Canadians want urgent climate action, but cost of living stands in the way: poll


It has been a destructive Wildfire season across the country with homes burned down tens of thousands evacuated and millions of hectares burnt and a new poll shows Canadians are calling for immediate government action but they also believe that if individuals don’t take action we’ll be failing each other

The business doesn’t take action they will be failing Canadians as well so there is a set a sense anyway attitudinally of joint responsibility if those polling done on behalf of global news found nearly three in five Canadians agree that if Ottawa does not act urgently on climate change it will

Fail its citizens but that also comes with 35 percent of Canadians agreeing now is not the time to invest in climate change due to tough economic circumstances brought on by inflation we need governments to act and we need all levels of government to act federal government can’t do it alone we need

Provincial governments to stop being obstacles to The Climate crisis the survey comes weeks after Alberta placed a six-month moratorium on wind and solar energy project approvals while the majority of people across the country country believe Canada has to do more to address climate change only about one in

Four in Alberta agree with this stance experts note that province’s economy has been hit through environmental policies and an unstable Commodities market and albertans may want to see concrete changes before signing on to a stronger transition unless those sacrifices are yielding something that they can see in

The only intangible results it’s hard to make the case the poll also found about one in five people disagreed that this Wildfire season can be linked to climate change Kai Chan is the co-founder of cosphere a network that looks to work towards a sustainable future for people and the environment he says difficult

Conversations in a safe space might be required for people to address issues around climate change even if they’ve been impacted by it those Dynamics can be really strong and they can really prevent even personal experience from connecting to facts to connecting to arguments so far this year more than

15.6 million hectares has burned across the country which is roughly the size of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland combined Kyle Benning Global News

The unprecedented wildfire season in 2023 has shown Canadians just how urgent it is to address the climate crisis, and new poll numbers show the majority of people want to see Ottawa move more quickly on environmental policy.

Ipsos polling, conducted on behalf of Global News, found nearly three in five Canadians agree that Ottawa will fail Canadians if it does not act urgently on climate change. But that also comes with 35 per cent of Canadians agreeing now is not the time to invest in climate change due to tough economic circumstances brought on by inflation.

The survey comes weeks after Alberta placed a six-month moratorium on wind and solar energy project approvals, with only about one in four in Alberta agreeing with the stance that Canada has to do more to address climate change.

With more than 15.6 million hectares burned across the country so far this year, Kyle Benning has more on what might be ahead for green investments.

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  1. When people have a sense of job security and get paid enough to live they will care more about the environment. Jobs keep changing , shareholder driven companies keep laying people off and jobs get reclassified out of existence. When you are struggling to pay bills and trying to keep up with a changing work force the "environment" is the last thing you care about.

    Wealthy business leaders and overpaid government decision makers will never understand this.

  2. Examples of waste. Less than 1 in 20 EV chargers bought by TRUDEAU government actually WORK. One in five CRA employees investigated over ineligible cerb, fired. It's not HOW much, it's how efficient. Stop the tax, call an election

  3. Yeah, no Global. Did you talk to anyone that isn't an ignorant Lefty in the GTA about this? Canada is about 1.5% of global emissions. If Canada fell into space the atmosphere wouldn't even know it. How about you stop lying and give Central Canadians the facts about emissions? Or did Justin say no?

  4. Climate change efforts should not be profitable. Only non-profit companies should be allowed in. Compensation packages should be average for market and managent should be paid no more than twice of the lowest paid company employee.
    These measures will allow to maximize investments in real activities.

  5. Why is there a media blackout of the two arsonists arrested in Alberta? Have there been anymore? Are they in jail or out starting more fires? Why has the media in Canada covered up this angle of the story? How about doing a story about the Yellowstone fire in the USA, did you know the arsonist was convicted a couple of months ago? Hugh fire covered by everybody but when they found out it was arson, media blackout.

  6. Government: Lets tax corporations so they polute less.
    Corporation continues to polute as normal passing on the cost to the consumer.
    Government: Why isnt our tax working? Surprised Pikachu face.

  7. This year has not seen a particularly high number of wildfires but we have seen a particularly high amount of land burned. Could it be because we have a build-up of flammable vegetation due to years of suppressing natural wildfires? Let's see next year.

  8. Climate action? LOL. You cant change the climate. Climate change has been occurring since the birth of Earth. Strange why gov funded media does not report RCMP arresting/perusing a number of arsons across the country. Move on.

  9. Canada contributes only 1.5 percent of the world's carbon emissions. Let that sink in. If Trudeau has his way people will have to choose between food and heat in a country where temperatures can reach minus 30 Celsius. Only the rich will be able to heat their homes. People will die. Thats what Trudeau wants.

  10. Who says Canadians want urgent Climate Action? Is it the mainstream media and the Liberals? The Climate Will Change Itself!
    The Elites of the world have been pedaling this fraud for decades Now. First it was Global Cooling in the late 60's, Then it was the Hole in the Ozone Layer in the 80's,
    Then Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth and Global Warming in 2005. Finally, now if it is hot and dry in B,C. and Cool and Wet in Nova Scotia then it's Climate Change. Give us a break!

  11. We could shut down everything in Canada and it would make no difference in the world climate. Everything we need would have to be made somewhere else and the pollution would be worse because it would be made under less restrictions than we have had to bend to.

  12. The biggest issue are polluters like India and China, they are doubling down on dirty energy till at least 2050. Canada makes up such a small amount however we should be making it better and fully in place by 2050. Also India has some of the worst fresh water on the planet due to there chemical plants just dumping it directly into the rivers where people are bathing lol. Canada should be building 10 or more nuclear power plants and then selling that left over energy to the USA. Thus making Canadians pay less.


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