Global National: Aug. 30, 2023 | Hurricane Idalia pounds Florida’s Gulf Coast, submerging structures


Oh my God on this Wednesday night hurricane Adalia Roars ashore oh pieces are flying off the widespread destruction and why the storm intensified so quickly before it hit Florida FX rules violated the blistering new report blasting Ontario’s government over the controversial Greenbelt Land swap fresh concerns about the Senate

Minority leader in the U.S all right I’m sorry you all we’re gonna need a minute Mitch McConnell appears to freeze again while taking questions from reporters and major buzz kill a warning from police in one Canadian city about 5 million bees global national with Donna freezing this is the fierce strength of hurricane

Adalia pounding Florida’s West Coast as it roared ashore today the eye of that storm so powerful it kicked up a storm surge and brought winds not seen in a lifetime officials say a thousand Bridges need to be inspected now before they’re considered safe and the Damage extends far beyond where the hurricane

Made landfall though it’s now been downgraded to a tropical storm good evening and thanks for joining us those in the Hurricane’s path were warned to get out not everyone did and there are reports some had to swim to safety Jackson prosco has our top story tonight

This part of Florida hasn’t seen a storm like this in over a century Hurricane Adalia brought ferocious wind and the incredible rain to Florida’s Big Bend oh my God it was the storm surge that proved most dangerous everything under the back of your house is completely underwater record high levels of water nearly five meters deep were pushed on Shore it

Doesn’t look good uh our all of our commercial buildings downtown are underwater uh a huge percentage of our homes have been inundated with water um you can see I’m standing in the middle of State Road 24 right now and it’s completely underwater Coastal communities were inundated roads became

Rivers those who ignored warnings to leave needed to be rescued we got high tide coming and the water didn’t go out ahead of landfall adalia’s Rapid intensification is what worried officials the most a storm for the agents that grew rapidly in the ultra warm Waters of the Gulf of Mexico which

Is going to be a big big deal and it’s going to be very very dangerous and there we go with our uh with our power here hundreds of flights were canceled across the region as airports shuttered though major cities like Tampa were spared the worst of it flooding was still a problem

Parts of Fort Myers still rebuilding from Hurricane Ian were submerged again in Tampa the Waterfront went under the flooding is unbelievable Bayshore Boulevard is completely underwater Italia quickly barreled across Florida and into Georgia where it brought more high wind and the risk of Inland flooding it’s a dangerous storm people

Need to prepare they need to be ready when it’s coming through it will take days to assess the damage some residents could be in the dark even longer as the year’s first major storm delivered a warning that hurricane season is reaching its peak Jackson frostco Global News hurricanes are named by the World

Meteorological organization and the names get reused unless they are Monster storms Adalia begins with the letter I and more storms that start with an eye have been retired than any other letter of the alphabet because they were deadly or destructive 14 names have been crossed off that list about 15 percent

Hurricane Ian is the most recent that category four storm killed more than 150 people in Florida last year and caused 155 billion dollars worth of damage a record in that state there is an explanation for this odd group timing the intensity of the Atlantic hurricane season builds at the end of August and

Peaks around the second week of September to help put this latest hurricane into context Global News meteorologist Anthony Farnell is with me Anthony Adalia intensified with frightening speed as it approached Florida why did that happen is it going to become more common well it certainly has been more common

Donna over the course of the last few years at least these storms intensifying quickly it was well forecasted by the National Hurricane Center but still that doesn’t make it any less scary and you see our satellite imagery here showing that pinpoint eye right before landfall thankfully it was a rather small compact

Storm so the damage was less widespread than some of the other big ones but look at this since 2017 all of these major hurricanes have reached their strongest Point within about a hundred kilometers of land so that is a troubling sign that we’re seeing in the Gulf of Mexico

Partially to blame the very warm water now this is deviations from normal 30 to 32 degrees Celsius water typically you need about 26 degrees Celsius to get a hurricane to form and it’s not just the Gulf of Mexico we’ve got warm water because of El Nino in the Pacific much

