CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION | Watch Peter MacKay’s full keynote speech


Foreign and I are thrilled to be here at this Great Canadian Common Sense convention in Quebec in fact we’re glad to be anywhere you know uh after pandemic a move across the country three kids it’s great to be anywhere it’s 10 years since we were away from our kids together we’re

Thinking of them of course and you know I would share with you that politics prepared me for parenting think about it late night filibusters and arguments screaming and yelling and accusations that have nothing to do with you and always cleaning up somebody else’s mess just like Ottawa you see I’m an older dad

I ran into stock all day yesterday and he was telling me he was just at his granddaughter’s wedding I have a daughter in grade three so I got a long a long way to go I’ve been to a lot of conservative conventions over my lifetime but I must

Say I have never been at a gathering where there was so much optimism so much purpose and so much confidence and I look at what’s happening in Ottawa there’s no more powerful message than the message of change there’s a message of change in the country we look at what’s been happening in

Ottawa you know it kind of reminds me of chat gbt right because you get the same robotic and inane answers no matter what you ask there’s such great energy here in the hall today and I know that there’s a lot of important work to be done

But you know we have over 30 000 people here I’m just kidding it’s actually closer to 3 000 but that’s liberal math for you right right it’s just inflation remember that just inflation just transition when will he just go away thank you you know we’ve had some powerful inspiring speakers already and that

Presentation in particular yesterday from Michael Michelle and Barbara musunov I found compelling an incredible speech uplifting on the money I saw them yesterday in the in the hotel and what I told them was that they would both be great candidates I know there’s been a lot of speculation

It’s been a lot of talk about candidates across the country I’ve run into people everywhere lately and since I’ve been here and you know I feel this incredible sense of Pride and purpose that I had when I was in politics some years ago and so I’ve been thinking a lot thinking

A lot about my future and discussing this with with my wife nazanine and family and friends back in Central Nova and so I figured there’s no better place than here with all of you to let you in on a little secret I believe Pierre poliev will be the next prime minister of Canada

Canada it is time it’s time to turn the page it’s time to undo the damage that the current liberal government has inflicted on Canadians now for the past eight years it’s time for new leadership and a new government that actually puts people first it’s time Canada for a conservative government led by prime

Minister Pier poliesev iton it is dignity leadership the prime minister of Canada and make no mistake my friends we have an enormous task before us the debt clock has never run so fast our military have never been so poorly equipped and unrespected our image around the world more tarnished and ridiculed with a

Prime minister known for his socks and selfies more than his seriousness and he’s there again I hope he’s not dressing up you know a home has never been more unaffordable well from all parts of Canada are seeing how this liberal ideology has divided our citizens and our country

All intended of course for the president preservation and promotion of the Liberal Party of Canada we need to write the ship of state that is badly listening to the left we must correct course to financial responsibility fiscal accountability honest government Canadians deserve and demand no less

And pure police is ready to deliver the change the Canadians seek with hard working and dedicated members of his team many whom are here and with conservatives right across the country I have every confidence that Pierre can do what conservatives have done for our country throughout our history

And that’s built a more prosperous Canada a more secure Canada and a more united Canada but in order to do that and if you remember nothing else that I’ve said here tonight today in order to build a United Canada we must remain United as a conservative party

And you know I honestly feel that Canadians are still getting to know Pierre they’re getting to know him with each passing day and in opposition they see him as a fierce critic they see him as somebody who offers common sense of course and somebody who has real solutions in store for Canadians

As a leader they see a man filled with optimism and ideas a leader who wants to make life better and more affordable for Canadians and what makes me so optimistic standing here today in spite of all the challenges before our country and our party as I think about the history of the

Conservative party and movement even going back well before my time in the conservative party as we have seen conservatives can capture the imagination and the interest of Canadians but never never have I seen in my lifetime our party capturing the imagination and appealing to so many young Canadians in Canada thank you

And of course that means people of all ages people who are getting up there like myself but despite what the pundits in the Press might say Pierre is connecting with young Canadians I met Esther and her sister Catherine who were here from West Nova and Chris dontarment’s writing she’s here for her

First convention and spending her 19th birthday in Quebec Pierre connecting with people because he’s talking about their hopes and their dreams for the future and their future in Canada about owning a home about a well-paying job about not having to worry about buying groceries or heating

A home or apartment or the cost of Education these are real life concerns and Pierre is talking to young people in a way that we have not seen how many here are attending their first convention just give me a show of hands outstanding outstanding this is the audience participation part

