Conflicting queries surrounding wind and solar in Alberta fuel uncertainty within industry: advocate

New questions for wind, solar in Alberta create more confusion for industry: advocate

“New Requirements for Wind and Solar Projects Raise Concerns for Renewable Energy Industry”

The renewable energy industry in Alberta is facing further challenges as new requirements for wind and solar projects are creating additional problems. These requirements come on top of existing government policies that have already slowed down the growth of the industry. The Alberta Utilities Commission recently released a series of information requests that project proposers must now answer. While some of the questions are reasonable and already part of the approval process, others seem arbitrary.

The Impact on Pristine Viewscapes

One of the concerns raised by Jorden Dye of the Business Renewables Centre is how regulators will assess whether a project imposes on a pristine viewscape. This raises questions about the subjective nature of such judgments and the potential impact on the development of renewable energy projects.

Unanswered Questions and the Weight of New Requirements

It remains unclear how much weight the new requirements will carry in the approval process. This lack of clarity adds to the uncertainty facing the renewables industry. Dye argues that the industry is being unfairly singled out, particularly considering the six-month approval pause on new renewable projects imposed by the United Conservative government. This pause has already increased costs for developers and further hindered the growth of the industry.

Considering Different Perspectives

While the new requirements may aim to ensure responsible development and address potential concerns, it is essential to consider the impact on the renewable energy industry as a whole. Balancing the need for renewable energy with other considerations, such as environmental impacts and community concerns, requires careful evaluation and fair treatment across all sectors.


The renewable energy industry in Alberta is grappling with new requirements that add to the existing challenges imposed by government policies. The impact on pristine viewscape assessments and the uncertainty surrounding the weight of these requirements raise concerns for the industry’s future growth. As the province seeks to transition towards a more sustainable energy landscape, it is crucial to find a balance that supports renewable energy while addressing potential concerns. The success of the renewable energy industry is not only important for Alberta’s economy but also for its commitment to tackling climate change and achieving a cleaner future.”



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