Jagmeet Singh blasts Pierre Poilievre | “It’s all an act” #shorts


See for Pierre it’s all an act he pretends to care but he doesn’t know how regular people live he thinks if you live in a normal home instead of a government-funded mansion like him it’s a shack Peter pauliev has had government-funded dental care for almost all his adult

Life but he wants to take it away from kids and their families who are just now able to get their teeth fixed that’s not the kind of respect that working people deserve doesn’t want to help he just wants power and he will use that power the same way conservatives have always used their

Power to make the pressure and to take away every bit of dignity from hard-working Canadians

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh ripped Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre in his keynote address to the party’s caucus.

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  1. I am still voting for Pierre. He has dental benefits that comes from his employment like many other places. it is government funded because that is where he works. My daughters and my son have dental benefits from their employment.

  2. Jagmeat was a useless crooked bueracrat before he became a crooked politician. He's propping up the most corrupt government so he can hold the balance of power. This guy is a snake

  3. What are you talking about Mr. Singh are you forgetting that we have been watching you in Ottawa online you hardly had anything to say if you have dental care and nowhere to brush your teeth what's the point ?

  4. I wonder what Jack Layton would think of this guy?
    I think this guy is an opportunist and a taker.
    He’s not the one who should be talking about who cares, and doesn’t care, about Canadians.
    He and Trudeau, and the Liberal cabinet need to go the way of the dodo.


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