Why activists say one of Canada’s most historic LGBTQ spaces is at risk


There’s really history on every grain of sand on this beach hanlon’s Point Beach on the western shore of the Toronto islands has been a space inhabited by the lgbtq plus Community for decades this is actually Canada’s most historic queer space queer people have been coming and taking up space here for

Nearly a century through times when it was illegal to be a queer person when you couldn’t be openly trans so the fact that this space existed and then persisted for as long as it has is really something special it’s here that Canada’s first Pride Celebration was held in 1971. We Were Young radicals

Young utopians when we went to Parliament Hill and we came here and we publicized the fact that we were having a gay pride picnic that was a doctor bravery it was an act of Courage organizers say it’s not just about coming out and celebrating a historically queer spot but actually

Taking up space is a form of resistance there have been some recent issues of homophobia transphobia and bigotry and harassment towards the queer community in this most historic space so what we want to do is make sure that people feel comfortable to come back take up space

Here and clean in this space of their own but it’s not just harassment that’s putting the space at risk well it’s eroded physically right the uh the beach used to continue much farther now they’ve put in new sand but the erosion meant that the clothing optional area and kind of the

Queer area kept getting smaller and smaller last year the city created a new section of beach just south of the older section but the advocacy group friends of hanlands wants to make sure the original part of the beach is maintained for the future hasn’t been a top

Priority for really anyone for a long time so making sure that there actually still is a beach that people can come and visit especially when it means so much to them is important the city officially recognized Hamlin’s as a historically significant space for the queer Community earlier this year Tyler

Cheese CBC News Toronto

Hanlan’s Point Beach on the Toronto Islands is one of Canada’s most historic LGBTQ spaces and has long been a safe space for the LGBTQ community. But advocates say it’s at risk due to factors including harassment and erosion of the beach itself. CBC’s Tyler Cheese met with a group of activists working to preserve the historic space.

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  1. The first 30 seconds from that lady said in the CBC video who were Leftist LGBTQ radicals, utopians back in 1971 speaks volumes about how Canada has always been a Socialist leaning country in most things and this is the reason why today that Canada as a White European Country is sadly dying. Most of the LGBTQ Community especially in the City of Toronto are Anti-White and that's unacceptable.

  2. At no time in this video does it say their space is at risk. Just more alphabet mafia rhetoric with a fear mongering catch phrase for a title. They’re just trying to be more relevant then they truly are. People don’t hate their cause, they just hate being continuously force fed they’re beliefs. Nobody cares!

  3. Romans 1
    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
    28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;


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