Of the Atlantic is above seasonal and that is a troubling sign for the next few weeks as hurricane season really ramps up Donna it is troubling and Anthony We Fear winds from a hurricane of course but the storm surge is a real threat too especially in this case

Especially in this case yeah it’s really the orientation of the coastline the fact that it’s rather shallow shelf water here in this Big Bend area of Florida but also when you have these major hurricanes intensifying right up until landfall the winds bring a lot of water into places that shouldn’t be that

Was a dahlia I do want to quickly mention that this big eye you see here that’s another hurricane it’s Category 2 strength Franklin originally a category four just a couple of days ago big waves up and down the Eastern Seaboard but also it’s having an effect bringing some tropical moisture even into Atlantic

Canada where rainfall warnings are in place anywhere from 50 to 100 millimeters falling in an area that has had already a record wet summer so there is a flood threat indirectly from Franklin for Atlantic Canada Newfoundland also seeing rain through tomorrow Donna okay Global News meteorologist Anthony Farnell thank you

The government of Ontario and Premier Doug Ford are being slammed yet again for the controversial plan to remove Land from the protected green belt around Toronto so that developers can build homes on it Ontario’s Integrity commissioner calls the land swap a rushed and flawed process marred by a

Lack of oversight and that he says led to the private interests of certain developers being furthered improperly he recommends the housing Minister be reprimanded Colin Demello is following this from Queens Park in Toronto calling the Integrity commissioner didn’t mince his words today how serious is this well the Ford government has already

Been consumed by controversy for the past few weeks Donna but this only added more fuel to the fire the Integrity commissioner found that Ontario’s housing Minister Steve Clark was primarily to blame here it was his responsibility to carry out the removal of the Greenbelt lands but the Integrity commissioner found that Clark

Deliberately stuck his head in the sand because he knew this was going to be a politically sensitive file instead he says he handed over the responsibility to his chief of staff who rushed through the process and created a chaotic process as a result there are growing calls for Steve Clark to either resign

Or to be fired but the premier today issued a statement saying he stands by the housing minister they will fix the process but he says the housing minister is still the best person equipped to carry out the province’s goal of building 1.5 million homes over this coming decade and so what happens now

Colin will there be any consequences oh that is yet to be seen this is going to be growing politically anyway for the government the question is what did the premier know and when it was he who kicked off The process by instructing the housing minister to remove lands

From the Green Belt it was the premier who ultimately approved the removals of those specific pieces of land the questions of whether the premier knew exactly who was benefiting from this deal will become important in the days ahead the premier is set to take questions tomorrow in his home riding in

Etobicoke just a little bit West of Queen’s Park okay Colin Demello in Toronto thanks the Canadian Armed Forces says it’s dropping its duty to report policy after a recommendation from retired Supreme Court Justice Louise Arbor in her report on the military’s handling of sexual misconduct the duty to report policy

Made it mandatory for members to report all instances of misconduct including sexual misconduct or racism whether they were directly affected by it or not Arbor says the unintended consequence is that in many cases it caused survivors additional harm by taking away their agency and control over the reporting

Process the aim is to allow military members to report issues of misconduct on their own terms just like in the civilian justice system the policy is expected to be removed in the winter Canada’s population hit a milestone this year reaching 40 million and now a report has found the official number of

Non-permanent residents in Canada could be vastly underestimated meaning even more people are living here than the official number reflects and that would mean government policies especially around housing aren’t based on real numbers Mackenzie gray explains tackling the housing crisis just got a lot harder and not for the reason you’d

Think the latest culprit a statistical error I believe that we are under accounting the number of non-permanent residents in Canada by roughly 1 million cibc’s deputy chief Economist Benjamin tall estimating official government figures on immigration are wrong he believed 750 000 non-permanent residents mainly International students have

Overstayed their visas and are still in Canada and an additional 250 000 were not properly counted in the most recent census calculations tall briefed the Prime Minister and his cabinet on last week in Charlottetown this is something that we have to fix because it has major implications for demand for housing and

If we are under counting them we are also under counting the amount of Housing and therefore Mr locations are located in resources implications also for key data from the Canadian housing and mortgage corporation which estimated 5.8 million new housing units must be built by 2030 but that’s based on

