Global National: Aug. 29, 2023 | New charges for Ontario man accused of aiding suicides


On this Tuesday night new charges in an international investigation the Ontario man accused of helping people around the world die by Suicide we ask that the public be cautious and Vigilant of online activities hurricane Adalia heading for Florida Temptations this could be a once in a lifetime storm London’s air pollution

Solution what drivers of high emission vehicles have to pay and no star power allowed trying to practice your way why Ontario plans to ban celebrities and athletes from online gambling ads Global national with Donna Friesen good evening and thanks for joining us there are developments in the ongoing investigation of a Toronto man accused of supplying a lethal substance to people at risk of self-harm 12 new charges have been laid against 57-year-old Kenneth law who was first arrested back in May accused of

Counseling or aiding suicide investigators allege law ran a number of websites offering equipment and substances to help people end their lives and that he sold hundreds of products to people in about 40 countries Eric Sorensen reports on the complex International investigation and a warning his story includes discussion of suicide

Just days after appearing in court on two counts of counseling or aiding suicide Kenneth law has now been charged in the deaths of 12 more Ontario residents police say the 12 were all young men or women aged 16 to 36. we will not tolerate criminal actions by those who prey on vulnerable individuals

In our communities and we will hold those responsible accountable I expect what we’re going to find is the people coached my son to take his own life they encouraged him to do it Tom parfette’s son died by Suicide he believes after buying sodium nitrite from Kenneth law

Online law was a chef and lived in a basement apartment in this Mississauga home his case came to light after a UK news investigation police in the UK found that 88 people who made purchases from law online later died the people who are encouraging vulnerable people like Tom

Have had no consequences whatsoever pure Regional Police put out a video warning the public to watch out for online sales of sodium nitrite as well as masks hoods and other equipment that can be used to cause self-harm police also identified several online companies they believe law operated we saw a real spike in

Ontario of people dying Tyler hickey co-authored research three years ago that showed suicides from sodium nitrite increasing in Ontario he’s concerned about online access there seems to be uh increased promotion of using these substances it does create an opportunity I think for a public health initiative to perhaps restrict our readily

Available access to these substances late Tuesday David parfat said he’s pleased Canadian police are making progress but wants governments to do more to shut down online sales to make sure anybody who is praying on the vulnerable by using websites to encourage them to take their own life it’s also stopped immediately more than

A hundred deaths have now been linked to Kenneth law but the investigation is far from over police believe law sent about 160 packages in Canada and more than 1200 packages in all to some 40 countries Eric Sorensen Global News Toronto if you or someone you know needs

Help you can call talk suicide Canada the number is 1-833-456-4566 support is available every day 24 hours a day preparations are in full swing Along Florida’s Gulf Coast for Hurricane Adalia it is now rapidly intensifying after it lashed Cuba the outer bands of the monster storm

Have already hit the Florida Keys and as it strengthens forecasters warn of life-threatening Storm surges tonight and into Wednesday this is what Adalia looks like from space State officials say they are ready and they’re bracing for landfall on Wednesday Jennifer Johnson reports Italia is barreling toward Florida’s northwest coast and hurricane weary

Residents are preparing for the worst and hurricane Irma we lost our entire house I was eight months pregnant and came home to no house at all Florida’s governor has declared a state of emergency in dozens of counties idalia is expected to slam into the Sunshine State as a category 3 hurricane

Packing heavy winds and potentially catastrophic Storm surges up to 3.5 meters if you’re there in that storm surge you’re putting your life in jeopardy Tampa’s airport has already closed businesses are boarding up residents are stocking up on sandbags to protect their properties idalia is threatening Millions 11 months after

Hurricane Ian devastated the Gulf Coast causing over 110 billion dollars in Damages many here are still rebuilding from that nightmare my concern right now is will my home stand withstand the storm search and rescue teams from other States including New Jersey are already on their way South we’re trained we’re

Prepared we’re ready to go at a moment’s notice local officials are preparing for widespread power outages and water rescues while encouraging residents to get out and move to Higher Ground before it’s too late the one consistent response from everyone who made the decision to stay is that I will never do

