Japan to release 1 million tons of treated water from Fukushima power plant, despite protests


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Despite mixed reactions and calls not to do so, Japan will begin releasing more than a million tons of water from its Fukushima power plant on Thursday, insisting that it is safe to do so.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida made the announcement on Tuesday, revealing he had asked Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), the plant’s operator to swiftly prepare for the action.

The since-treated water was used to cool multiple nuclear reactors which were devastated by a tsunami in 2011, following an earthquake.

The announcement has triggered controversy and protests across not just Japan, but all over Asia. Though primarily fishermen, many businesses across the continent fear the water release will damage not only their well-being, but their businesses’ reputations.

Kishida says his government is ready to take measures to ensure the safety of people using the water, and furthermore, will support business that may suffer from reputational damage associated with the water release.

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  1. 1:29 That Japanese woman is accusing S.Korea and China without any facts. She is just throwing allegations stating " but they are releasing contaminated water at a high level " .
    She should show her face.

    While here we have proof that the Japanese Gov will be releasing million tons of radioactive water.

  2. Fun fact the water that runs throughout the coming systems of the reactor are little to ever irradiated while it gets low level admissions because it's a constant flow the water has near to no radiation in it at all and you could even swim in it you are just unable to swim down towards the reactor that be dumb

  3. Down the road, it will be proven that the water has ruined global lobsters, migrating fish and mammals and no matter how "Mad" the world gets and imposes huge fines on Japan, the fish are STILL radioactive and mutants….But you have to remember, Japan has NO PLACE ANYMORE TO STORE THE WATER….and don't forget, that water that is being realeased is to make room for MORE water, because no one said that they don't have to use water anymore, it's not like the radioactive material has cooled down and everything is just fine …. and another thing … right now, they are saying the concentrations of gamma rays is 2 parts per BILLION … but once the dust settles and people get used to the fact that water is being released … they will increase it to 30 PPM, then 200 PPM until they are just running sea water in through the North door, across the destoryed reacator and then right out the South door and back into the ocean …. they have no choice …. Look up how long the site is to remain radioactive, look up how much water per year is being used to keep it cool and THEN look up how much space Japan has to store it …..They always said, if we kill the oceans, we kill ourselves.

    I wonder how many people reading this have any idea where the North Pacific Currant flows. It comes UP across the coast of Japan, and THEN it moves horizontally across the Pacific ocean from WEST to EAST and when it hits the coast of CALIFORNIA, it turns and goes DOWN the West Coast of America ….. Good bye …if you find that impossible or just hard to believe, then look up how boats and trash and different articles have been found on the shores of America with Japanese writing on them …all they did was "go with the flow", the same way that radioactive water going to flow.

    About 1million tons of wreckage from devastating 2011 tsunami and earthquake still floating in Pacific and will make landfall on west coast over next three years

    California borders the Pacific Ocean, which makes up almost half of the world’s ocean area and is home to much of the planet’s biodiversity. Just offshore, the California Current is the feeding grounds for billions of fish, mammals and birds. These consistently cool waters help create our state’s mild, welcoming climate and support a thriving economy within the Golden State.

    On California’s central coast, the waters of Monterey Bay include a two-mile-deep submarine canyon, kelp forests and coastal estuaries. These productive ecosystems support abundant wildlife, from territorial sea otters to migratory whales.

    The Monterey Bay area is home to more than a dozen leading marine research institutions, including the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). The region is a global capital for ocean science and technology and Monterey Bay is among the most studied areas of the ocean. It’s also a natural setting for science-based policy solutions, thanks to a cluster of ocean conservation organizations and government agencies bordering a network of marine protected areas.

  4. This has got to be a good and bad thing,
    Good for Godzilla bad for the Japs, then we have the possibility of creating a new species of shark or giant octopus, even Mr Banner will back that up.

  5. I am Japanese and can tell people doing demonstration are not usual Japanese. It’s people connected to Chinese Communities party.

    They are everytime like these, just wants to blame Japanese government.

    It makes audience misunderstand.

    Don’t focus on those people please.


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