Wolfe Islander IV Test Run Delights Passengers, Fuels Optimism in Kingston

Surprise test run has passengers feeling optimistic about Wolfe Islander IV - Kingston

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The new Wolfe Islander IV did a run Tuesday afternoon taking on passengers for the first time. The ferry may soon come into full-time service, albeit a year after the Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s initial projection.
![Wolfe Islander IV](https://d21y75miwcfqoq.cloudfront.net/70c8fc80)

Saskia Brodeur and her family were on that unannounced first run and she says the new ferry is impressive.
“There’s air conditioning, there’s tons of places to walk, tons of places to sit down, there’s washrooms, there’s TVs, it’s a major upgrade,” said Brodeur.

While the test ride is a sign that the finish line is approaching, says Frontenac Islands Mayor Judy Greenwood Speers, an official launch date is yet to be announced by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.
“They don’t have the window identified yet, but each time they do one of these tests they’re taking back the data to find out what’s working well what they need to improve on, how they can fine-tune it,” said Greenwood Speers.

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That fine-tuning, according to the mayor, is critical in ensuring the MTO delivers the service island residents and visitors need.
“That ideally would give us a half-hour service, even a forty-minute service we used to have, but anything past an hour is a no-go as far as we’re concerned,” said Greenwood Speers.

The last word from the MTO was that the long-awaited ferry would go into service sometime this summer.

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