Potentially inaccurate Census Data great as the need is for housing we’ve actually underestimated the need to produce rental demand housing Minister Sean Frazier floated the idea of a cap on international student visas we’ve got temporary immigration programs that were never designed to see such explosive growth in such a short period of time

One of many ideas tall believes government should implement this is a major crisis and it’s getting worse and worse we have to run faster to stay in the same place because Supply is not Rising a demand is rising very very quickly CIBC estimates that the potential undercount of non-permanent

Residents means they’ll need to be an additional two years worth of building at current rates Donna to soak up the additional demand in the Canadian housing market okay Mackenzie gray in Ottawa thanks an incident with a trailer load of beehives in Burlington Ontario this morning had beekeepers running to the rescue crates

Containing about 5 million bees came loose from the trailer spilling onto a road and allowing many of the bees to escape local beekeepers came to help putting the crates back on the trailer police urged motorists passing by to keep their windows up they told pedestrians to avoid the area it took a

Couple of hours and a few crates are being left behind so the bees that escaped will return to them at some point and the beekeepers will come and collect them no word on how many people were stung a military coup in another African nation coming up the dispute over

Gamboa’s election and the Jubilation in the streets Russian officials claim Ukraine launched the biggest nighttime drone attack on Russian soil since the beginning of the war cell phone video shows the moment drones reportedly hit an airport in Western Russia near the border with Estonia and Latvia early Wednesday at

Least four Transport Aircraft were said to be damaged drone attacks were also reported in at least five other Russian regions really coincide with moscow’s largest missile and drone attacks on Kiev in months at least two people were killed after an overnight bombardment that left several others injured Ukrainian officials say

More than 20 missiles and drones were destroyed by air defense systems in the region and a little later we’ll have an inside look at how those Russian airstrikes have pushed learning underground in one of Ukraine’s biggest cities the longtime leader of Gabon is under house arrest tonight after Military

Officers claimed to have seized power in the Central African nation Gabon on Africa’s West Coast has a population about of about 2.3 million people the coup happened just hours after the president was declared the winner of a controversial election which would have extended his family’s 55-year Reign Mike Armstrong has the story

The military coup was announced overnight and this was the reaction when the capital woke up cheering crowds celebrating in the streets of libreville this is Independence this woman says the Army has liberated our country a military spokesman called the coup a step for the people of the country on

The road to happiness announcing the longtime president is now under house arrest Billy Bongo cast his ballot Saturday in the presidential election according to gabon’s electoral commission he won with just over 64 percent of the vote the soldiers now say they are canceling those results and dissolving the

Institutions of the Republic right now Bongo was allowed to release a statement in English from house arrest he called on supporters to speak out nothing is happening I don’t know what’s what’s going on so I’m calling you to make the noise to make noise now there was serious criticism of the

Recent election the main opposition candidate was given only eight days to campaign and then said some polling stations didn’t have his name on ballots there were no International observers or International media and the government cut off access to the internet it said to cut down on false information

Bongo and his father before him have led the country for 55 years and despite a wealth of Natural Resources about a third of the population lives below the poverty line if the public appears to support the coup and let’s say it’s because many were frustrated they were asking

Themselves why should he be elected yet again and in a process which doesn’t look terribly transparent sub-Saharan Africa has had several military coups in the last four years the most recent was Niger just last month the reasons may be different but seeing successful coups in other countries was likely an influence

If not inspiration Mike Armstrong Global News Every year in a village near Valencia Spain it’s a tomato fight in case you didn’t couldn’t tell and people travel from all over the world for it hopefully with goggles it’s known as La Tomatina it originated in 1945 it was banned in the 1950s but survived and surged in

Popularity nearly a hundred and ten thousand kilos of overripe and low quality Tomatoes were used or abused in just one hour this year I had medical concerns about Mitch McConnell after a second episode in two months In the U.S the Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell froze again today while he was taking questions from reporters what are my thoughts about what running for re-election in 2016. that’s true did you hear the question Senator running for reelection in 2026 all right I’m sorry you all we’re gonna need a minute

