Global National: Aug. 26, 2023 | Wall of flames inch closer to Hay River community in NWT


On this Saturday night the terrifying wall of flames it’s situation critical in the Northwest Territories as Raging wildfires close in on Hay River it’s not too far from town it’s really hard to process all that’s going on the tents agonizing weight for thousands of evacuees ordered and airlifted out

Also tonight counting the losses in BC the last few days have been a very difficult and traumatic times for for our community the battle ahead re-entry and Recovery we’re not letting our guard down house by house Street by Street plus the choking smoke blanketing swaths of Canada

FIFA Firestorm the red card over that controversial World Cup kiss remembering The Man Behind one of the world’s most memorable catchphrases here is the star the prize is right global national with para Nasser good evening to you thanks for joining us we begin tonight with the wall of

Flames that’s inching closer and closer to the community of Hay River in the Northwest Territories with a dangerous mix of extremely high temperatures and strong winds have created what’s called a blow-up event forcing firefighters to retreat and prompting the evacuation of all non-essential workers this satellite image of the area shows

How close the fire is only one kilometer from the community approximately officials say the blaze likely Burns structures to the west but so far it has spared the town itself now with some cooler temperatures today officials say the next 48 hours are critical in the effort to reduce the threat our Karen

Lieberman has our top story tonight fire is getting well it’s not too far from town it’s before the sun came up Ian Myers of Hay River set out to capture images of a fire creeping uncomfortably close oh brother his entire community of 4 000 has been ordered to leave even essential workers

Anyone who remains is doing so at their own risk the government said in an alert there will be no emergency services or response available these evacuees along with Canadian Forces members and their pets flew to Edmonton International Airport Friday former Hay River MLA Jane grunawagan is waiting for her husband

Who was on the flight it’s really surreal actually and it’s really hard to process all that’s going on but you know so far so good I haven’t heard of any loss of or injury to people as a result of this former firefighter Hans wiedeman stayed behind to help this video he

Filmed shows the fire burning across the West Channel Dock and as of Saturday it’s one kilometer west of the hay River airport and 1.5 kilometers west of town center the fire did grow significantly yesterday and our team is going to be doing everything thing possible in Edmonton the Prime Minister joined Northwest

Territories Premier Cochrane who this week said she’s been asking Ottawa for more infrastructure commitments for decades we are in a disaster that we’ve never seen before fighting over 250 fires in the Northwest Territories Trudeau pointed to the ways the federal government has been there to help now with Resources with Canadian Armed

Forces with supports as people are going through tremendously difficult times tough times for neighboring communities too Rosie bjornsson is in Fort resolution east of Hay River which is under extreme fire danger it’s just devastating and we don’t and a lot of my friends on the long side of the highway

To Hay River you know they had homes there and they lost their homes for the moment fire officials say they’re experiencing the best of a bad situation so far it’s much better day than yesterday but still none of the woods yet crews are preparing for more challenging weather conditions Sunday Karen Lieberman Global

News those wildfires are among hundreds that are raging across western Canada and even if you weren’t close to an active fire zone chances are you’re still feeling the effects because smoke is blanketing wide swaths of this country it’s particularly bad in the west an air quality advisory is back in effect for

Vancouver and it’s expected to remain for a few days NBC more Central okanagana evacuees are getting back to their neighborhoods as evacuation orders lift and firefighters gain the upper hand there were more than ten thousand homes under evacuation orders there last week and now that

Number is down to around 3 400. in West Kelowna bearing the brunt of the large McDougall Creek Fire 900 people were able to return home Friday but with news of some neighborhoods being decimated uncertainty remains for many evacuees who are still in limbo is in Lake Country BC and what’s the

Situation like there camel for here in the municipality of Lake Country just north of Kelowna the evacuation order for the remaining 400 or so homes is being lifted this afternoon as more and more people get to return home so do dozens of firefighters to get some rest and while the Wildfire Fight Continues

In West Kelowna there are continued signs of progress I think we are all starting to breathe a bit of a collective sigh although very cautiously we’re nine days in that’s it and look where we are uh we have faced a wildfire of historical proportions our community in many cases has been

Devastated but just nine days in we’re well into re-entry and Recovery last week three wildfires forced people from their homes near Kelowna two of them are now considered held but there’s still the massive McDougall Creek wildfire that remains out of control three thousand homes in West Kelowna and the