Of my remarks how many flew here you’re paying carbon tax how many drove here also paying carbon tax how many walks pierport is I know walked he marched in fact if you bought a coffee on the way you’re paying carbon tax we all know the answer to that riddle

And so did every other Canadian when they on July 1st saw the carbon tax imposed for the first time and there’s more coming let’s not forget this is hammering Canadians where they work where they live and where they raise their families and so there’s no policy better that

Shows how out of touch with Canadians this liberal government really is then this hated Trudeau carbon tax this tax is particularly punitive as we know in rural parts of the country in Atlanta Canada where I’m from people have no choice but to drive their vehicles to work in factories and Fields

The places of work they have no choice they don’t have public transit they don’t have alternative energy sources in many cases in rural parts of the country so it is again a divisive and punishing policy that has been imposed on the country the carbon tax increases the cost of everything

Everything but particularly on the horizon in a cold Canadian winter is the cost of home heating fuel of propane of natural gas now I for one coming from Atlanta Canada sure wish we had an energy East pipeline right now bringing good Canadian safe ethical oil to Atlanta Canada to export to the world

And you know the most ludicrous thing about this carbon tax is it doesn’t lower emissions as Pierre has said many times it’s just a tax it’s just another tax and to be clear pure polio is not trying to impress pundits or Davos Elites he thinks every day about what he can do to

Better the lives of Canadians in every corner of Canada he and Anna understand the struggles of everyday Canadians Ordinary People who he says correctly are not ordinary in any way they’re extraordinary and speaking of extraordinary I have to give a shout out to our extraordinary First Responders fine police military paramedics pilots

Who have been fighting fires and floods throughout our country those are Real Canadian heroes as they throw themselves In Harm’s Way to protect our citizens but coming back to what I believe Pierre believes every day when he wakes up as prime minister in the near future he’s thinking about how to get interest

Rates down and wages up and how to make things more affordable generally he won’t be fixated as the current prime minister is on making apologies on behalf of Canadians talking down our history looking for a scapegoat to blame deflect and distract the incompetence of his own government and the problems that

Are right in front of us Pierre is not a leader of symbolic gestures he knows that real results are what Canadians are looking for most Pierre believes in equality of opportunity and the rights and responsibilities of individuals and that extensive expensive ineffective and wasteful government programs are not the answer to every problem

We all remember when that strike you remember the public service strike that happened at the beginning of the summer did you know what happened nothing nobody noticed it wasn’t easier or harder to get a passport you couldn’t get somebody on the line in a government office and so there’s something wrong as Pierre

Says there’s something broken that needs to be fixed and you know government is not the answer for every problem I’m reminded of a quote by another great conservative leader the right honorable Robert Stanfield Rob would certainly remember this he said there was only so much that good government can do for a country

But there is no limit to how much harm bad government can do to a country truer words have never been spoken Pierre knows and believes that imposing punitive taxes on citizens and small business takes away the incentive to work or grow a business or employ more Canadians or expand the best social

Program as another great conservative my friend and yours Jim Flaherty used to say there is no greater program than a job it brings dignity and income and purpose to people’s lives those other guys in the alliance the NDP liberal Alliance Pierre believes in the rule of law in individual freedoms and Free Speech

Accountability and transparency he believes in protecting the right to freedom of worship and assembly and Association as well as the right to Peaceful protests peaceful protest he will work yes and he will work with Canadians not insult them he will show up and show compassion and listen to those who are struggling

No one will be surprised if I tell you that Justin Trudeau is completely out of touch with quebecers and Canadians say so well in French lost his bearings literally in French the compass has lost its notes the fact that he’s a leader understands the middle class authenticity he’s really connected with the reality

Of quebecers the Prime Minister of Canada thank you you know the Canadian Forces of course hold a special place in my heart as it does for all Canadians and Pierre believes very strongly in our National Defense and of course making smart investments in equipment and in training

As we did when we were in government we invested in large procurement projects that impacted as well on the military but also on the communities where that equipment is produced there is no better example than here in Quebec at the levy Shipyard where they produced the HS the Cs asterisks

The Joint support ship for the Navy and guess what in good conservative fashion it was built on time on budget and it’s supplying the Canadian Navy right now Pierre of course also believes in honoring veterans who served and protected us he believes that our natural environment is a vital part of

Our heritage which is a Lifeline to the economy to health and well-being these are not just Pierre’s values but those that are shared by thousands millions of Canadians across the country and the thousands who are in this Hall like you Canadians want and crave and can’t wait for a change in government

