NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh outlines priorities for fall Parliament session


Friends I’ve spent this summer hearing from Canadians after eight years of Justin Trudeau life is harder a home you can afford is Out Of Reach if you’re renting you’re paying two thousand dollars every month or more and if you’re lucky enough to find somewhere you can afford you live in

Fear that your landlord could throw you out selling off your home to someone who just wants to make even more money what is Justin Trudeau’s answer to the housing crisis he said that it isn’t his job to fix it it’s up to the provinces or the cities

It sure seemed like his job during the election when he made a lot of promises but now when it’s time to act it’s not a priority because he’s never known what it’s like to worry about making the rent it’s scary that you don’t know if you’ll have a

Place you can afford to live in when I was in my 20s my younger brother had to come to live with me because my dad was struggling with an addiction and home just wasn’t a good place we had a lot of support and a lot of help from friends

And my mom but then one day my mom called and said that Dad was getting really really bad and he wasn’t able to work anymore we weren’t going to get any support and we might even lose the home I remember panicking and going out and

Getting a bunch of jobs to try to keep a roof over her head and keep food on the table for me my brother I stock shoes at a mall so I could support the family those are tough times we were worried about losing our home and I was worried

About feeding my kid brother if we had to find an extra two thousand dollars a month to rent a place to live I don’t know what we would have done and if you have a mortgage you watch every month as interest rates go up knowing that there might come a day when

You just can’t pay the bills anymore it doesn’t have to be this way it shouldn’t be this way for decades liberal and conservative governments have made choices they’ve chosen not to build homes that Canadians can afford these governments chose instead to let big money investors and corporate landlords take over the

Housing market driving up prices for everyone else so they can make a quick buck that’s it a million a million Seafood report and now High interest rates are slowing down construction driving up rent and making mortgages more expensive do you know what the main driver of

Inflation is right now a 30 increase in mortgage costs according to the Bank of Canada and Justin Trudeau raising interest rates is supposed to bring down inflation that’s the whole point of doing it but now the Bank of Canada is actually causing the inflation they’re supposed to fight

Last month our economy slowed down and while the bankers that the Bank of Canada may think that’s good news here’s what that actually means for families fewer jobs fewer homes they can afford and less money to buy the things their kids need today the bank accountant decided not to

Raise interest rates but they’re still higher than they’ve been in the last 20 years make no mistake High interest rates hurt Canadians and doing nothing and do nothing to stop greedy CEOs from Raising prices so they can make more money it’s time to say enough is enough

And it’s time for Justin Trudeau whose government sets the Mandate for the Bank of Canada to clearly give the message that policies that hurt workers and hurt families are wrong we all know corporate greed is causing inflation and that’s what we need to fight that’s right people get angry when

They see how hard it is for them to get by While others are living better than ever Justin Trudeau wants you to just ignore the problem by telling you things could be worse Pierre pauliev wants to use your anger for his own benefit when I talk to people who are angry

About the cost of living it makes me want to work harder for them and to make Ottawa work for them instead of the rich and the powerful foreign while you pay more every time you visit a grocery store CEOs like Galen Weston and Eric La flesh are doing just fine

Metro grocery store workers just successfully went on strike for better wages and we’re proud of that but the reality is they went on strike because they couldn’t afford to shop at the stores where they worked a bit think about that I listened to the stories of those

Grocery workers on the picket line they deserve higher wages better work conditions more support thank you now Big Oil and Gas CEOs like to tell us that they’re hurting that they need to get out of renewable energy and double down on fossil fuels this summer I met with people in

Northwest Territories who have lost everything people who were evacuated to Yellowknife and then have to be evacuated again they know that the climate crisis is real and it’s here there’s no more time to argue over climate change and what causes it we know what causes the terrible tragedies

That are taking away people’s homes and their safety fossil fuels it’s burning it and it’s the emissions that they cause we need to cap emissions of oil and gas producers and we need to help Canadians prepare for our future that sadly will have more fires and storms because when fires and floods hit

Communities it’s regular people who lose the most they lose their homes their jobs and the lies that they’ve built TV says is you know Pierre pauliev is not who he pretends to be he actually would make life even harder for working people when he had the chance to build homes

People could afford he failed he let 800 000 affordable homes be sold off to Rich Developers and under Justin Trudeau there have been another 200 000 affordable homes lost if we think about that for a minute that’s a million families that could have had an affordable place to live today

Now we only have to look at Doug Ford to see what conservatives think are the solutions to the housing crisis sell out public land to Rich Developers and that’s exactly what Pierre pauliev has already promised to do he claims to care about working people but you’ll never see Pierre pauliev