Surrounding areas are still under an evacuation order as fire Crews battled that Blaze a couple of hours drive to the north the damage from the shoe swap fires is still being tallied while residents wait to return home but officials say at least 130 structures have been destroyed now

Although things are starting to return to normal here the community is working to rebuild questions about insurance paying for damages and farmers who have had their crops and annual Harvest severely impacted primarily in just having neglect that you can’t go out there you know you’re trying to keep things watered the best

You can but you just can’t be physically out you’re definitely having a detriment to the fruit when it’s basically soaked in Smoke there is some concern with the hot temperatures that the dry conditions will make the firefight even more difficult for crews in West Kelowna so far the number of structures destroyed

Sits at around 180 here although with Crews continuing their assessment that number is set to rise significantly in the next couple of days pharah karmali and Lake Country BC thanks Carmel as our climate changes natural disasters are upending more and more lives mental health experts say the emotional tool is

Immeasurable Global News Health reporter Catherine Ward explains more about the cycle of struggle when a natural disaster hits You alternate between wanting to know what is happening and wanting to just tune out a lot of the the news it’s a complex and emotionally taxing roller coaster the threat is real I saw it for myself and for others waiting to see if they will be next it’s heightened

And then it’s withdrawn you feel relief when a fire stops moving towards you but you know that often it’s because it’s moving somewhere else this clinical psychologist who researched the effects of disaster says they can have long lasting implications they might have flashbacks they’re highly anxious and agitated which surface in different ways

People might not just report post-traumatic stress disorder but they might have other mental health disorders start to develop so for example depression anxiety substance abuse not everyone will experience stress in the same manner who was reporting those mental health uh concerns changed over time it wasn’t

Just the same people so for some people they were finding that they were very much impacted in the the months or years following disastrous striking in the wake of the pandemic have a compounding effect we like to think that we would see this nice trajectory of people just starting to recover but unfortunately

It’s being disruptive by these new events which are happening for them experts see addressing mental health challenges must be part of the response it is important to work with the communities the churches the mosque and and also to provide culturally adapted care it’s my hope that between things

Like Crisis lines or care to speak that people are able to take advantage of getting emotional support after what are some really difficult professional and personal days right now Catherine Ward Global News Toronto and while local governments ask Ottawa for help fighting climate disasters Federal cabinet ministers are being

Asked to find savings new treasury board president Anita Anand has signaled October 2nd as the date for her colleagues to find 15 billion dollars from the federal government’s coffers our McKenzie gray surveys how the mandates being received and where the cuts can come from after years of record spending the

Liberals are trying to tighten their economic belt what we are committed to is doing the things Canadians need us to do and maintaining that responsible fiscal Foundation cabinet ministers have been put on notice that cuts are needed to meet a budget promise of slashing roughly 15 billion in spending over five

Years Finance Minister Christian Freeland we also understand yeah I’m just convincing you we also understand deputizing new treasury board president Anita Anand to find the cash we are really refocusing our spending from pandemic type spending to the broader economic priorities of our country but the financial refocus isn’t likely to

Make a dent in the economic direction of the feds this year’s budget costs 497 billion the savings Anand is looking for only accounts for 0.6 percent of federal expenses the numbers are just not big enough to uh to change the deficit if you really want to pursue Savings in

Government you have to deal with the programs but that’s not the Liberals approach ministers being told to cut from Consulting and travel budgets and promising no layoffs in the Public Service they’re very receptive to ensuring that we are managing the government’s finances which is ultimately taxpayer dollars prudently efficiently and effectively that

Reception lukewarm from some ministers if program cuts are required for me the red line is anything that affects the quality of life for First Nations people so that’s my commitment to First Nations people discussions between departments and ministers are still ongoing but treasury board has given an October 2nd

Deadline Farah to send in their final proposals Mackenzie gray and Ottawa thank you for that Mackenzie now Spain’s soccer Chief has been suspended coming up FIFA issues a red card over that controversial World Cup kiss I think this was uh this was quite frankly a maniac who decided he wanted to take lives

Chilling details from the sheriff of Jacksonville Florida after a racially motivated mass shooting at a dollar store the shooter killed three people two men one woman then turned the gun on himself oh he targeted a certain group of people and that’s black people that’s what he