That again so understand that mother nature wins every time President Joe Biden spoke with Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis a potential 2024 presidential opponent approving federal emergency disaster funds for the state very few people can survive being in the path of major storm surge and this storm will be

Deadly if we don’t get out of Harm’s Way and take it seriously after making landfall in Florida a weekend idalia is forecast to move east of Georgia now also under a state of emergency and then on to the Carolinas before heading out to see early Friday Jennifer Johnson Global News Washington

In the Atlantic hurricane Franklin is barreling towards Canada’s East Coast the entire province of Nova Scotia is now under a rainfall warning as much as 80 millimeters of rain could fall overnight and tomorrow the intense storm could kick up dangerous Surf and rip currents in Hay River Northwest Territory is a

Dangerous Wildfire still looms over the town there have been some harrowing escapes such as Kathy mcbrien an essential worker who had stayed back to help the fire came barreling towards me this way and uh we just got out basically ran for our lives that’s how the only way I

Can only way I can describe it Thick Smoke is hampering firefighting efforts from the sky temperatures are near 30 degrees a heat warning is in effect it’s hotter there than in Vancouver and there are fears hundreds of wildfires could explode Heather York’s West on the situation in the Northwest Territories

In the evacuated city of Yellowknife empty streets have brought a new safety concern as displaced Wildlife take refuge in the capital displaced residents some temporarily living in Calgary wonder when they too can return how much longer are you prepared to stay away from your home much longer you know

This is not Yellow Knife you know it’s a big place it’s nice to shop and everything and uh but you just to get lost officials say the fire that once seemed certain to reach Yellowknife is now mercifully being held but it will not be easy to bring more than twenty thousand

Residents back home it was a Monumental task to get everyone out and it’s going to require a thoughtful and staged approach to bring everyone back the government says it’s planning for essential staff to be able to return to the community the risk to the city reduced but not completely gone these

Fires are not likely to spread beyond their existing boundaries as long as conditions on the ground do not change we came down this way a sudden shift in the wind was all it took last Friday to nearly take Kathy mcbrien’s Hay River Property out beachfront facing great Slave Lake the essential worker believed

The water would keep them safe but when the wind said the Flames racing towards them they could only run for their lives I really honestly my husband and I believed in a heart and soul we lost everything I just I couldn’t understand how our property and our homes could

Survive what was coming it was it was terrifying the Via reached their driveway but because of firefighters their home was ultimately saved and Tuesday a shift in the wind sent the fire back burning on itself a chance to recover and regroup with more scorching temperatures to come Heather York’s West Global News Calgary

All the wildfires in the extreme weather have focused attention on climate change but some people feel the need to go to dramatic lengths to make their point at the National Gallery in Ottawa today a man smeared paint on a Tom Thompson painting Thompson was a legendary artist who loved the Wilderness and defacing

One of his Works has left a lot of people puzzled Mackenzie gray reports to make you hold into the Winds of fossil fuel industry it’s the latest act in a trend of Eco vandalism this time in ottawa’s National Gallery a 108 year old Tom Thompson piece splattered with paint fossil fuel Industries

The culprit Caleb sudfeld of Langley BC his group on to Ottawa informed Global News minutes before the incident that he was protesting a lack of a national Wildfire fighting service if I was unveiling on the sidewalk you wouldn’t care you wouldn’t be filming me so that’s why we do this and that’s why

We’re going to continue to do this tactics that have drawn condemnation from artists I understand the passion that people have especially as half the country seems to be on fire at the moment but it’s uh it’s not the way to go about it from the Fall colors in Algonquin came somber allergies like

Northern River purchased by the National Gallery in 1915 for 500 Northern River is an iconic landscape completed just two years before Thompson’s death Tom Thompson and the Group of Seven did so many beautiful paintings that are really sort of pro-environmental people see the beauty of of the natural pristine landscape