Fighting alongside alongside workers for higher wages you’ll never see them at picket lines you’ll never see him supporting workers on strike he voted against having a minimum wage twice and he passed laws to make it harder for unions to win better pay for workers retirement age and he’s still working against people

He’s working against working people getting a decent pension one of his first ideas after becoming a leader was to cut the Canada Pension Plan he wanted to give corporations more profits but reduce pensions for workers you see for Pierre it’s all an act he pretends to care but he doesn’t know how

Regular people live he thinks if you live in a normal home instead of a government-funded mansion like him it’s a shack has had government-funded dental care for almost all his adult life but he wants to take it away from kids and their families who are just now able to get their teeth fixed

Kind of respect that working people deserve pure polio doesn’t want to help he just wants power and he will use that power the same way conservatives have always used their power to make the rich richer and to take away every bit of dignity from hard-working Canadians is Peru foreign

We hear a lot about anger these days and there is a lot to be angry about but I’m also hearing from people who are just exhausted like Amber who has moved to tears telling me about her struggle to find a place to rent she told me about redoing her monthly budget six

Times and still ending up having to choose between food gas or paying the rent life should be easier you shouldn’t have to live this way and new Democrats are working hard every day to deliver for people thank you like Dental Care hundreds of thousands of families are able to take their kids

To the dentist because we forced the government to put dental care in the budget thank you this summer I met Rihanna in Edmonton Abriana is a young mom of five kids all under 12. and she told me with the cost of living as high as it is it’s all she

Can do to just keep a roof over the head of herself and her children and to keep food on the table and that she’s had to make sacrifices and sadly one of the sacrifices she’s had to make is that she couldn’t afford for her kids to see the

Dentist so none of her kids were able to see the dentist for their whole Child Life but after we forced the government to deliver dental care every one of her five kids was able to go to the dentist for the first time her youngest are now getting the preventative care they need

And it turns out her eldest had a rare disorder that would have never been caught if he wasn’t able to go to the dentist it’s been caught early and he’s going to get the treatment he needs to have a great health outcome that’s who we’re fighting for Brianna

And the thousands of families like hers and we’re going to keep on fighting for dental care for everyone who needs it now Canadians pay some of the highest prescription drug costs in the world on the States President Biden is taking on big pharmaceutical companies and forcing them to lower costs for Canadians here

In Canada our own government stopped the work of an independent regulator whose job is to make drugs more affordable the liberal government literally took the side of protecting the profits of billionaires instead of protecting you and that’s why we’re gonna Force this government to finally bring in legislation that will lay the groundwork

For Universal public pharmacare that’s going to bring the costs of medication down for everyone we’re also going to make sure this government finally brings in anti-scap legislation so that the workers have power have the power to demand better wages and we’re going to use our power to force this government to finally

Confront the housing crisis well Justin Trudeau may say it’s not his job and Pierre polyeth May blame other politicians we are going to get Canada Building Homes again thank you we have to build more homes that people can actually afford and we have to do it

Faster we can do that we can get that building Happening by taking the GSC off affordable rental construction we can say Yes again now we can save affordable homes from being sold off with a fund to help non-profits buy apartment buildings keep them in the community

With a group of renters who are trying to buy their building before it got sold and they got kicked out they should be supported they should have a fund they can access we can use the federal power the money and the land we have to build affordable homes for people

Just like we used to do just like we used to do before liberals and conservatives stop building and let private investors with Deep Pockets take over the housing market it’s time for homes to be a place where families live raise their families and make communities not a quick Get Rich

Program for big investors result foreign foreign friends this is a truly difficult time for many in our country but our team of new Democrats are here to fight and to deliver results to put money back in your pocket to stand up against Division and hatred and to

Protect you and your family from the climate crisis this is what we will do every day in Ottawa Justin Trudeau will delay and disappoint Pierre polia will blame and complain but my job our job is to get results for you thank you let’s get to work

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh delivers an address to his caucus, speaking out against Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre.

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  1. Oh he sounds so honest and sympathetic. If that is true then he has to withdraw his support for the liberals and run on his own volition. It is his party that is keeping the liberals in power which is really unfortunate so he has to do the right thing, withdraw his support and call for an election immediately.

  2. Seeing the action from a person is better than hear what he said. Mr. Singh is still supporting JT no matter how much he said to JT. He even does not notice he also responsible because he supports JT and is the sub-party of Liberal, causing the the current messy.


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