That’s what he said he wanted to kill and um that’s very clear and uh I don’t know that the targets were specific but I know that any member of that of that race at that time was in danger police say the 20-year-old white male shooter used an assault rifle with a

Swastika on it his parents called the sheriff’s office after finding one of several racist manifestos he had written the government of Denmark is drafting legislation that will make it illegal to burn the Quran after a string of public desecrations of Islam’s holy book the events have sparked protests and

Diplomatic responses and many parts of the Muslim world and as Redmond Shannon reports both Denmark and neighboring Sweden are now trying to carefully balance freedom of expression and Public Safety mobs attacking a church in Pakistan after accusations two Christians desecrated a copy of the Quran blasphemy can be punishable by death in Pakistan

But in many Western countries including Canada there is no such criminal offense last month in Stockholm a man stepped on and kicked the Quran it is one of a series of such events in both Sweden and Denmark this year on some occasions far-right activists burned Islam’s holy book opposite masks

Or the embassies of Muslim majority Nations protests followed in the Middle East Iraq expelled the Swedish Ambassador and a member of staff was shot and injured at a Swedish Consulate in Turkey Sweden’s prime minister Ulf christerson raised the country’s Terror threat to its second highest level the Canadian government is telling travelers to

Exercise a high degree of caution in Sweden due to the threat of terrorism christerson is asking swedes to think before they use their right to free speech it’s more about finding a way to address the security concerns that have Arisen rather than to to perhaps protect uh religious beliefs

Similar tensions have led to violence in Europe in the past most notably in the deadly Charlie had to attacks in Paris eight years ago christerson has spoken with his Danish counterpart about Solutions and has hinted at a tweak to Sweden’s public order act one that might thread the needle of upholding freedom of

Expression while ensuring Public Safety Redmond Shannon Global News London remembering another animal activist and Legendary game show host Bob Barker stay with us if you’re one of the many who tuned in to watch The Price is Right you know Bob Barker was everything but sadly the legendary and longtime host of the game

Show has died Barker’s publicist says he passed away at his home in Los Angeles at the age of 99. he was a household name for more than 50 years winning 19 Emmy Awards and was also known for his work as an animal rights activist and he leaves behind quite the Legacy

When you think of the term game show host his is the face that pops in most Minds gracing the TV screen for more than five decades Bob Barker hosted the longest running game show ever and the highest rated but before that humble beginnings Barker who was part native American grew up on

A reservation in South Dakota part of the Sioux Tribe he attended college on a basketball scholarship was a World War II fighter pilot who never saw combat his broadcast career started in radio then he was host of the then iconic Truth or Consequences game show but he’s

Best known for what came after the thing I hear is Bob come on down I hear it every place they go Barker hosted The Price is Right for 35 years and along the way made news in 1987 for renouncing hair dye going gray he had to ask the

Head at the studio for permission in 1996 Barker gained a whole new audience when he appeared in the Adam Sandler comedy Happy Gilmore you know Nick Faldo and I won this thing last year and I’d like to win it again this year though that left audiences howling his life was

Not always filled with game show fun his wife of 36 years died of cancer in 1981 and long before the metoo movement the prices is right had a reputation models often called Bob’s Beauties complained of mistreatment in 1994 Barker was sued for sexual harassment and in 1995 he was

Sued again after a model claimed she was fired for gaining weight the scandals hurt Barker’s Family Values image but the show continued ending with Bob’s now Immortal catchphrase help control the pet population and your pet spayed or neutered an animal rights activist he walked the talk Barker a vegetarian quit

Hosting the Miss USA pageant after 22 years because organizers refused to stop handing out fur coats as prizes he spent a million dollars getting three elephants moved from the Toronto Zoo to a California reserve and five million dollars on a ship named after him to stop Japanese ships killing whales off

Antarctica we’ll be animal rights activists of the day we die long after signing off from television that’s how Barker hoped to be remembered the most and that’s global national for this Saturday night I’m Farah Nasser thanks so much for spending part of your evening with us tonight sewer Canada is

Moncton New Brunswick until tomorrow take care of yourselves and take care of each other good night foreign

In tonight’s top story: A wall of flames is inching closer to the community of Hay River in the Northwest Territories. Extremely high temperatures and strong winds created a “blow-up event,” forcing firefighters to retreat and prompting the evacuation of all non-essential workers. Caryn Lieberman reports.