McConnell who is 81 years old was silent for about 20 seconds he was guided Away by staff he returned several minutes later saying he was fine it’s the second time this has happened this summer The Republican lawmaker froze during a press conference on Capitol Hill in July and

Aid said today McConnell will consult a doctor before his next event as a prudent measure a landmark moment for indigenous rights in Australia that country is set to vote on changing the Constitution to create a so-called indigenous voice to Parliament the referendum the country’s first in 24

Years will be held October 14th if successful an indigenous Advisory Group will be formed to advise government on laws and issues that directly impact indigenous Australians supporters say embedding the indigenous body within the Constitution will help Australia heal after generations of racial Injustice live and learn next the underground

Classrooms aimed at keeping Ukrainian students safe from Russia’s War returning to school is top of mind for parents and students in lots of countries right now and in Ukraine the stress is unimaginable UNICEF says more than 1300 schools have been destroyed in the country since moscow’s full-scale Invasion only about a third of

School-aged children are able to attend class in person one of Ukraine’s biggest cities is looking to change that by taking classrooms underground Crystal gemancing explains Ukraine’s underground Metro system has been a lifesaver especially in harkiv the eastern city lies on the border with Russia and the bombardments have been

Relentless the bunker style stations make for secure locations for learning we will have desks and interactive board Wi-Fi tutors and psychologists will be here Victoria kruznitzova’s head of the Metro University project and gave a tour of what will be 60 classrooms for 1 000 students sound proofing ventilation and

Fire alarms are being added I support that the children will study in the subway says this mother she adds she’s glad they’ll be able to socialize in classes twice a week for three hours UNICEF has been tracking the loss of safe learning spaces for students and asking how it’s impacted them this is

Senseless a reckless talk have left many of Ukrainian children deeply distressed and without a safe space to learn four educational workers were killed in the Sumi region last week as they were preparing for the upcoming Academic Year in harkiv region the governor says Russian troops damaged 640 and destroyed 72 educational institutions

My children will attend online classes though our school offered a bus to transfer children to the subway formal learning has been taking place in Metro stations but as heart cave Works to set up traditional classrooms the idea of traveling back and forth to attend school is seen by some parents as

An unnecessary risk Crystal gemancing Global News London and that is global national for this Wednesday I’m Donna Friesen tonight’s your Canada is Toronto CN Tower and the rare super Blue Moon here’s what that means a super moon happens when the moon is full during the closest point in its

Orbit around Earth making it appear bigger and brighter than a regular full moon and this one’s called a blue moon not because it’s blue but because it is the second full moon of the month which is extremely rare once in a blue moon its visibility Peaks tonight there won’t

Be another Super Blue Moon until 2037. thanks for watching hope to see you here again tomorrow bye-bye

In tonight’s top story: Hurricane Idalia has wreaked havoc in Florida with catastrophic storm surges, flooding, and winds across the state. Jackson Proskow looks at the destruction and how Idalia quickly swept through Florida before striking Georgia, while Global News meteorologist Anthony Farnell explains why this system was so powerful and the concerns of storm surges from Idalia.

Ontario’s integrity commissioner has released a scathing report on the provincial government and Premier Doug Ford’s plan to remove land from the protected Greenbelt around Toronto for developers to build homes. Colin D’Mello explains how the watchdog says Housing Minister Steve Clark broke ethics rules and this now means for Premier Ford.

The Canadian population recently reached the milestone of 40 million. But the number of non-permanent residents in Canada could be underestimated by about an additional one million, according to a new CIBC report. Mackenzie Gray explains how this alleged oversight could be problematic for Canada’s housing crisis.

The military has seized power in Gabon, placing President Ali Bongo Ondimba under house arrest after a controversial election. Mike Armstrong looks at the conflict, the reaction in the streets and Ondimba’s plea to his supporters.

Plus, more than 1,300 schools have been destroyed in Ukraine since Russia launched its full-scale invasion, while only about a third of school-age children are attending classes in person since the war began. Crystal Goomansingh explains how Kharkiv, one of Ukraine’s biggest cities, is trying to change that by building classrooms in metro stations.