Ottawa Police arresting sudfeld on mischief charges it’s worth it to wake the public to continue to continue to shed light on this problem on to Ottawa has used this Playbook before throwing paint on the prime minister’s office earlier this summer and on the Toronto sign in Nathan Phillips Square part of a worldwide

Trend from climate protesters who’ve thrown soup on a famous Van Gogh cake at the Mona Lisa I know how hard it is all the museum people who care desperately for these collections to have something like this happen on their watch as for the painting The National Gallery says protective glass in front

Of it saved it from any harm and after a quick cleanup Donna it’ll be back on display soon okay Mackenzie gray outside the National Gallery thanks a first nation in Saskatchewan says ground penetrating radar has identified 93 potential unmarked Graves at the site of a former residential school English River started

Searching the site of the former boval Indian residential school in August of 2021 it now says it has found 79 suspected children’s grave sites and 14 potential infant grave sites we were not sure what to expect and what we would find but we did know the stories that were shared

Over Generations about the treatment of these students and those students who never returned home and from those stories we had an idea of where to look the First Nation says it needs to further investigate the site and says it will keep searching Ontario Premier Doug Ford is considering

Returning land to the green belt after some owners quietly put it up for sale the premier’s office says the owners listed two properties for sale in Ajax despite agreeing to use the land to build new homes they claim they don’t have the development experience to meet the province’s housing objectives Ford

Says the government is looking at all options nearly 3 000 hectares have been removed from the green belt for development the province’s auditor general determined the government deal was heavily influenced by developers who stand to make billions a plan to reduce pollution from vehicles in London England has expanded an extra

5 million londoners will now be subject to a levy to drive in the British Capital if their cars don’t need emission standards the city isn’t the first to do this but is Redmond Shannon reports some Canadian Mayors are watching closely as they look to curb emissions here too

A toxic atmosphere Over clean air a rally against London mayor City Khan’s rollout of the ultra low emission zone or Euless it’s a daily fee of 12 pounds 50 or 21 Canadian for older more polluting Vehicles affecting about 10 percent of drivers I have a very good car runs super well it’s 2012

And from today I have to pay 12.50 you was first introduced for Central London in 2019 it then expanded two years ago to cover four million residents adding the remaining 5 million on Tuesday this final expansion is the most controversial because it brings in London’s outer suburbs where residents

Are far more likely to be reliant on cars I feel sorry for people a strapped for cash it seems a bit unfair to them but on the other hand I can see the need for clean air in the city for can it’s about public health more than climate

Targets air pollution leads to A Whole Health of health issues from asthma to cancer from dementia to heart disease disagree with what the the mayor is doing I think people and families are struggling with the cost of living similar systems operate in other European cities in Canada Montreal’s

Mayor is looking to make some downtown areas traffic free or zero emissions but Valerie plant says following London’s lead isn’t currently possible as we’re pushing for measures for example like the one in London we’re also pushing for more public transport options it is absolutely crucial if we want to do this the switch

There may be another Euless effect outside of London too some of Khan’s colleagues in the opposition labor party fear Euless could repel the all-important suburban swing voters come the next British general election Redmond Shannon Global News London housing crisis on Canadian campuses coming up by some people say the influx

Of international students is making it worse never before has Canada had so many International students enrolling at universities here nine hundred thousand are expected this year they pay much higher tuition than domestic students sometimes as much as nine times more and universities depend on that cash it amounted to nine billion dollars last

Year but that rise has not been matched by an increase in housing and now one knows that better than students trying to find a place to live David Akin reports my name is Jason Leeton D’Souza for this international student from India I feel it’s very difficult at this point to

Find a house in a very short span of time in terms of housing or these students from Canada my brother wanted to go this year couldn’t get into residence had to defer so I think there’s absolutely issues for sure there’s no avoiding the housing crisis to fix it some think Canada should

Reduce the number of international students it accepts every year and while Canada’s colleges and universities increasingly rely on the high tuition fees those students pay in order to replace declining Public Funding they reject the idea of focusing exclusively on International students I think it’s a little unfair I think it’s very unfair