On British Columbia’s wildfire frontline, more evacuees are returning home to the Central Okanagan region, as firefighters gain ground against the McDougall Creek wildfire. After more than 10,000 homes were put on evacuation orders last week, officials say the number is now down to around 3,400. Kamil Karamali has the details.

New Treasury Board president Anita Anand previously signalled that Oct. 2 is the date for cabinet ministers to find $15.4 billion in federal government spending cuts. Following this week’s cabinet retreat in Charlottetown, Mackenzie Gray surveys how the mandate is being received, and where the cuts could come from.

Also, Sweden recently raised its terror-threat status to its second highest level, following a recent spate of public desecrations of the Quran in that country and neighbouring Denmark. Sparking protests and diplomatic responses in many parts of the Muslim world, both Nordic nations are now trying to carefully balance freedom of expression and public safety. Redmond Shannon reports.

Plus, publicist Roger Neal says popular game show host Bob Barker — a household name for a half-century as host of ‘Truth or Consequences’ and ‘The Price Is Right’ — died at his home in Los Angeles at the age of 99 on Saturday morning.

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  1. Canada has 895,000,000 acres of forest, lacking perspective, none of which may be spared for housing. There are some who are self-serving, ignoring the greater good of citizens that passionately resent the use of land that was not promised to this nation and whose ulterior motive in seeking public office is to curb this practice. The larger the amount of land that is required, the more that it is placed beyond reach by declaring it “protected” in order to prevent expansion commensurate with the needs of a growing population. Forested land may not be disturbed no matter how much of a fire hazard it presents to neighbouring habitations.

    A town should not embrace pine, spruce and fir trees to an extent that they form a grove adjoining forest. When coniferous trees, aka turpentine bombs, are permitted to establish themselves within a town nature takes its usual course and consumes them with fire. Aspen, birch, alder and cottonwood take the place of pine on soil cleansed by fire and fertilized with ashes. Mature trees should not be left standing and should all be cleared out and replaced with saplings when land is developed and homes are built. New buildings. New lives. Growing older together.

    The detrimental effect of placing a halt on the use of land includes homes consumed by fire, home prices skyrocketing beyond reach, rents that exceed incomes, a growing financial gulf between property owners and the remainder measured in millions, desperation and homelessness.

  2. You cut the Spanish FIFA man kissing the soccer player woman on the LIPS! People will think he got suspended for kissing on the cheek… and his embrace was too much.
    Global National… too conservative. Shame, don't offend the old viewers.

  3. what about the fires they are not even fighting seriously our daughter and her husband , and many more people in Kitmmat village have a fire just over the hill and the so called experts say there is more important fires to fight

  4. Damn it's a shame we don't have our big water bombers anymore would have been put long ago,funny! They said it cost to much, huh wonder what "its" cost us now, imo, waaaay! more!!

  5. I think we can all agree that whatever funds are needed help these communities recover – they should be redirected to Ukraine, and also to buy more vaccines from Pfizer (which you will take, or else you lose your job)

  6. Climate changed caused disasters. Not disasters causing climate change. Got it. Gotta laught at that smog map covering 50% of US and Canada and all from Canada forest fires. Fossils are responsible for that… Some fires this year begun in early spring. Now we have fires in every province. Maybe cutting forester inspectors and firefighter services was a bad move. If you have no budged for that then maybe stop sending money out. 10 years not renewing forester equipment is the biggest climate change! I bet more carbon gases got released this year than any previous years (if not combined). This carbon taxes is so backwards. In Manitoba please lower price on gas -> reduce price on food. Alberta got cheaper gas. Ontario got cheaper both. What do we have in Manitoba (Besides poverty)? 6 years of frozen wages for healthcare workers and some 50% unfilled healthcare jobs. Why do unions have to fight to increase salaries for public workers. Teachers. MPI. Maybe all these events are linked by a lack of spending budget dollars locally on basic infrastructure! Just a thought.

  7. Is it really happening…. Is it the beginning of global immigration and global displacement cost by global warming?and who to blame? Blame collectively greed of the

    oil corporations( destroying eco system, blocking of developing cleaner energy sources such as the sun , wind and water base natural energy supply),

    car companies(doing everything top stopping involving cars to using green energy instead of gas)

    irresponsibly manufacturing (toxic pollution, not recycling,)

    agricultural corporations (replacing forest by farmland..)

    And now future generations are gonna be paying the price


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