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  1. SO this stroy screams about Greenbelt land being removed for homes. The last week there's been a ton of screaming about lack of housing, especially for first time home builders. Make up your minds.

  2. well we all knew that. Where has the govt been? The Feds are letting about half a million ppl into Canada every year…..they should have started to build housing about 25 yrs ago., not waited til there are homeless encampments in city parks and ppl sleeping on the streets in Toronto, plus ppl can't afford houses/ apts.

  3. Doug Ford must resign. I cannot believe that Canadians have allowed this crook to be running Ontario. He's the worst. He's incompetent and outdated with his crooked politics. Canada is falling apart and our government is not doing anything to make life a little easier for their citizens. More and more people are moving out of the country. Health care is a disaster. My son hasn't been able to get a doctor for over 8 years now. For most of his childhood, he was neglected by our healthcare system. My health was destroyed by incompetent doctors. Our education system is over 200 years behind. Our housing crisis is out of control. This is outrageous. Prices are out of control. Enough is enough. We need new government right across the board.

  4. bingo! if one family has been ruling for 55 yrs, there's something wrong. Maybe the poor will have a chance to live now. This is why sometimes i think we shouldn't interfere with coups in Africa….often the ruler is as corrupt as you can get. You can tell which side US companies are on….the American govt will denounce the results.

  5. the Democrat Diane Feinstein is in a wheel chair and is said to worse off mentally than Joe Biden. A few wks ago there was a vid of her aide telling her how to vote AYE on an issue….she couldn't figure it out herself. But that one didn't make the news.

  6. Mitch McConnell must step down. There has to be an age limit on the politicians and the people running the government. Nothing changes because we have career politicians running our countries for decades. Rotation in politics is a key to democracy. We are living in an outdated system, run by outdated people. We need fresh blood in politics on an ongoing basis. There has to be new rules. The old system doesn't work for anyone, except the rich.

  7. If we have 750 000 people who are not legally allowed to stay in Canada (e.g., expired visa) then we need to remove these people as they are taking up housing for those who are here legally.

  8. You can't blame on Ontario for turning back on the green belt. The province is over 15 million and can only use quarter of the land because the indigenous own the other 75 percent of the land. We also don't say no to immigrants coming in illegally

  9. Well if we have International students overstaying their visas, they must be staying somewhere. They have found housing whether it be billoting or living with relatives, I would say that we are over estimating how much additional housing we need by 750,000! If they leave the country, we have housing for 750,000!
    Let Toronto demolish old buildings and build up, leave the greenbelt alone!

  10. Why to run towards bringing more students when u don't hv the capacity? It's just because u get some economy from international students..however u need to make affordable housing first..

  11. After what happened last year in Ft. Meyers I can't believe that people STILL in this day and age don't heed the warnings to leave. What a bunch of idiots. Personally, I would never live in an area where my house has to be built on stilts.

  12. That moon is absolutely amazing and blue moon?? LoL ?
    Mitch McConnell i think should be put into retirement his medical condition is REALLY showing at his age!!! I dont agree with people who are at that age when medical situations start taking affect on peoples lives especially when it comes to a certain age and starts affecting their ability to function in life especially when it comes to being in governmental work and dealing with important decisions in the world and in peoples lives could affect the way they make decisions and the decisions of orher people thats not a good idea they need to start getting a lot more younger generations to start working with governments and people and decision making should really start being changed like the ages that a person can continue to work until they show medical issues or if they arejust to frail or their thinking capability or capacity is not in nomal peramiters !! Then they should be made to get help or be made toretire by a doctors suggestion or sayso!!!!!! Thats just my own opinion on this subject!!!!
    And ihope those BEES are OKAY and wiil be able to return to their box or crate i dont want to see them get hurt or killed we really need them they areso so very important to us and the world and mother nature!!! Keep em safe people!???
    Thank youGLOBAL NEWS you all are doing a great job with the way the world is right now!!!! Thankyou fpr your hard work your so very much appreciated for keeping us informed of the way our planet is HAPPENING!!!!!!! ???????????????????????


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