G20 Summit in India | What should be on PM Trudeau’s international agenda?


All right and to dig deeper into this we’re joined by Scott Reed CTV News political commentator Scott thanks for being here with us this morning now let’s start with that inquiry the Liberals have appointed Justice Hogue to examine and assess interference by China Russia and other foreign States was this

Justice the right pick oh I think so insofar as you’ve got a sitting Justice someone who’s credible someone who is unblemished with respect to their uh uh you know background and experience and certainly with respect to partisan uh involvement and that’s where of course you know questions were raised

About David Johnson oh did he know the Trudeau family oh and you know somebody somewhere within his operation ever contributed to a political party made a political donation this justice has been signed off by all the political parties all of that kind of controversy all that

Kind of partisan jocking none of that is going to um uh going to attach itself to her appointment so in that sense the Liberals get out of the docs with this thing uh as a clean and well-received appointment uh Justin Trudeau says he’s willing to testify do you think we’ll end up seeing

That happen yeah I’d bet a dollar or two on that I mean roughly speaking it looks like the Justice’s mandate is split in two have a a quicker report um by the end of February that looks back in particular at uh the potential of uh interference in the 2019-2021

Elections I think if you start to examine you know those questions you ultimately are going to wonder what what did the Prime Minister know when did he know what was he briefed on how did that information get handled so that could very logically take you to a place where

Uh the prime minister or senior advisors National Security adviser are being uh are are being um questioned so I I wouldn’t be shocked to see that we don’t know it’s up to the it’s up to the commissioner but I I would think it’s possible if not likely

How do you think this issue might play out at the G20 is that gets underway I I’m not certain it’s going to be a huge Focus uh around the G20 I mean the G20 has very interesting Dynamics as you heard in Annie’s report um you know obviously you don’t have

Putin there he’s under a criminal warrant in the international uh Criminal Courts um and you know you’ve got the leader of China not attending now there’s been a lot of hijinks about well is that because he’s signaling some kind of snub to the leader of uh of India I

Think it’s got as much to do with his own domestic issues politically and economically back in China which I think is a very fascinating development for us I I think places like uh the United Kingdom the United States will watch our inquiry because it has real implications

As to how intelligence is is managed and what the five eyes relationship where we share uh intelligence with other nations like the United States United Kingdom and others so I think they’ll keep an eye on it but I’m not certain it’s going to be a point of controversy or a real

Focus other than from domestic reporters at the G20 there are literally Global problems to tackle what do the prime minister’s goals need to be well overseas in India well I mean I I think fundamentally it’s got about economic engagement and you know International action around um Supply chains continuing to make

Certain that we put them uh the pedal to the mat on that that we clear away all of the burdens and barriers that are residual from uh from covet but you know there’s obviously there’s you’re never going to have an international discussion without focus on climate change particularly the G20 where you’ve

Got a lot of representation from developing worlds but there are a lot of different approaches some of them are competing with what we’re trying to achieve but I mean I really come back to it for this government their International agenda can be no different from their domestic agenda which is to

Say that their policy agenda could be no different than their political priorities the economy the economy the economy that has got to be as Mantra people must see the Prime Minister being a champion of uh of a greater growth of Greater employment and of better times ahead of lower inflation that’s got to

Be the takeaway from these trips it’s tough to do that sometimes on International matters but if I was helping the Prime Minister out that would be my one and only message to him talk about the economy all right Scott Reid CTV News political commentator thank you very much for joining us today

Political commentator Scott Reid weighs in on what Trudeau’s international agenda should be as he attends the G20 Summit.

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