Like you Pierre is fed up with the Liberals who’ve been spending recklessly treating the rule of law with contempt taxing everything that moves undercutting the provinces weakening our military pitting Canadians against Canadians it is truly time for change in Canada now I’m particularly filled with optimism today because under pure

Polia’s leadership our party will have the unity as I mentioned that’s necessary to gain the confidence of Canadians in every region of the country and I promise you this so my friends Lucio Quebec fans here in Quebec and in the West in Ontario you are going to see a lot of blue seats

Coming out of Atlanta Canada the Blue Wave starts there all the different corners of Quebec say necessary foreign and so as as my time comes to a Close Our Winning formula is right in front of us and that’s rallying behind Pierre building the strong team building on the

Strong team that we have today and in Parliament and recruiting exceptional candidates in every riding many who were in this Hall it’s hard work but putting forth compelling ideas that connect not just with the elites or special interests or narrow ideology but compete with everyday hard-working Canadians who are looking for a better

Life for themselves and for their children we’ve cleaned up liberal messes before and we’ll do it again but more than that let’s never forget let’s never forget as a party as a movement who brought this country together MacDonald who forged this nation through War Robert Borden who spoke of one Canada

And had a vision for the north John dieffenbaker who is Canada’s greenest prime minister and stood against apartheid in South Africa the right honorable Brian mulrooney and who most recently led the world in recovery from 2008 in a global economic recession the worst since the Great Depression

And got our books back to balance and stared down Vladimir Putin over his illegal invasion of Crimea in 2014 and led the world to kick Russia out of the g8s the right honorable Stephen Harper foreign Canadian conservative Prime Ministers and you know over success of conservative governments we’ve opened

Markets for Canadian goods and services around the world especially for our natural resources we are the party that built infrastructure to deliver these natural resources like energy minerals and food safely and efficiently to Global markets we are the party of small business of families of Public Safety of immigrants seeking new opportunities on

Our Shores a Visionary policies like free trade and a robust system of justice it was a conservative government that tabled the first Bill of Rights it was a conservative government I’m reminded that tabled the victims Bill of Rights a long overdue reform that protects the innocent not the criminal say sure

It’s also our party when we Farm governments recognize that quebecers are Canada a nation within Canada a distinct Nation within Canada now these are not projects or policies unto themselves but they uphold the values and the principles that conservatives have carried with us throughout our history like pauliev I am a proud Canadian

Conservative a pragmatic conservative and a compassionate conservative Pier knows the value of hard work being careful with the dollar standing up for what is just and people in need honoring those who keep our country free showing respect for others and helping the most vulnerable with Anna by his side and his two

Children Cruz and Valentina as his inspiration pure polyev is grounded by a mission to make life better for Canadians where homes are affordable jobs are plentiful and the country is United and secure we need to get behind his ideas demonstrate the same love of country and core values that will meet this moment

And ensure that Canadians best days are truly yet to come that we listen to you in in light of all of these challenges we will continue to come together as a party like never before certain of Who We Are certain of what we want to accomplish together and certain of who we serve

Let’s all work together to secure a safer brighter future for all Canadians and finally fulfill what we know is Canada’s Destiny and potential s Mercy quebecue everyone thank you and safe home

MacKay delivers a keynote address at the 2023 CPC convention, taking aim at the Liberals and endorsing Poilievre as the next PM.

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  1. It's hilarious and fitting that conservatives have co-opted "common sense". What that means to a particular person is anyone's guess, as everyone's idea of things that are common sense are theirs alone. Perfect for a reactionary party. Common sense is the enemy of science, where things often get counter-intuitive. Perfect for a party built on denying science and reality.

  2. gotta make sure no one forgets that the conservatives were responsible for cancelling the Arrow under Prime Minister John Diefenbaker and gutting the army and failing to replace the SeaKing under Prime Minister Brian Mulroney

  3. Not fracturing the party only works if one side isn't dominating, and currently one side is because there is too many folks like MacKay that go along to get along. Republican party is a great example of what happens when you just keep letting the crazies lead.

  4. PP is going to clean house when election day comes. Then again, with the goof in power(along with his Dipper pal jughead) there might not be a free election? That’s exactly where we’re heading with this dictator!

  5. Canadians DON'T vote for todays Conservatives.
    We cant afford all our Gov't programs being slashed.
    We need our Unions at work to not be busted up.
    Your leader refuses to take a standard CSIS security check and plays footsy with anti Canada militias.
    Conservative GDP % numbers are ALWAYS terrible. And below Liberal numbers.
    Google it


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