India moon landing: People across the nation celebrate historic moment


Thank you Today we have landed on the South Pole our India is the hottest country which is landed without any other Um [Applause] India has reached the South Pole of the Moon where no country in the world could reach to date with the dedication and talent of its scientists this achievement not only marks India’s presence on the moon but also symbolizes the aspirations of 1.4 billion Indians beyond that it’s a historic moment for

Humanity as we venture into Uncharted Territory near the moon’s South Pole as India’s prime minister SRI Narendra Modi has emphasized the success belongs to all of us and holds promise for future scientific achievements that will benefit Humanity as a whole India’s successful moon mission is not India’s

Alone this is a year in which the world is witnessing India’s G20 presidency our approach of one Earth one family one future is resonating across the globe this human-centric approach that we represent has been welcomed universally our moon mission is also based on the same human-centric approach therefore

This success belongs to all of humanity

People across India celebrated on Wednesday after an Indian spacecraft became the first to land on the rugged, unexplored south pole of the moon in a mission seen as crucial to lunar exploration.

Footage from different cities showed people dancing, waving Indian flags, setting off firecrackers and playing drums following the breakthrough mission.

It was India’s second attempt to land a spacecraft on the moon and comes less than a week after Russia’s Luna-25 mission failed.

People across the country were glued to television screens and said prayers as the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft approached the surface.

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    Basic education
    Poor Sanitation facilities
    Safety of Women
    Poor Infrastructure
    High unemployment

    Let's go to the moon

  2. Warmest congratulations to Indians and especially scientists well deserved on their great historical achievement… I wish you even more success in the future. Love respect from Pakistan ?? ??

  3. Hahahaha… NO ONE has ever landed on the Moon and no one will, ever. This is another lie by the mainstream media. Moon is a two dimensional object. No landing is possible.

  4. I'm in india right now, I see thousands of homeless extremely poor people sleeping on roads, streets, getting run over by vehicles, physically abused and beaten by middle class men and police and yet indian government, society all are so ignorant about the real issues. Shame on india


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