To to suggest that it’s the international students is is the cause of the issue cause of the issue is a lot of other things including you know High inflation rates low Supply the opposition conservatives say foreign student visas should be tied to available housing we will fix what Trudeau broke and the international

Student program to ensure that when students arrive they have homes jobs health care business school Professor Mike Moffett briefed prime minister Justin Trudeau and his ministers at the recent cabinet Retreat and moffatt says the Trudeau government could help build more student housing today by resurrecting a Harper era 2009 program

There was a funding model where basically the federal government put some money in a pot the provinces match the higher the college or university put in some money there’s no reason they couldn’t do something like that again and in fact many universities say that 15-year-old Stephen Harper era program

That would be a great solution that they have approved shovel ready projects to build more student housing they just need a little Federal cash Donna okay David Aiken in Ottawa thanks still had what doctors in Australia discovered and removed from a woman’s brain meta the parent company of Facebook and

Instagram says it has disrupted a campaign to covertly boost China’s image on its platforms meta says it removed over 7 000 Facebook accounts and hundreds of other Pages groups and Instagram accounts that pushed pro-china narratives online it says the accounts praised China and its policies criticized the U.S and Western foreign

Policy and individuals including journalists Mata calls it the most prolific covert influence operation known to exist in the world today but says it was largely unsuccessful there’s a strange story out of Australia a worm living inside a woman’s brain was removed in a world’s first the parasitic

Worm was eight centimeters long it was causing the 64 year old health issues from stomach pain to night sweats and forgetfulness even depression it was discovered when she had an MRI doctors say it was likely there for two months and the worm was still alive when it was sent away for testing

Out of luck next why Ontario is Banning athletes and celebrities from online gambling ads Ontario plans to ban athletes and celebrities from online gambling ads you see them everywhere now and as Mike Armstrong explains the province says having famous people on the front benches for betting companies may be

Having an effect on children and problem gamblers with every tap the legend is born it may be one aspect of internet gambling experts didn’t see comic basically as soon as betting online was legalized from the great one game time occasionally great actors advertising floodgates blew wide open

I got nothing for you I grew up as a kid watching Hockey Night in Canada and had become gambling Night in Canada and it’s not just you know singling out hockey in Canada it seems to be in all sports download the app now well Ontario’s gaming commission is stepping

In as of February 24th of next year just about anyone with a public profile won’t be allowed in commercials for eye gaming companies registered in the province that’s 46 companies and their subsidiaries that won’t be able to use entertainers social media influencers or athletes active or retired

Trying to practice your way you need it well we’re very pleased this addiction and gambling expert says seeing celebrities pushing online betting is dangerous for children particularly boys the ban is something the group had argued for when the commission studied the issue this spring calls to its gambling helpline have exploded with

People needing help with online betting it went from being around 10 15 of the total number of calls to now the number one reason people call the helpline what they’ve prohibited starting next February it’s really broad now this lawyer predicts Court challenges some companies or athletes could argue the

Ban limits freedom of expression there may also be legal wrangling for athletes like Austin Matthews who have deals and may want to keep them there may also be litigation between athletes and celebrities in the company saying well I’m still owing my money it’s not my fault which will be fascinating to watch

And I will be watching something had to be done in my opinion and I think this is the first step and I think it’s a good step game there is one sort of gambling ad the commission will still allow athletes to do that’s that way bud it says they

Can promote reasonable betting and help for addiction like Armstrong Global News and that is global national for this Tuesday I’m Donna freeze and tonight’s Euro Canada is bayfin in Killarney Provincial Park Ontario thanks for watching bye-bye

Authorities in Ontario have laid 12 new charges against 57-year-old Kenneth Law, who’s already accused of counselling or aiding suicide by mailing lethal products to people at risk of self-harm. Eric Sorensen reports on the complex international investigation and the message from police.

Millions of people along Florida’s Gulf Coast are bracing for Hurricane Idalia. Jennifer Johnson explains how people are preparing, the regret from residents who stayed behind during previous storms and where the storm is expected to head after it hits Florida.

