme events that we’re seeing now and of course what we’ll see in the future what happened in Libya and what’s bearing down on Atlantic Canada this weekend are not dissimilar extreme weather events that climate change is bringing with more intensity and more frequency Eric

Sorensen Global News Toronto in Vegas the house doesn’t always win coming up how hackers made off with a huge payday after targeting some of Sin City’s biggest names in Las Vegas some of Sin City’s best known hotels and casinos are still offline days after being hit by a major

Cyber attack as Jackson prosco reports the hackers have also made off with a huge payout in Las Vegas they say The House Always Wins that luck seemed to run out after this Trip’s biggest casinos were hacked I don’t even want to pay with my card right now I’m scared that they’re gonna

Hack all of our information at some of mgm’s dozens of resorts it headaches caused long lines for hotel check-ins and problems with key cards ATMs were down restaurants went cash only and on the casino floor slot machines wouldn’t spin when I tried to put that like pull

The ticket out and put it up just check it out put it back in it won’t take it Casino giant Caesars admitted hackers got them too hijacking customer data including driver’s licenses and Social Security numbers Caesars paid a 15 million dollar Ransom to get its data back there are no guarantees the hackers

Will delete copies of what was stolen that data can be used by people that like to commit identity theft to open new credit cards to get driver’s license to get Social security cards to open a mortgage a group called Alf V has reportedly claimed responsibility and may have gained access by simply posing

As employees and phoning the IT Help Desk MGM says it’s working diligently to resolve its cyber security issue but isn’t saying much else I think I think the most frustrating part for me was I’m saying that it’s business as usual though things have slowly started to improve the hackers have warned they’ll

Carry out additional attacks if unspecified demands aren’t met if there’s one safe bet it’s that the casinos will do all they can to avoid another disruption Jackson prosco Global News Washington [Applause] in the U.S 13 000 Auto Workers have walked off the job striking against the country’s three biggest automakers Members of the United Auto Workers Union began picketing last night after failing to reach deals with Ford General Motors and stellantis that’s halted operations in three factories in three different states it’s the first time in the Union’s 88-year history that all three automakers have been targeted simultaneously the union is demanding

Better pay benefits and job protection and a Canadian Media company is making major Cuts Metro land Media Group says it will end the print editions of its Community newspapers across Ontario and it will exit the flyer business as it seeks bankruptcy protection 600 jobs will be lost that’s about 60

Percent of its total Workforce the company says it does not have sufficient funds for termination or severance pay it’s six daily newspapers will continue both in print and online metroland says the decision is a result of unsustainable Financial losses stemming from the changing preferences of consumers and of advertisers

Next the story of another local paper as it prints its final Edition It is the end of an era for our Canadian newspaper that’s been publishing in eastern Ontario for more than 130 years the last edition of the Glengarry news was printed this week and our Mike Armstrong was there thank you Ralph the last week hit Steve Warburton

Harder and in a different way than he thought it would over two decades he’s done just about every job at the Glengarry news but when he was told it was over he says it wasn’t the loss of the paycheck that hurt the most I realize it’s not just a job like being

The editor of this newspaper is has become my identity it’s a sad day for me and for many people here at the glencary news this was a Facebook video Warburton shot after putting the final touches on the final issue an emotional tour of the paper’s offices down there is

Production area the eight staff members were told the paper was closing last week and the News started to spread around town it’s really bad for the community oh yeah a lot of person talked about that yesterday and everything we were very upset because we get all our news mainly from the Glengarry news

The paper has been published in this community since 1892. it’s only ever had three owners all from the same family well that family now says it can’t keep it going I was shocked I couldn’t believe it now there is blame to be spread around government advertising has moved online

And big National advertising campaigns like car companies have dried up add to that a drop in readership Warburton says young people don’t connect with newspapers although he did try I would get pictures of them doing their Terry Fox runs or the school plays uh basketball volleyball we would cover

Their hockey games as well and uh I guess it just didn’t catch on now things like that are being covered less and less across Canada because there are fewer and fewer papers in Ontario over the last 15 years about a third of community newspapers have shut down turning towns and Villages into