As Northwest Territories evacuees remain on edge over the territory’s wildfires, essential workers are now being allowed back home. Heather Yourex-West explains what’s behind the staggered approach for residents to return.

A climate protester has been charged after vandalizing one of legendary Canadian artist Tom Thomson’s paintings in the National Gallery of Canada. Mackenzie Gray explains the motive, the criticism from artists and the recent history of similar stunts around the world.

London’s “low emission zone,” aimed at reducing air pollution, has expanded to include the entire city. Redmond Shannon explains what this means for drivers of high emission vehicles, why the rules are so controversial, the reaction from one Canadian city and how the move is more focused on health than climate change.

Canada is seeing a record number of international post-secondary students. Their tuition is like gold for universities and colleges, so how is the influx contributing to the housing crisis on campuses? David Akin explains the debate on whether there should be cap on international students, the idea that this group can actually help solve the problem and the suggestion that the federal government could resurrect a program first introduced by former prime minister Stephen Harper’s government in 2009.

Plus, Ontario will ban professional athletes and celebrities from appearing in ads for online gambling as of February 28, 2024. Mike Armstrong explains what’s behind the province’s decision, the reaction and the questions about potential exceptions.

For more info, please go to

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  1. Where choice and opportunity for a Peaceable Passing is denied, it takes a hero to step up. Submit yourself to a qualified dominatrix for measured AGONY, 24 hours a day for one whole week, if you struggle to understand the need. How dare anyone insist someone doesn’t have a right to pursue freedom from daily painful torture.

  2. Finding graves at resident schools does not mean that they were mistreated or killed. It means that children die by natural causes and disease, just likes what happens every day.

  3. Before persons are admitted to public office, whether elected or employed at any level, they should be placed under oath and required to swear to their response: Is your ulterior motive in becoming a public servant to place a halt on the use of the land resource? That was not promised to Canadians? That will cause home prices to skyrocket and shunt the lifetime earnings of citizens exacted through rent directly into the pockets of the chosen few? Leaving them unjustly enriched and residents impoverished and homeless?

  4. dudes, seriously……the news says it's going to be a ONCE IN A LIFETIME storm for EVERY storm. I guess the once in a hundred years desn't cut it anymore. SO far, NONE of the storms have been anything like a once in a hundred years, nover mind once in a lifetime.

  5. the lad should have to pay for the painting….forever. Maybe the whole group should pay. I can't believe that the National Gallery isn't smart enough to protect those paintings under unbreakable plastic…..this has been happening EVERYWHERE. Ths is why paintings etc are so rare…..vandalism.

  6. in London, they're mostly affecting delivery vans and poorer ppl. Sadiq Khan is winning plank of the week over this regularily…..Khan has torn up many roads to make bike lanes.

  7. International students are fewer than immigrants…..9.7 million have arrived since 1997, according to Canadian stats. They should have been working on this for the last 25 yrs, not waiting til the lower third of Canadians can't afford a place to live….and not just schools. Everyone wants more money from the Feds…

  8. True! International students are totally affected with this Home renting. etc.. they cant sleep on the street. Renting is more expensive than the food! Others are greedy.

  9. The streets will flood in all the places you'll love hurricanes an thunders will Strom
    Earth quakes will shake who place
    That's named no super hero can come an save
    Touch a hair on my head you'll invoke saint death
    Drain me and you'll drain a place you'll soon face
    Race wars will start
    You didn't stop so let's see how far this will core into a war
    For every time you damage me or trick me
    A savage thing will happen like a wicked thing that's staven the streets will run wild the cops and will be busy
    The crime will soon rise
    The masons will be dis organized
    Saints will fight saints
    The devil's Blood will go paint
    Relegions have came together
    The follows have not stop
    So you cuased what you cuased whats yours is now mines and what you took from me is no back I'm collecting and I'm stacked
    The contracts you consented
    Can not be all bended
    Amen amen amen


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