What some have called news deserts it’s quite dangerous it’s dangerous for democracy it’s dangerous for the rural community it’s the dangerous for sense of the placenta Community as well I just don’t want that to not be there anymore the local mayor says there are efforts underway to find new investors someone

Or some way to get the paper up and running again goodbye Glenn Gary news otherwise this may be one of those situations I love you where people don’t know what they’ve got until it’s gone Mike Armstrong Global News Alexandria Ontario and that’s global national for this Friday night I’m far enough sir on

Behalf of our whole crew here I want to thank you so much for spending part of your evening with us tonight’s your Canada is more Creek it’s near Madawaska Ontario until tomorrow take care of yourselves and take care of each other have a good night

In tonight’s top story: Jury members of the ongoing trial against a 22-year-old London, Ont. man, who targeted and fatally struck four members of a Muslim family in 2021 — and left a fifth seriously injured — was shown a video of the accused’s interview with police on Friday, where he claimed he committed an act of “terrorism.” Mike Drolet reports.

On Canada’s west coast, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith announced that the province will provide $2,000 per child infected with e. coli, following the unexpected outbreak across several Calgary daycares last week. The funding is to help with unanticipated costs associated with hospital visits. Heather Yourex-West has the latest.

Though internal and international aid is on the way to Libyans following the flooding in Derna that killed more than 11,000, concerns are rising that there simply won’t be enough to match the scale of the unexpected catastrophe. Redmond Shannon details the damage.

Also, Libya officials say they were not expecting the level of water they did, while locals claim the 50-year-old dam that supposedly protected the city was neglected for years. Global’s Eric Sorenson details how Storm Daniel ultimately exposed the fragility of Libya’s dam.

Additionally, the Las Vegas strip’s biggest casinos were hacked earlier this week in a major cyberattack., including MGM and Caesars Palace — the latter of which paid a $15-million ransom in hopes. Global’s Jackson Proskow has the latest.

Over in Alexandria, Ont., Glengarry News published its last paper after 131 years in business. Mike Armstrong speaks with the publication’s managing editor as the institution closes its doors.

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  1. Rip the news paper. Not for the paper it self, for the lack of solutions that do not oh holy mocks what? Cooperation and community is needed again, meaning less fences, less idiotic "privacy" and more events. More neighbors having get togethers. Why are we not being kind, loving, and sharing with our own neighborhood? I ask do you even know your neighbor?!

    Great set today Global! Loved the daily news even if some were tragic <3

  2. Giving deep, somber insights into the roots of Libya's current state of affairs starting with the fall of Gaddafi, yet failing to mentioning the fact that Gaddafi was only overthrown with NATO support. That might be relevant to the Canadian audience, don't you think? Stop whitewashing, please.

  3. Please be safe, mowing people down on sidewalks with a pickup truck never really produces afterlives, even if the maga hat wearing pickup truck driver was raised to pretend that it did.
    My home took an arson threat from someone like that..

  4. A guy from Somalia did this in Alberta and intentionally ran over Police and wasn't charged with Terrorism..another "new Canadian" did this in Calgary and wasn't charged with Terrorism…some "new Canadians" went on a shooting spree in Edmonton and wasn't charged with Terrorism.

  5. We all can see how Global News began its broadcasting with the London Ontario truck attack by white supremacy and then ended it with a picture of a quiet Madawaska Lake Ontario. We call it terrorist journalism.

  6. Ford: Net Profit margin Y/Y – Up 156%, Net Income Y/Y – Up 187%
    GM: Net Profit margin Y/Y – Up 21.14%, Net Income Y/Y – Up 52%
    Stellantis: Net Profit margin Y/Y – Up 22.65%, Net Income Y/Y – Up 37.22%

    "Our income and profit margins both increased dramatically, but if we pay workers their fair share we wont be 'competitive'" – Workers aren't at fault for striking, the company is at fault for not compensating them fairly. If the economy suffers it is the company's fault not the workers, remember that.


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